Supply List for the Following Majors: Game Art and Design, Computer Animation, Illustration
Name: MEDA (Media Arts) Kit
Academic Year: 2017 - 2018
Contact person: Karen Sullivan,
ü This item can be purchased from the Ringling College Art Supply Store individually or in a “Kit,” pre- assembled for your convenience.
· This item can be purchased from the Ringling College Art Supply Store individually. It is NOT included in the “Kit” (due to rental option, “optional” classification, or the fragile nature of the item). Purchase as needed.
o This item is NOT AVAILABLE from the Ringling College Art Supply Store.
Media Arts Kit – Complete list includes supplies for MEDA 111, MEDA 112, and MEDA 115:
ü Metal ruler, 24” minimum and Metal ruler 18”, with cork bottom
ü Metal T-square 36”
ü Plastic triangles, 12” (minimum) – 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 degrees
ü Compass, preferably one with an extension bar
ü Plastic protractor with clear center location for measuring
ü Artist tape, white, ½” x 60 yd
ü Plastic and kneaded eraser
ü Sharpener
ü Needle nose pliers (must have built-in wire cutter)
ü Bull dog clips, 3”, pack of 2
ü Graphite pencils (full range 2B, HB, H, 2H, 6B-6H)
ü Charcoal pencils soft (2B, 4B, 6B)
ü Ebony pencil
ü Colored pencils, small selection (Col-erase brand in red, green, blue)
ü Conte crayons – 2 each white, black, and sanguine
ü Soft vine charcoal, thick (Grumbacher extra-thick vine charcoal)
ü Compressed charcoal jumbo set
ü Pilot Precise V5 pen
ü Masonite drawing board, 18” x 24” or larger with metal clips
ü Drawing pad, 18”x 24”, 300 series, 70 lb. paper
ü Drawing pad, 18”x 24”, 400 series, 80 lb. paper
ü Drawing pad, XL sketch, 18”x 24”, 125 sheets
ü Sketchpad, Canson, 11”x 14” with detachable sheets, 98 lb. paper
ü Sketchpad, Canson, 7”x 10” with detachable sheets, 98 lb. paper
ü Sketchpad, Strathmore, 9”x12”, recycled sketch paper, 60 lb. paper
ü Tracing paper pad, 19”x 24”
ü Newsprint pad, 100 sheets, 18”x 24”
ü Bristol Pads, 14”x 17”
ü Holbein Artist’s Gouache Primary Mixing Set of 5 colors (15ml) tubes (NOT ACRYLA GOUACHE)
ü Holbein Artist’s Gouache Permanent White, 40ml (NOT ACRYLA GOUACHE)
ü Brushes: nylon or natural hair brushes – Brights #2, 10 or Flats #2, 10 and Round #2
ü Spray bottle, 4 oz.
ü Palette: large plastic or disposable paper, minimum size: 12”x 16”
ü Palette knife, metal, bent
ü Plastic water container
ü Value Scale
The following items are not included in the Kit because they are either optional or not available through the Store. Check with instructor before purchasing.
· Brush washing container (stainless steel, or glass [silicoil] with removable straining device)
· Reservoir brush
· Toned paper, light gray or light tan, 3-4 sheets (instructor will clarify)
· Charcoal paper, light tone gray, 3-4 sheets (fragile)
· Frosted Mylar – 2-6 sheets (instructor will specify)
o Unscented talc (Amazon: Silver Cup Shaker Bottle Premium Talc Powder, 13-Ounce)
o 6 OUNCE Plumb Bob (at instructor's discretion)
Required textbooks are not included in the Kit but are available for purchase or rental through the Store:
· Figure Drawing Design and Invention, Michael Hampton
· Framed Perspective Vol. 1: Technical Perspective and Visual Storytelling
Recommended / Optional Books:
· Picture This, Molly Bang
· 100 Things Every Designer Should Know About People, Susan Weinschenk
· Framed Ink, Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers, Marcos Mateu-Mestre and Jeffrey Katzenberg
· Figure Drawing: The Structure, Anatomy and Expressive Design of Human Form 7th edition, Nathan Goldstein
· Atlas of Human Anatomy for the Artist, Stephen R. Peck
· Figure Drawing for All it’s Worth, Andrew Loomis
Required. The following items can be purchased at the electronics retailer of your choice.
· Magic Mouse (wireless computer mouse, Macbook Pro compatible)
o Wacom Intuos Pro,
o Monoprice Graphic Drawing Tablet (10 x 6.5 or larger with hot keys for CA/GA),
Photographing Your Work:
It is strongly recommended that you have some sort of digital camera for photographing your work. Cameras, if available, can be checked out from the Ringling College Digital Checkout Department.
Questions may be directed to the faculty contact or to the store manager, Mack Whatley
(941) 359.7565, .
MEDA111: Drawing 1 Yellow Highlight = Bring First Day of Class
ü Metal ruler, 24” minimum
ü Metal T-square 36”
ü Plastic triangles, 12” (minimum) – 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 degrees
ü Compass, preferably one with an extension bar
ü Plastic protractor with clear center location for measuring
ü Artist tape, white, ½”
ü Kneaded eraser
ü Sharpener
ü Graphite pencils (full range 2B, HB, H, 2H)
ü Colored pencils, small selection (Col-erase brand in red, green, blue)
ü Drawing pad, 18”x 24”, bond paper, 300 series, 70 lb. paper
ü Sketchpad, Canson, 11”x 14” with detachable sheets
ü Tracing paper pad, 19”x 24”
MEDA112: 2D Design Yellow Highlight = Bring First Day of Classü Metal ruler 18”, with cork bottom
ü Artist tape, white, ½”
ü Plastic and kneaded erasers
ü Graphite pencils (full range 6B-6H)
ü Ebony pencil
ü Masonite drawing board, 18” x 24” or larger with metal clips
ü Sketchbook, Canson, 7”x10” with detachable sheets, 98 lb. paper
ü Bristol Pads, 14”x 17”
ü Holbein Artist’s Gouache Primary Mixing Set of 5 colors (15ml) tubes (NOT ACRYLA GOUACHE)
ü Holbein Artist’s Gouache Permanent White, 40ml (NOT ACRYLA GOUACHE)
ü Brushes: nylon or natural hair brushes – Brights #2, 10 or Flats #2,10 and Round #2
ü Spray bottle
ü Palette: large plastic or disposable paper, minimum size: 12”x 16”
ü Palette knife, metal, bent
ü Plastic water container
MEDA115: Figure Drawing 1 Yellow Highlight = Bring First Day of Class
ü Kneaded eraser
ü Charcoal pencils soft (2B, 4B, 6B)
ü Colored pencils, small selection (Col-erase brand in red, green, blue)
ü Soft vine charcoal, thick (not thinner version)
ü Pilot V5 pen
ü Masonite drawing board, 18” x 24” or larger with metal clips
ü Drawing pad, 18”x 24”, bond paper, 300 series, 70 lb. paper
ü Sketchpad, Strathmore, 9”x12”, recycled sketch paper, 60 lb. paper
ü Newsprint pad, 100 sheets, 18”x 24”
ü Reservoir brush
ü Value Scale
ü Frosted Mylar – 2-6 sheets (instructor will specify)