Biome Project Written Assessment
Enduring Understanding:
Living things (organisms) have complex characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things. Organisms interact in complex systems with each other and their environment.
Within these systems, matter is conserved, but energy is not. Changes in these systems can result in a variety of unforeseen consequences.
In your biome, ______(a specific change will be given to you on the day of the assessment) happens over a period of time. Analyze and interpret the effects of this change on the subunits of your biome.
Essay Structure
Think about your essay before you write! Plan your essay so it will be organized
and show the full depth of your understanding!
- Come to class with a summary of your biome. This summary describes the ecosystems of your biome as they currently exist. Make sure your full name, date, and period are in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
- Describe the change to your biome. Which subunit is affected first/most by the change?
- Describe how this change affects each of the other subunits. This is where you demonstrate your understanding of interrelationships and unforeseen consequences.
- In 2-3 sentences, reflect on your understanding of the enduring understanding for this unit.
Required Element / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Explanation / Sophisticated: an unusually thorough, elegant, and inventive explanation; fully supported, verified, and justified; deep and broad; goes well beyond the information given. / In-depth: an atypical and revealing account, going beyond what is obvious or what was explicitly taught; makes subtle connections; well supported by argument and evidence; novel thinking displayed. / Developing: an account that reflects some in-depth and personalized ideas; account has limited support/arguments/data or sweeping generalizations. / Naïve: a simplistic account; more descriptive than analytical; a fragmentary or sketchy account of facts/ideas or glib generalizations; a black-and-white account.
Interpretation / Profound: a powerful and illuminating interpretation and analysis of the importance, meaning, and significance of the change. / Revealing: a thoughtful interpretation and analysis of the importance, meaning and significance of the change; provides a useful history or context. / Interpreted: a plausible explanation or analysis of importance, meaning and significance of the change; provides some history or context. / Literal: a simplistic analysis with little or no interpretation of the change; no sense of wider importance or significance of the change; a restatement of what was taught.
Application / Masterful: fluent, organized, and efficient; able to use knowledge and skill and adjust understandings well in novel, diverse, and difficult contexts. / Skilled: competent in using knowledge and skill and adapting understandings in a variety of appropriate and demanding contexts. / Apprentice: relies on a limited repertoire of routines; able to perform well in familiar or simple contexts, with perhaps some needed coaching; limited use of personal judgment and responsiveness to specifics of situation. / Novice: can perform only with coaching or relies on highly scripted, singular “plug-in” skills, procedures, or approaches.
Revised 9/06SSHS Biology