Biomes Test Study Guide

Biomes Test Study Guide


Biomes Test Study Guide

Directions: Write the answers for the following questions on a sheet of notebook paper.

1. Define the following key terms:

  • Biome- A group of land ecosystems with similar climates and organisms.
  • Canopy- A leafy roof formed by tall trees.
  • Understory- A layer of shorter plants that grow in the shade of a forest canopy.
  • Desert- An area that receives less than 10 inches (25 cm.) of precipitation per year.
  • Grassland- An area populated by grasses and other non-woody plants. Most grasslands get 10-30 inches of rain each year.
  • Savanna- A grassland close to the equator that receives as much as 120 cm. of rain per year.
  • Deciduous Tree- A tree that sheds its leaves and grows new ones each year.
  • Coniferous Tree- A tree that produces its seeds in cones and has needle-shaped leaves.
  • Tundra- An extremely cold, dry biome that receives less than 10 inches of rain per year.
  • Permafrost- Soil that is frozen all year.
  • Estuary- A habitat in which the fresh water of a river meets the salt water of the ocean.
  • Intertidal Zone- The area between the highest-high tide line and lowest low-tide line.
  • Neritic Zone- The region of shallow ocean water over the continental shelf.

2. What is a terrestrial biome?

A biomes found on land-these biomes are generally named after the

dominant vegetation.

3. What is an aquatic biome?

A biome found in water (either freshwater or marine)

4. What are the two types of aquatic ecosystems? Give examples of each of


Freshwater- ponds, lakes, rivers, streams & marshes-covers less than 1% of

Earth’s surface.

Marine-Any water with salt- includes estuaries, intertidal zone, neritic zone

& open ocean.

5. What is weather?

The current conditions in the atmosphere (short term)

6. What is climate?

The typical weather patterns in an area over a long period of time.

7. What are physical factors that influence climate?

  • Air currents-generated by Earth’s rotation and cause large regions to be: warm & dry, warm & wet, cold & dry or cold & wet.
  • Ocean currents-coastal areas tend to have steadier temperatures because of the heat retained in the water, moderate near shore climates
  • Longitude-determines the angle at which the sun’s rays hit the earth; changes the temperature (closer to the equator= warmer, farther away=colder)

8. What is a biome and how are they characterized?

A biome is a group of land ecosystems that are categorized by similar

climates and organisms.

9. Which biome is extremely cold and dry?

Tundra-coldest biome, receives less than 10 in. of rain per year.

10. Which biome has the most biodiversity and contains 2/3 of the world’s


Tropical Rain Forest

11. Which biome contains the most fertile soil?


12. Which biome do we live in?

Deciduous Forest (also known as Temperate Forest)

13. What is the difference between the freshwater biomes?

(Ex. streams & rivers vs. ponds & lakes)

Streams & rivers- water is colder, fast moving, and more difficult for

organisms to live in because they

14. Grasslands found in Africa are calledsavannas.

15. Which biome has four distinct seasons?

Deciduous (Temperate) Forest

16. Which biome can a lynx be found in?


17. Not many species live there because the conditions are too harsh. Plant life

in this biome are dominated by needle bearing evergreen coniferous trees.

Which biome is this?

Taiga (also known as the Northern Coniferous Forest or Boreal Forest)

18. A(n) estuaryis known as “nature’s nursery” because many

aquatic organisms use this area to breed.

19. Organisms in the intertidalzone must be adapted to being wet

and dry every day.

20. Photosynthesis does not take place in the deep zone of an ocean.

21. Which biome is found in the center of continents?


22. Which biome can be found on or near the equator?

Tropical Rain Forest

23. What adaptions do plants and animals in deserts make in order to survive

in the harsh climate?

Organisms must be adapted to the lack of rain, extreme temperatures

small amount of shade.

  • Camels can store large amounts of water in the fat in their humps (and save it to use later!) They have feet with a large surface area to allow them to walk on sand and long eye-lashes to stop sand blowing into their eyes.
  • Most reptiles will find some shade under a rock during the hottest part of the day.
  • When walking on hot sand a lizard will try to touch the ground with only a small area.
  • A cactus has a long tap root to reach water deep under the ground.It has a thick, fleshy stem to store water.It has needle-shaped leaves to prevent water loss through the stomata.The needles help to stop animals from eating it.

24. What animal AND plant life can be found in a deciduous forest?

Animals:Deer, squirrels, fox, black bears, frogs, snakes, brown bears,

Rabbits, skunks

Plants: Deciduous Trees (leaves fall off and new leaves grow each year)-

Oak, Maple, Beech

25. Which biome is the coldest?


26. List and label the three zones of a lake AND the zones of an ocean.

Zones of an ocean (Marine Ecosystem):

A: Neritic Zone-The region of shallow ocean that extends from the low

tide line to the continental shelf.

B: Open Ocean (divided into 2 zones)

C: Intertidal Zone- The area between the highest-high tide line and lowest

low-tide line.

D: Deep Zone- located below the surface zone, almost totally dark

E: Surface Zone- the area of open ocean, only a few hundred meters deep,

where light penetrates and photosynthesis occurs.

Zones of a Lake:


A: Littoral- the edge

B: Limnetic- to the depth in which light penetrates the water

C: Profundal- too deep for photosynthesis


Match the letter to the biome:Average Precipitation:

27.__F____Desert 33.less than _10___in.

28._C____Tundra34.less than _10___in.

29.__E____Boreal Forest (Tiaga)35.____30 ______in.

30.__G____Grasslands 36._10_ in. to _30_ in.

31.__B____Temperate Deciduous Forests37. _60_ in.

32.__D____Tropical Rainforest 38._80_ in. to _300+in.