Biology Course Information Sheet

Biology Course Information Sheet


Mr. Lance Wineinger

Mr. Patrick Posey

Mrs. Amy Smith

Mrs. Jeanette Alexander

Mr. Dustin Sykora

Ms. Julibeth Moore

Biology is a STAAR EOC tested subject!!

AUSTIN - Under House Bill 5 (HB 5), passed by the 83rd Texas Legislature and signed by the governor, high school students are now required to pass five State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) end-of-course exams to meet the new graduation requirements.

*The Biology EOC test is given to students in early May. Results of the test will be given to students before they leave for summer break.

Open House/PTA Meeting

Parents, please do not forget to come and meet your child’s teachers! Parent night is a wonderful opportunity to see the classroom, meet the administrators and teachers, and learn a little more about your child’s schedule and school procedure. See MHS website for details!


Make sure to bring the following items to class every day:

1.  notebook paper

2.  pencil and black/blue pen

3.  composition book

4.  iPad

Only bring these items once at the beginning of school:

1. extra supply(ies): ______

Attendance/Make-up work

It is very important that you are in class everyday. You will have a difficult time keeping up with labs and information if you miss class often.

If you do miss a class, remember:

1.  It is YOUR responsibility to find out what work has been missed. See the teacher for make-up assignments; ask your lab partner for notes missed. You have 3 days plus the days you were absent to make up work. If the work was assigned prior to your absence and was due during your absence, it will be due upon your return. School absences are NOT included.

2.  Missed lab work will be an alternative assignment to be completed outside of class.

3.  Make-up tests will be by appointment only. These will NOT be made up during class time. IF YOU ARE ABSENT ONLY ON THE DAY OF THE TEST, PLAN TO TAKE THE TEST ON THE DAY YOU RETURN TO SCHOOL, PER SCHOOL HANDBOOK!

Homework: Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. You will turn it in for a practice grade.

Lab Rules

1.  Cleanliness is mandatory. All equipment and materials are to be washed, dried, and properly stored in good condition.

2.  Safety precautions are required at all times.


Practice 30%

Application 30%

Evaluation 40%


When a student receives a grade below 70, the following guidelines exist for his/her opportunity to re-do the assignment:

Practice and Application Categories – It is not required that students be allowed to re-do assignments for which they receive a grade below 70 in either the practice or application category. Campus-level guidelines will be developed to ensure consistent practice with respect to whether or not students are allowed to redo assignments in these categories.

Evaluation Category - A student will receive an opportunity to be re-evaluated when he/she receives a grade below 70% in the evaluation category (excluding evaluation grades received on projects/assignments that extend over a period of 5 days). In order for re-evaluation to occur, the student will participate in the re-teaching process as determined by the teacher. The re-evaluation score will replace the original score with a maximum grade of 70%. The re-evaluation process must take place within 5 school days of receiving the initial grade below 70.


When students do not turn in assignments on the due date, they will have the opportunity to turn them in as late work before receiving a zero. The teacher is not required to accept late work more than one day after the due date. Late work will receive a deduction of 30 points or 30% of the total grade.


All students will be required to have an Edmodo account. Students are expected to check their Edmodo account daily for updated assignments and information. Edmodo access codes for each class will be given to students by their teacher.

Home Access Center (HAC)

Grades can be accessed from home via the Midway website. We encourage students and guardians to frequently monitor grades from home. For more information on how to sign up see the Midway website.

Parents and students can reach the biology department teachers by calling the main office at 761-5650 or by emailing the teachers individually. The MHS biology department is very cohesively aligned and is happy to keep parents included in the education process. Please feel free to utilize the lines of communication to ensure and enhance the success of your children… our students.