Biome Book Assessment Project

You have been selected to create a children’s book about biomes. The book will be in an “Alphabet” book format (explained under guidelines). You will have one week at school and two weekends at home to research and create the book. This will count as two test grades. Some of these books will actually be taken to Ebenezer Elementary and shared with those students.

Computer Lab / Media Center Days: __3/13 – 3/15______

Classroom Work Days:__3/8 and 3/18______

Project due:__end of class on 3/18____

(If you are absent 3/18, book is due at beginning of class the first day you return to school)

Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______(Extra credit for this signature)



  1. Cover – color in ONLY the places in the world where your ASSIGNED biome can be found. You may use any colors you want. Inside the flag on the cover you need to put:
  • Your title (be creative)
  • Your name
  1. All 26 letters of the alphabet must be used. You may NOT use the words/topics below as THE main word for the page, BUT all of the words below must be addressed in the book. I will give example in class with my sample book.
  1. Biomes will be assigned in class.
  1. Each page of the book will have three sections: the letter & word / a picture / the explanation or story section.
  1. Pictures can be: images from internet, clipart, magazines or hand drawn (as always – artistic ability does not matter – I draw stick figures!!!)
  1. Computer research (at home or school) – Please go to my schoolwires website and click on Biome Project Links. This is a good place to start your work. Go to and follow the links to EbenezerMiddle School – Teachers – Mitzie Simmons – Biome Project Links.
  1. Plagiarism is cheating! DO NOT DO IT!!!
  1. The book is for elementary students – so you must read the material and then put it in simple terms – USE YOUR OWN WORDS.
  1. Do not lose this packet. It will be turned in with the finished product – the checklist you will complete before turning in book is attached.


  1. Cover – color in ONLY the places in the world where your ASSIGNED biome can be found. You may use any colors you want. Inside the flag on the cover you need to put:
  • Your title (be creative)
  • Your name
  1. Nothing goes on the inside front cover. This is where I will write my comments.
  1. Begin numbering the pages on the first sheet of white paper (#1 through #28)
  2. #1 – Place the title of your book at the top of this page. Under that you will write an introduction that will give an overview of your biome. Summarize the: biotic and abiotic factors; specific countries or regions where your biome is located; average temperatures and rainfall information. This should be a brief overview!
  3. #2 - #27 – will be the letters of the alphabet pages. Each page must include the following: The letter – and the word at the top. In the middle will be a picture representing the word. The bottom will be the “explanation / story” of how the word relates to your biome. I will have a sample page on the board each day.
  4. #28 – will be your ecological issue / possible solution page – again, I will explain details in class.
  5. The inside back cover will be a list of all sources used to create the book (KEEP a running list of these as you do your research!)
  1. You must include the following topics (remember these CAN’T be the key word at the top of the page). ALL must be used at least once, the remaining nine pages are “free” choices for you. Each topic below must be found in the explanation / story section of the page.
  2. Plants
  3. Animals
  4. Adaptation of animal or plants that help it survive in this biome
  5. Geographical features unique to your biome
  6. Symbiotic relationship
  7. Predator-prey relationship
  8. Competition example
  9. Scavengers
  10. Decomposers
  11. Consumers (be specific: carnivore, herbivore, omnivore)
  12. Producers
  13. Temperature
  14. Rainfall
  15. Energy pyramid – specific example from this biome
  16. Food web – example – from this biome
  17. Food chain – example – from this biome
  18. Interesting facts and information
  1. Page #28 – Ecological Issue. You will research one current issue affecting your biome. Summarize the issue and possible solutions for this page. Examples include (but are not limited to):
  2. Endangered species unique to your biome
  3. Environmental problem (like the recent oil spill in the gulf – if that was your biome)

Keep the summary short and put it in simple terms – pretend you are trying to explain this

to a younger brother or sister. Be sure to include possible solutions for the issue.

Work Checklist – cross through each topic as you write about it:


animalscavengerenergy pyramid

adaptationdecomposersfood web

geographical featureconsumersfood chain

symbiosisproducersinteresting facts


Intro Page (cross off topics you covered in the intro):

Did you include: biotic and abiotic factors; specific countries or regions where your biome is located; average temperatures and rainfall information

Topic from above:Word for the page:(See my example for “U” below)

A-pg 2

B-pg 3

C-pg 4

D-pg 5

E-pg 6

F-pg 7

G-pg 8

H-pg 9

I-pg 10

J-pg 11

K-pg 12

L-pg 13

M-pg 14

N-pg 15

O-pg 16

P-pg 17

Q-pg 18

R-pg 19

S-pg 20

T-pg 21

Energy PyramidU-pg 22 UP (pic of energy pyramid fromyour biome with explanation of how energy is lost…)

V-pg 23

W-pg 24

X-pg 25

Y-pg 26

Z-pg 27

Ecological issue: (Write topic and notes here…)

Grading Rubric

Item: / Student Check and
Letter where found / Teacher Check: / Points Possible: / Points Received:
Plant / 2
Animal / 2
Adaptation / 2
Geographical… / 2
Symbiosis / 2
Predator-Prey / 2
Competition / 2
Scavenger / 2
Decomposer / 2
Consumer / 2
Producer / 2
Temperature / 2
Rainfall / 2
Energy Pyramid / Pg 22 / 2
Food Chain / 2
Food Web / 2
Interesting… / 2
A / 2
B / 2
C / 2
D / 2
E / 2
F / 2
G / 2
H / 2
I / 2
J / 2
K / 2
L / 2
M / 2
N / 2
O / 2
P / 2
Q / 2
R / 2
S / 2
T / 2
(topic covered) U / Energy Pyramid / 2
V / 2
W / 2
X / 2
Y / 2
Z / 2
Intro Page / 5
Issue Page / 5
Cover / 2
Resource Page / 2
Extra Credit / 5
Total / 105

Notes – as you work….DON’T FORGET TO WRITE THE NAME OF THE WEBSITES, AND BOOKS YOU USE AS YOU WORK…go ahead and write them insie the back cover NOW. Do not wait to do it later!

Notes – to be transferred to book later!




























Ecological Issue: