Biology 10 Study Recommendations for Lecture Exam #4
Exam #4 will consist of multiple choice questions from chapters 11, 15, 21, 22, 27, 34, & 35. As usual, the questions from these chapters will emphasize what has been covered in class, so be sure to refer to your lecture outlines as you review the chapters. Also, be sure to review the questions atthe end of each chapter; I will use some of them on the exam. Use the following questions to help you review.
Chapter 27 – Evolution of Life
Know the basic hypotheses about the early chemical evolution of life.
Know the types of evidence that support evolution.
Know the key conditions of the Hardy-Weinberg Law (no math problems) and what it helps us to predict.
Know the five agents of evolutionary change.
Know the key elements of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.
Know the difference between stabilizing, directional, and disruptive selection.
Know what speciation is and how it’s thought to occur.
Know the difference between phyletic gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.
Know the basic classification scheme, and the key features of each category.
Chapter 34 – Population Growth & Regulation
What is ecology, and what factors does it study?
Know the difference between a population and a community.
Describe the two types of ecological succession.
Compare exponential population growth with logistic growth. Which type is the human population experiencing?
Know what competition is and the competitive exclusion principle.
Know what predation, predator, and prey are and their interactions.
Know what mimicry is and the difference between Batesian and Mullerian mimicry.
Know what symbiosis is and the three types we studied.
Chapter 35–Nature of Ecosystems
What are the biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem?
What types of producers, consumers, and decomposers are found in an ecosystem?
Describe a food chain.
In what general sequence does energy flow through an ecosystem? Why is a constant input of energy needed in ecosystems? What is the main source of energy for most ecosystems?
What is used to determine pyramids of numbers, biomass, and energy? Explain why a pyramid of energy always shows a decrease moving up the trophic levels. What is the 10% rule?
Know the basic features of the biogeochemical cycles (water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous)
What are contributing factors to the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming, acid rain, harmful algal blooms, and depletion of the ozone shield?
Chapter 22 – Development
- - Know the processes and structures involved in fertilization, the preembryonic period (stages of development), and implantation.
- Describe the preembryonic (before implantation), embryonic, and fetal periods of development
- What are the 3 germ layers, at what stage of development do they form, and what does each become?
- What are the 4 extraembryonic membranes? What is the function of each?
- Explain what is meant by differentiation, induction, morphogenesis, and pattern formation in terms of embryonic development. At what stage of development does each take place?
- Know the origin, structure & function of the placenta & umbilical cord.
- Know the major structures that develop during the 3rd-8th weeks of development.
- What are teratogens and when is the developing embryo/fetus most susceptible to them?
Chapter 11 - Human Organization (summary)
- Know the basic levels of biological organization
- What is a tissue? What are the 4 basic types of tissues, and where is each found in the body? What embryonic germ layer forms each type of tissue?
- What is an organ? Name the 11 organ systems of the body, their major organs, and their main functions.
- What are the 4 basic types of cancers?
- What types of genes are involved in the formation of cancer?
- Compare malignant and benign tumors. What is metastasis?
- List some risk factors and carcinogens that contribute to the development of cancer.
- Name ways in which you can protect yourself against cancer.
- List the ABCDE warning signs for skin cancer.
Chapter 15 - Digestive System & Nutrition
- - Trace the route of food through the alimentary canal (GI tract).
- What are the major functions of the digestive system?
- What is the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion? Where does each occur?
- Where does starch digestion begin? Where does protein digestion begin? Where does the majority of chemical digestion take place?
- What organ produces most of the digestive enzymes?
- Where does absorption of the digested food molecules take place?
- Know the locations, structures and functions of the organs of the alimentary canal.
- Know the locations, structures and function of the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.
- What are the 4 layers of the GI tract (from inner to outer)?
- Know the disorders of the digestive system mentioned in lecture.
- What types of enzymes break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to their monomers?
- What 3 modifications of the small intestine increase the internal surface area for maximum absorption of nutrients?
- What is the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients?
- Which macronutrient provides the most readily available source of energy in the body?
- What are carbohydrates broken down to during digestion? What are complex carbs, and why are they preferable over simple carbs?
- In what foods are proteins found? A healthy diet should contain what percent of protein? What are proteins broken down to during digestion? What are proteins needed for in the body?
- What is the difference between essential and nonessential amino acids? Between complete and incomplete proteins? Can a vegetarian diet provide complete proteins? If so, how?
- What is harmful about a high protein diet?
- How much of a healthy diet should consist of lipids? What are lipids broken down to?
- Compare saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. What are their food sources? Which is healthier, and why?
- Which 4 vitamins are fat-soluble? In what food products are they found? What are their general functions?
- Which vitamins are water-soluble? In what food products are they found? What are their general functions?
- Which vitamins are antioxidants? What does an antioxidant do?
Chapter 21 – Reproductive System
- Know the structures of the male and female reproductive system, as well as their functions.
- Know how hormones regulate the male and female reproductive systems, and what structures produce the hormones.
- Know what the secondary sex characteristics are for males and females, and when they develop
- Why are anabolic steroids dangerous?
- Know the general sequence and events in the ovarian and uterine cycles.
- What happens during fertilization and early development of an embryo?
- What is menopause, and at what age does it usually occur?
- Describe the 3 major bacterial STDs and 3 main viral STDs. Can any of them be cured?
- How is AIDS contracted? How can you avoid contracting HIV?
- Know the methods of birth control mentioned in the notes, as well as alternative methods of conception.