Laura Shannon

Biomedical Sciences • Cornell University • T8 016D VRT • Ithaca NY 14853 • (608)333-5216




Cornell University, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ithaca, NY; Supervisor: Adam Boyko


9/07-1/13University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

PhD CANDIDATE, graduate program in Genetics; Supervisor: John F. Doebley Ph.D.; GPA: 3.762/4

Thesis: "The Genetic Architecture of Maize Domestication and Range Expansion"

8/03-5/07Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA

BACHELOR OF THE ARTS, Biology & Anthropology; GPA: 3.734/4

Honors Thesis in Anthropology: "This is what democracy looks like: Costa Rican women envision alternative modernities."

Honors Thesis in Biology: "Transcriptional regulation of anthocyanin synthesis underlies the petal spot polymorphism in Clarkia xantiana spp. xantiana(Onagracea)."

6/06-8/06University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

REU, Supervisor: John F. Doebley Ph.D.

6/05-8/05University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

REU, Supervisor: Tim Holtsford Ph.D.


Hufford MB,Xu X, van Heerwaarden J, Pyhajarvi T, Chia J, Cartwright RA, Elshire RJ, Glaubitz JC,Guill KE,Kaeppler SM, Lai J, Morrell PL,Shannon LM, Song C, Springer NM, Swanson-Wagner RA, Tiffin P, Wang J, Zhang G,Doebley JF, McMullen MD, Ware D, Buckler ES, Yang S, Ross-Ibarra J(2012) Comparative population genomics of maize domestication and improvement. Nature Genetics. 44(7): 808.

Hung H, Shannon LM, Tian F, Bradbury PJ, Chen C, Flint-Garcia SA, McMullen MD, Ware D, Buckler ES, Doebley JF, Holland JB (2012) ZmCCT and the genetic basis of daylength adaptation underlying the post-domestication spread of maize. PNAS. 109(28): E1913. - Hung, Tian and I are co-first authors on this paper.

Lin Z, Li X, Shannon LM,Yeh C, Wang ML, Bai G, Peng Z, Li J, Trick HN, Clemente TE, Doebley JF, Schnable PS, Tuinstra MR, Tesso TT, White F, YuJ (2012) Parallel domestication of SHATTERING1 genes in cereals. Nature Genetics. 44(6): 720.

Quijada P, Shannon LM, Glaubitz JC, Studer AJ,Doebley J(2009)Characterization of a major maize domestication QTL on the short arm of chromosome 1. Maydica54:401

Shannon K, Shannon L, Shannon P, Shannon T (2009) Social justice, childhood, and texts in four (almost) harmonious voices. From Contemplation to Action: Promoting Social Justice Through Children's Literature,eds. C. Rhodes, L. Wolf and J. Darvin.

Gonick M, Shannon L, Allison A (2005) A Room of Our Own: Girls Schools and Feminism. Feminist Teacher.


Lang Z, Shannon LM, Bukowski R, Wu Y, Messing J, Sun Q, Doebley J (2013) Defining the role of Prolamin-box binding factor-1 (pbf1) gene during maize domestication. Poster presentation at the Maize Genetics Conference, St. Charles, IL.

Wills DM, Whipple CJ, Takuno S, Kursel LE, Shannon LM, Ross-Ibarra J, Doebley JF (2013) From many, one: genetic control of prolificacy during maize domestication. Poster Presentation at Plant and Animal Genome, San Diego CA.

Shannon LM, Yandell BS,Glaubitz JC, Acharya CB, Elshire RJ, Mitchell SE, Bucker ES, Doebley JF (2012)Mapping domestication QTL in a BC2S3 population using GBS data. Poster presentation at the Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR.

Wills DM, Kursel LE, Shannon LM, Doebley JF (2012) Fine mapping of a QTL for prolificacy in maize. Poster presentation at the Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR.

Hung H, Shannon LM, Tian F, Bradbury PJ, Chen C, Flint-Garcia SA, McMullen MD, Ware D, Buckler ES, Doebley JF, Holland JB (2012) Genetic control of maize photoperiod response. Selected talk at the Maize Genetics Conference, Portland, OR.

Shannon LM, Doebley JF (2011) Pleiotropic effects of ZmGHD7 on flowering time and inflorescence structure in maize and teosinte. Poster presentation at the Maize Genetics Conference, St. Charles, IL.

Hufford MB, Xu X, van Heerwaarden J, Pyhajarvi T, Chia J, Cartwright RA, Elshire RJ, Glaubitz JC, Guill KE, Kaeppler SM, Lai J, Shannon LM, Song C, Springer NM, Swanson-Wagner RA, Tiffin P, Wang J, Zhang G, Doebley JF, McMullen MD, Buckler ES, Ware D, Yang S, Ross-Ibarra J (2011) Genome-wide effects of domestication and improvement in landraces and modern maize. Poster presentation at the Maize Genetics Conference, St. Charles, IL.

Shannon LM, Robertson-Hoyt L, Yandell BS, Doebley JF (2009) Combined QTL analysis of three maize-teosintebackcross populations. Poster presentation at the Maize Genetics Conference, St. Charles, IL.

Shannon L (2007) This is what democracy looks like: Costa Rican women envision alternative modernities. Society for Cross Cultural Research, San Antonio, TX

Shannon L (2004) A room of our own.Third Wave Feminist Conference,Beloit, WI

Gonick M, Shannon L, Allison A (2003) A room of our own: Girls, schools and feminism. National Council of Teachers of English, San Francisco, CA.

Mack P, Shannon K, Shannon L (2000) Spending time with Laura: Teaching primary students to use multimedia software in the third space. National Council of Teachers of English, Milwaukee, WI.


MENTOR - Summer and Fall 2012. Supervised research of an independent research undergraduate student.

MENTOR- Spring 2012. Supervised research of an independent research undergraduate student.

MENTOR- Spring 2010 and 2011. Supervised research and writing of three undergraduate students for their Zoology 152 class.

HOST- Spring 2010. Designed and organized short experiment and demonstration of lab research for visiting freshman undergraduates as part of the Ways of Knowing Biology Lab Exploration class.

MENTOR- Summer 2009. Supervised research and writing of an undergraduate student from the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay within an UW REU program.

TEACHING ASSISTANT- Fall 2008. Led two weekly discussion sections and wrote andgraded examinations for Genetics 466: General Genetics at UW.

TEACHING ASSISTANT - Spring 2007. Held weekly review sessions for Biology 252: Organisms Evolution at Grinnell.

TEACHING ASSISTANT- Fall 2005. Held weekly review sessions for Biology 251 Molecules, Cells and Organisms at Grinnell.

TUTOR- Spring 2005 Provided reading support and review for first year students enrolled in Biology 101: Effects of Climate Change on Organisms at Grinnell.


MEMBER- University of Wisconsin Genetics Department Admissions Committee (2009- 2010)

LAB TOUR GUIDE- visit from Women in Science and Engineering Club from Viterbo College(2009)

PANELIST - grad student panel for summer research students with the Summer Research Opportunities program (2008, 2010)