Biology 490 Syllabus
Fall 2016, Senior Seminar
Dr. Erin Gestl
Office: 282 Schmuckers Science North
Phone: 436-2760
Office Hours:Tuesday from 1:00 - 3:00pm
Wednesday from 5:00 - 6:00pm
Thursday from 10:00 am - 12:00pm
By Appointment
Class time: Lecture: Monday1:00-2:55 pm, SSN 179
Seminar: Monday 3:00-3:50 pm, SSN 191
Course Description: The main focus of this course is to provide you with knowledge and resources that will help you in your career after graduation.
Textbooks: None. Materials will either be handed out in class or downloadable from the class’s website.
Attendance: Even if you are absent with a valid excuse, you are responsible for the material covered and assigned that day. More than 1 absence for either the class or the seminar will affect your final course grade through lack of class participation. A second absence will result in your final grade being lowered by 5%. Each absence thereafter will result in an additional 10% decrease in your final grade. Being late to class will also result in an absence proportional to the amount of time missed.
Website: Lecture notes/presentations will be posted on my departmental website( by 5pm on the previous day before the scheduled lecture. It is your responsibility to have them on hand if desired.
Cell Phones: They are to be either turned off or set them to vibrate or other silent mode. In any case, do not answer them during class. Please be considerate of the rest of the group. No texting in class or seminar.Disregard of this policy will negatively impact your grade. First offense, warning. Second offence, 10% off the current assignment’s grade. Any additional offenses, 5% off your final grade.
Academic Integrity: For questions regarding Academic Dishonesty, the No‐Grade Policy, Sexual Harassment, or the Student Code of Conduct, students are encouraged to refer to their major department’s handbook, the Undergraduate Course Catalogue, the Rams Eye View, or the University Web Site. Please understand that improper conduct in any of these areas will not be tolerated and may result in immediate ejection from the class.
ADA policy: West Chester University will make accommodations for persons with disabilities. Consult the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (ext. 3217) and bring the resulting documentation to the instructor. Any accommodations should be made known to the instructor at the beginning of the semester.
Late Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of class and will be considered late if they are handed after the start of the class. The grade of the assignment will be reduced by 10% for each week it is late.
Invited Speakers: Throughout the semester there will be approximately 8 invited speakers from within the department and from other WCU departments, as well as invited speakers from outside the university. Attendance is required as stated in the attendance policy.
Grading Policy: Your final grade in this course will be based on the following criteria in the percentages indicated.
Cover Letter and CV15%
Job Interview10%
Short Presentation10%
Technical Presentation10%
Research paper presentation20%
Final Paper20%
Attendance, class participation, and exit interview 5%
Invited speakers’ seminar reports10%
There will be the possibility for extra credit.
The grading curve will follow university standards, for example:
Project Descriptions
A more detailed description will be handed out during class explaining the expectations and grading for each of the projects.
Cover Letter and Resume
An important skill for graduating seniors is the ability to construct a resume and cover letter that will allow you to successfully start your career. We will be working with the University Career DevelopmentCenter to help provide you the information to successfully construct your own CV and cover letter. The cover letter will be written for a job, position, or post-graduate education that is currently available and will be due in class on September 19th.
Job Interview
The interview process is important for senior whether they are continuing their education beyond the undergraduate level or entering the workforce. You will research prepare for and go through a mock interview process with me during a one-on-one process.
Short Presentation
Each student will present a short talk on a specific topic that will help introduce their research paper presentation. The topic should be in the area of cancer biology. The time for this talk should be between 12-15 minutes. All presentations should be in electronic format using PowerPoint. You MUST email your presentation to me () by 8am the day of your scheduled presentation. I will provide a PC computer and pointer for your presentation
Technical Presentation
This presentation is based on a technique that is used in your research presentation later in the semester in the research presentation. This presentation should be 10-12 minutes long and adequately explain the procedure or technique.
Research Paper presentation
This presentation should build off of your short presentation and be more elaborate lasting between 20-25 minutes followed by questions from the audience. .
Final Paper
The final paper is a 8-10page term paper on subject of your choosing. The topic does not have to be the same as that used in your presentations. The final paper is due Nov 21st in class.
Attendance and class participation
Attendanceis required as mentioned earlier and class discussion is strongly encouraged following the presentations and seminars. For those that are shy it is important to be able to verbally interact with others in the workplace. Hopefully, this will help you come out of your shell some.
Invited speakers’ seminar reports
Following the seminars (not during), you will be required to complete a seminar report for 6 of the invited speakers. The seminar schedule will be posted on my website as well as handed out in class.
Biology 490 Schedule
Week / Monday / Tuesday / Topic1 / Aug 29 / Aug 30 / Organizational Meeting
2 / Sept5 / Sept 6 / Labor Day, No Class
3 / Sept 12 / Sept 13 / Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview Workshop
4 / Sept 19 / Sept 20 / 5 Minute Personal Presentations and Discussion
Resume and Cover Letter due
5 / Sept 26 / Sept 27 / Mock Interviews (throughout the week)
6 / Oct3 / Oct 4 / Student Short Presentations
7 / Oct 10 / Oct 11 / Fall Break, No Class
8 / Oct 17 / Oct 18 / Student Short Presentations
9 / Oct 24 / Oct 25 / Student Short Presentations
10 / Oct 31 / Nov 1 / Technical Presentations
11 / Nov 7 / Nov 8 / Technical Presentations
12 / Nov 14 / Nov 15 / Student Research Paper Presentations
13 / Nov 21 / Nov 22 / Student Research Paper Presentations
Final Paper is due
14 / Nov 28 / Nov 29 / Student Research Paper Presentations
15 / Dec 5 / Dec 6 / Student Research Paper Presentations
16 / Dec 12 / Dec 15 / Unfinished Business