Références Paolo Freire

Biographie de Paulo Freire

Robert Mackie, ed., Literacy and Revolution. The Pedagogy of Paulo Freire

Mes principales références (citéesau moins deux fois)

Clare, Roberta. Paolo Freire. Available at . Last consulted 10/27/2009

Gibson, Rich. Paulo Freire and Revolutionary Pedagogy For Social Justice. San DiegoStateUniversity. Available at (Consulted 12/03/2009).

Facundo, Balanca. Freire-inspired programs in the United States and Puerto Rico: a critical evaluation. Latino Institute, Washington, D.C., 1984. Compiled for the web in 1998 by Brian Martin, University of Wollongong, Australia. Available at Consulted 09/13/2010.

Garibay Françoise, Séguier Michel. Pratiques émancipatrices. Actualités de Paolo Freire. Nouveau Regards, 2009

Mackie, Robert. Confusion and despair: Blanca Facundo on Paulo Freire. A critical commentary on "Freire-inspired programs in the United States and Puerto Rico: a critical evaluation" by Blanca Facundo. Written 1988, published on the web 1997. Available at (Consulted 10/19/2009).

Millwood, David. Conscientization and development. An abbreviated version of this article - "Conscientization: What It's All- About" - appeared in the New Internationalist (June 1974). Available on under “Conscientization: What It’s All About” (Consulted10/15/2009)

Mulwa, Francis. Paulo Freire's development education methodology. Wajibu, A Journal of Social & Religious Concern, Vol.13, No.2, 1998. Available at

(Consulted 10/15/2009).

Schugurensky, D. History of education: Selected moments of the 20th century. (2007, April 7). 1968: Paulo Freire publishes Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Available at

Sesan, Kizito. Lessons Learned from Paolo Freire’s Pedagog. Wajibu, A Journal of Social & Religious Concern, Vol.13, No.2, 1998. Available on (Consulted 10/15/2009).

Torres, Rosa María. The million Paolo Freire. 10th Anniversary of Paolo Freire’s Death. Available at

(Consulted 10/12/2009).

UNESCO, MOST Seminar. Education and Social Transformation:
Questioning our practices. Exchange of knowledge and practice in the light of Paulo Freire.Recife - Brazil, 2-4 May 2002. Paris - France, September 2003. About Paulo Freire. Introductory note to the different views of "Paulo Freire" (1921-1997).

Available at 12/03/2009).

Yoo, Sung-Sang. Freirean Pedagogy. Available at

(Consulted 12/03/2009).

Autres références

Amstrong, Charles, 2008. Contesting the Peninsula. NewLeftReview 51, pp115-135. Available at

Arrijs, Omer. Questionnements à partir de Paolo Freire.

Carillo, Alfonso Torres. Paulo Freire and Educación Popular. 10th Anniversary of Paolo Freire’s Death. Available at (Consulted 10/20/2009).

Ferguson.Aquarian Conspiracy. p.225 cited by Facundo, Balanca.

Gadotti, M. Convite à Leitura de Paulo Freire. São Paulo, Scipione, 1989.

Gerhardt, H. P. Paolo Freire, 1921-1997. Perspectives : revue trimestrielle d’éducation comparée. Paris, UNESCO : Bureau international d’éducation, vol. XXIII, n° 3-4, septembre-décembre 1993, p. 445-465. Disponible sur

p.9 (Consulted 10/08/2009)

Gerhart, H.P. Zur Theorie und Praxis Paulo Freire. Frankfurt/Main, IKO, 1978.

Heaney, Tom. Issues in Freirean Pedagogy. Thresholds in Education, 1995. Available at Last consulted October 26.

Heaney, Thomas W., Illinois. Reaction to Issues for an Evaluation of Freire-inspired Programs in the United States and Puerto Rico of Blanca Facundo. Available at Consulted 10/19/2009.

Hurst, John. On Popular Education, 1997,

Kerka, Sandra. Popular Education: Adult Education for Social Change. ERIC Digest No. 185, 1997. Available at Consulted 10/19/2009.

Ohliger, John. Critical views of Paolo Freire’s work.Compiled for the 1995 IowaCommunity College Summer Seminar. I. Writing Style: Friedenberg, Edgar Z. Review of Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Comparative Education review, Oct 1997.

Taylor, P. The texts of Paolo Freire, Buckingham, Open University Press, 1993

A short biography of Rosa María Torres available at

(Consulted 12/03/2009).

Schugurensky, D. The legacy of Paulo Freire: A critical review of his contributions. Convergence, 1998, 31 (1/2), 17-29.

Siddarta. Education as a liberating tool, 1999. Available at

Smith, M. K. Paolo Freire and informal education. The encyclopedia of informal education. Available at

Toh, S.-H. and V. Floresca-Cawagas. Towards a People-Centered Education: Possibilities and Struggles in the Philippines. International Review of Education/Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Erziehungswissenschaft/Revue Internationale de l'Education, 1999, 43(5): 527-45.

von Heinz-Peter Gerhardt. Liberatory education and globalization. Available in the Paulo Freire Kooperation site:

Yoo, Sung-Sang. Freirean Pedagogy. Available at

(Consulted 12/03/2009)