Biology/Anatomy and Physiology



Mr. O’Neill

628-3800 ext. 4116

Use website to get information and updates from the class.

Guidelines and Information:

Required Materials:

- Something to write with

- Something to write on

- Something to put it in

- Your Textbook


- Keep notes in notebook or folder, there will be an occasional check on notes after each chapter.


- Unannounced (pop) and announced quizzes will be given throughout the year.

- The quizzes will relate to assigned to assigned reading material, information discussed in class, or videos.

- Students are responsible to make up missed quizzes.


- Homework will be assigned as necessary and will be due at the end of class or at the beginning of class the next day, unless otherwise specified.

- Homework may be collected, spot checked, given an effort grade, or graded in class.

- Homework will consist of reading assignments, questions, labs, worksheets, etc.

- Students are responsible for getting missed work when absent and turning it in.


- Test will be given after each chapter. We will average one test per week.

- Test may consist of multiple choice, matching, short answers, or open response.

- Test will be announced at least 1-2 days in advance.

Test Retakes:

- Biology- Freshman retakes are mandatory. If a freshman fails a test, they must retake the test during morning or afternoon detention, unless otherwise arranged by the teacher. The highest possible score on the retake is 79%.

- Anatomy and Physiology- you can retake the test if you fail the test and if you are failing the class. The student must set up the appointment within one week to retake the test. It will be taken either in morning or afternoon detention unless otherwise arranged by the teacher. Highest possible score on a retake is 79%. The 2nd score is the score that will be recorded in the grade book.


- There will be labs throughout the year.

- Horseplay during labs will result in an automatic zero.

Grading Procedures:

- Grades will be based on homework, class work, quizzes, labs, and tests.

- NO “last minute” extra credit work will be accepted; however bonus points may be earned throughout the semester.

- All work will be given a point score.

- A percentage score based on points earned out of total possible points.

- All collected work will be graded and returned as soon as possible.

Grading Scale:

- A = 90-100

- B = 80-89

- C = 70-79

- D = 60-69

- F = 59-0

Study Sessions:

- I will be available to give extra help or answer questions on most days before or after school.

- I will also be available during flex for any questions.

- It is best to tell me in advance that you will need to meet.

Classroom Behavior Rules:

  1. Be on time- be in your seat and prepared to work when the bell rings.
  2. Be prepared-Bring all materials-textbook, notebook, pencil/pen to class daily.
  3. Be responsible-Complete and turn in all assignments on time.
  4. Be polite-Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave you seat during lectures, class discussions, quizzes or tests. At other times, use good judgment.
  5. Be respectful-Respect yourself and others in the classroom at all times.
  6. Be safe-Follow all lab rules. NO HORSEPLAY!!!!!

Hall Passes:

- Students who ask for passes will be given them but you only get two per nine weeks.

Inappropriate Behavior:

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Parent Contact
  3. Detention
  4. Bump up to Level II discipline as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.


Class starts: When the bell rings each student should be in their seat or going to their seat. See if there is an opening assignment on the overhead. If not then remain seated until teacher takes role and begins class.

No Materials: If a writing utensil is needed, check the black container on my desk or with a classmate. If paper is needed, borrow some from a classmate. If textbook is needed, checkout an extra copy from the teacher. The textbook will need to be returned at the end of the period.

Collecting Homework: If I collect the homework the day of assignment, it will need to go in the basket in the front of the room. If it is sent home then it will be due at the beginning of the next day’s class unless there were different arrangements made.

Free Time after Homework: If possible bring books or other homework. It needs to be quiet until all students are done with their work.

Make-up work: Any missed work will be on the counter top behind the podium. If you do not see the work, then ask me for the work. Homework grades will be entered as a 0 until the work is turned in. The same goes for a test.

Test Retakes: When a test is failed, a copy will be placed in the test box in the teacher’s lounge. You can either retake the test before school in my room, detention, or extended day. Arrangements can be made to take in Saturday School as well. You have a week to take the retake.

Teacher leaves the room: All students should remain in their seat. Anything that needs to be done can wait until teacher returns.

Phone Calls: When there is a phone call there should be silence until the phone call is finished.

Phone Usage for students- there will not be any phone calls made on my phone. This needs to be taken care of during 5 minute breaks, enrichment, lunch, and coke break.

Visitors: When a visitor comes into the classroom whether it be a student or an adult there should be silence out of respect for the visitor.

Class Dismissal: The bell does not dismiss you, I dismiss you. When the bell rings all students should be in their seats for last minute instructions and dismissal.