Olive High School


This is a general science course designed to examine aspects of the living world. An effort will be made to survey as much material as possible due to the fact that this is an introductory biology course for all higher-level, college preparatory biology courses. Students will be exposed to a wide range of topics from beginning cell biology/biochemistry and genetics, to taxonomy and ecology. Lab time will be spent doing inquiry labs. Dissections are required.


Students will recognize and analyze the amazing diversity of life on our planet and including conservation needs. Students will recognize the vast opportunities and solutions that science provides & that there are many possible scientific career choices. (and to have fun while learning!)


Title: Biology; McGraw Hill; 2014; I pad Version


1inch three-ring binder with tabs (any color)

Loose-leaf paper with lines (that will go in your three-ring binder)

Writing utensils: Pens (black or blue) and pencils

24 pack of colored pencils

1 pack of lined index cards

Requested but no required: Disinfecting wipes, Kleenex, ream of copy paper


I prefer contact via e-mail since I check it often during the work day:

I do not have a phone in my classroom. If you need me to phone you please call OPS at 918-352-9568 and ask a secretary to have me contact you (w/your phone number). With the busy lives we all have, I suggest using email to get my fastest reply. Thanks!


High School drop-down box at:

Check this website for the online textbook, my weekly calendar, class news, teacher notes, assignments, handouts etc. I may publish digital photos of student work or students working. If a guardian/parent wishes to NOT have any photos of their student appear on my OHS teacher web site, please provide me with a signed/dated note for documentation.

Text this message for 3rd period: @726fg

Text this message for 4th period: @hadk6b
To this number: 81010
You should receive a text reply; you may need to text back your first and last name to be enrolled.
For full details of this service


In order to provide an optimal learning environment, students are expected to follow classroom expectations and procedures.

The following guidelines will help you reach this goal:


Listen attentively while others are addressing the class. This includes classmates, guest speakers, and instructors. Avoid doing anything that would be disruptive to the learning environment.


In order to successfully complete a task, directions must be followed.


Be respectful of others in your environment. This includes working quietly (when instructed) and not disturbing others, being kind in words and actions, respecting school and personal property.


Responsibility is an important attribute for students entering a lab atmosphere. Students must observe safety procedures at all times while conducting an experiment. Being responsible also includes arriving to class on time, beginning the daily warm up activity, turning in assignments when due, bringing materials to class, and recording assignments in a daily planner.


It is essential that you have a positive attitude! Please enter class with your best foot forward, ready to learn, and work together as a team.

Consequences for disregarding Classroom Expectations/Procedures will result in the following steps:

1stOffense Warning (Verbal or Nonverbal)

Subsequent OffensesLunch Detention(only allowed 3 per

SEMESTER) After 2nd detention, teacher will

conference with student and/or contact

parents via phone, email, or parent conference.

Frequent Offenses: Office referral at teacher’s discretion

Severe disruption/blatant disregard of teacher warnings could result in an immediate office referral.


As a classroom teacher, I don’t have the authority to modify policy given to me by administration. Consequently, expect me to follow details given in the Student Handbook. (both can be found linked from District websites); I thus expect you to do the same.


100-90% = A

89-80% = B

79-70% = C

69-60% = D

59 below = F

It is important for students to keep track of their recorded grades. If you notice a problem with a grade, speak with the teacher within a week of the grade being posted. Note: grades will not be taken on every assignment. Grades can be viewed online via the OPS grading (contact a secretary for username and password information).


If provided, all extra credit will be provided to the class as a whole. Students should not rely on extra credit to pass the class.


You will receive lab safety rules over which you will test; you are responsible for knowing these rules. You will not be allowed to participate in lab until you pass a lab safety exam (scoring 80% or higher). You should follow in order all teacher directions and perform no unauthorized procedures. No horseplay or practical jokes during class labs are accepted. Due to safety concerns, if you do not show me the proper care/concern towards lab activities you will lose your privileges until you make behavioral adjustments. You will NOT earn credit for labs you miss because you have not passed the safety exam or have chosen to ignore the lab safety rules or teacher instructions.

During lab classes students should:

·  Wear appropriate lab clothing and safety equipment (e.g. goggles, gloves) during lab exercises. Labs will be announced in advance, so that you should be prepared. If you are not prepared for the lab, you will not participate and will receive a zero for this class period.

·  Avoid bringing food/drink into the classroom on lab days


Assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated. All assignments should be done using pencil or blue/black pen. Illegible assignments may not be graded. All assignments will need to be identified by your name (first and last), hour, date, and title of assignment. Assignments missing the full heading may be subject to a 10% deduction of grade. It is a student’s responsibility to claim a NO NAME paper, which should be evident if it was submitted and I recorded a grade of zero/missing.


·  An assignment is due when requested or it may be considered late.

·  Late work will be reduced by 10% per day up to three days.

·  After 3 days, work will not be accepted.


Students are expected to do their own work. Students who cheat on any work in class will be referred to the office, given a zero on the assignment and parents will be notified. When turning in labs, students can work together to perform the experiment and collect data in class, but are expected to put the entire laboratory report individually in their own words.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES (e.g. Smart phone, Ipads, Laptops):

My classroom will follow the district policy on electronic devices. Please refer to the Student Handbook for those guidelines.

Biology I / Olive Public Schools

Please sign below stating that you have read and understand the Biology I Syllabus.

I have read the Biology I Syllabus. I understand the necessity that students in Biology I at Olive High School meet the expectations and requirements of the following:

Follow all safety rules presented by the instructor.

Follow instructions of my Biology I instructor.

Follow the expectations in the Biology I syllabus.

Treat others with respect.

Help make the classroom or lab a good learning environment.

Cooperate with lab partners and share responsibilities during lab.

Wear eye protection when needed.

Conduct myself in a mature and responsible manner during class

and lab.

Clean up lab table before leaving class.

Report any accidents.

Follow daily Electronic Device expectations.

Follow the policies in the Olive Public School Internet agreement.

Follow the policies in the Olive Public School student handbook.

Follow the Olive Public School Policies of the School Board.

Student Name (please print) ______Class Hour: ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian: email ______Phone ______