Biol/Mcro 321: Introduction to Immunology

Instructor: Patricia A. Sheridan, PhD

2002 MHRC


Time/Place: Monday-Thursday 3-5pm Genome Science room 1378

Office Hours: Tuesday 2-3pmGenome Science room 1378

Text Book: The Immune System 3rd Edition, Parham

Accommodations: We want to ensure an optimal environment for students with physical or other disabilities. Students with a disability should contact the UNC Learning Center:

Any learning disability or special accommodations must be PRE-arranged with Accessibility Resources and Service ( For additional help, please also see Office of Student Affairs ( or student health

Expectations: Cell phones must be off in class. Plagiarism will result in a zero. It is expected that all exams will be taken without the assistance of books, notes, other people, or looking at exams of fellow classmates. If you must be absent, complete assignment BEFORE leaving- no make ups. If you are sick, you need a letter from Student health or a physician in order to receive additional time. There are no make-up exams without Dr. Sheridan’s permission obtained prior to the scheduled exam. Dr. Sheridan can not make accommodations related to taking the final exam. Unless you are told otherwise, you are responsible for and may be tested on all material discussed in class and posted on Sakai.

Honor Code at the University of North Carolina. Your participation in this course comes with the expectation that your work will be completed in full observance of the UNC Honor Code. The principles of academic honesty, integrity, and responsible citizenship govern the performance of all academic work and student conduct at the University as they have during the long life of this institution. Your acceptance of enrollment in the University presupposes a commitment to the principles embodied in the Code of Student Conduct and a respect for this most significant Carolina tradition. Your reward is in the practice of these principles. Full details and definitions at

Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable because any breach in academic integrity, however small, strikes destructively at the University’s life and work. You sign a pledge on each exam that indicates “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment”. If you have any questions about your responsibility or the responsibility of faculty members under the Honor Code, please consult with someone in the either the Office of the Student Attorney General (966-4084) or the Office of the Dean of Students (966-4041).

Grades: Your grade will be composed of 3 in class quizzes (10 pts each), 1 in class midterm (60 pts), a group project (20 pts), an in class comprehensive final (80 pts) and attendance and participation (10 pts).

The professor reserves to right to make changes to this syllabus, including due dates and test dates (excluding the officially scheduled final examination) when unforeseen circumstances occur. These changes will be announced as early as possible so that students can adjust their schedules.

Date / Lecture # / Lecture / Chapters
05/14 / 1 / Organization / Elements of the immune system / Chapter 1
05/15 / 2 / Elements of the immune system/Innate Immunity / Chapter 1&2
05/16 / 3 / Quiz (10pts) / Innate Immunity / Chapter 2
05/20 / 4 / Assign Group Projects / Adaptive Immunity / Chapter 3
05/21 / 5 / Adaptive Immunity / Chapter 3
05/22 / 6 / B cells / Chapter 4
05/23 / 7 / Quiz (10pts) / B cells cont / Chapter 4 & 6
05/27 / No Class
05/28 / 8 / T cells / Chapter 5
05/29 / 9 / T cells / Chapter 5&7
05/30 / 10 / Midterm (60pts) / T cell/B cell act / Chapter 8 &9
06/03 / 11 / T cell/B cell act / Chapter 8 &9
06/04 / 12 / Defense against infection/failure / Chapter 10&11*
06/05 / 13 / Vaccines / Chapter 14
06/06 / 14 / Autoimmune Disease / Chapter 13
06/10 / 15 / Quiz (10pts) / Transplantation/Cancer / Chapter 15&16*
06/11 / 16 / Group Projects (20pts)
06/12 / 17 / Group Project
06/13 / 18 / Review
June 18 / Final / Final (80 pts) / 3-6pm. GS 1378
*Specific Sections to be assigned

Group Projects:

There will be 5 groups of 3 students. Each group will be assigned to teach the class a 30 minute lecture on a specific area related to the immune system. These groups and topics will be assigned on May 20th.