BIO11 Grade 11 – Biology Teacher: Ms. Bowie


Welcome to Biology 11 at Cole Harbour District High! Please read the following information as it will help you be successful in this course.

This course is designed to help students explore the unity and diversity of living things. The underlying concepts provide connections between units of study, fostering an awareness of the tremendous impact of biology and technology upon society.

There is an emphasis in the further development of your skills in scientific inquiry, problem solving, decision making and your understanding of the interrelations among science, technology, and the environment. This course will provide a blend of theoretical aspects of the topics under study with a number of hands-on activities, demonstrations and simulations. All of this will assist you in your pursuit of scientific literacy and in developing a continued interest in the biological world around you.


Unit Number / Timing / Unit Title / Subtopics / Value / Value of Course
1 / 18 hours / Matter and Energy for Life / The Cell / 6% / 30%
Cell Structures / 14%
Photosynthesis & Resp. / 10 %
2 / 20 hours / Biodiversity / Classification / 5% / 25%
Diversity / 20%
3 / 43 hours / Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium / Homeostasis / 4% / 35%
Circulatory System / 8%
Respiratory System / 8%
Digestive System / 8%
Excretory System / 4%
Immune System / 3%
4 / 14 hours / Interactions Among Living Things / Biomes / 4% / 10%
Population Dynamics / 6%


You are responsible for coming to class on time and being prepared to work with all necessary materials.

You are expected to complete and submit all assignments by their due date. If you are unable to meet a particular due date for a specific reason, please come see me early to negotiate a suitable due date. Book extra help sessions with me as soon as you find a skill or topic with which you need additional assistance or if you need help keeping up-to-date with assignments.

We will be doing a lot of cooperative group work and class discussions. Therefore, to ensure a satisfying and productive learning environment, it is important that everyone conduct themselves in a way that respects the human rights and dignity of every member of the class.


Students will be assessed ongoing, in each class, for skill development and knowledge attainment.

During this course, you will be given multiple opportunities to demonstrate your ability on each of the course outcomes. You will have regular quizzes on topics covered in class each day. You will also have a number of in-class assignments, labs, projects and unit tests each term.

Course outcomes presented will carry equal value.


We all have different ways of learning (learning styles) and communicating knowledge (based on own multiple intelligences). With this in mind, you will have a variety of ways to learn the material and then to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and attitude.

The following is a list of some of the different methods I may use to assess and evaluate you:

¯  Paper and pen tests and quizzes / ¯  Presentations
¯  Homework assignments / ¯  Debates
¯  Formal and Informal Labs & Reports / ¯  Group work
¯  Projects: Minor & Major / ¯  Simulations
¯  Poster Creations / ¯  Science Fair
¯  Dioramas / ¯  Portfolio
¯  Models: 2-D & 3-D / ¯  Journal
¯  Games / ¯  Final Exam

Please feel free to suggest other products and ways of demonstrating your knowledge, skills & attitudes.

¯  I will do my very best to ensure that you have a marking scheme (e.g. rubric, rating scale, etc.) before you begin an assessment element so that you will know exactly what is expected of you.

¯  I believe in MASTERY LEARNING. This means that I will allow you multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery of the outcomes for this course should you not be successful on your first attempt. It will be your responsibility, however, to negotiate times and substitute assessment products with me prior to final reporting periods. I will not pester you to redo unsuccessful work. If not redone prior to cut-off dates, your original grade will remain in your mark report.


You can contact me anytime via email:

For further information on specific curriculum outcomes, current homework and assignments and other details via my website:

I attempt to update my homework page regularly. The site lets you know what we did during each class, what handouts were given out and what work was assigned. Check my site regularly to keep up on what we are doing in class.