Round 5
1. He called his religious outlook “the philosophy of Christ.” In his writings he combines the rational and secular attitudes of Classical thinkers with the religious piety of the Middle Ages and the ideas of the Italian humanist tradition. His most famous work is a satire of the state of Christianity and the Catholic church. FTP, identify this Dutch scholar of the late 15th and early 16th centuries who is best known for “Praise of Folly.”
- Desiderius Erasmus
2. The island of Pulau Tiga, which was the island featured in the first Survivor series, is located just off the coast of this island. This island is the third largest in the world. There is a large East Indian influence on this Indian Ocean Island. FTP, name this island that contains land belonging to three nations: Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei.
- Borneo
3. The original title was La Maledizone. It centers around a curse put on a hunchback courtier, who makes fun of a man whose daughter has been raped. He is tricked into helping abduct his own daughter, who is ‘compromised’ by the hunchback’s own lord. FTP, name this opera by Verdi.
A. Rigoletto
4. "Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat." summarizes the main ideas of this work written during the Warring States Period. It discusses battlefield tactics, the effect of terrain, and most importantly, advance knowledge about one’s opponent. Influential to officials at the Whampoa Military academy, as well as those in the Nationalist and Communist parties, this is the first known treatise on military science. FTP, name this work by Sun Tzu.
- The Art of War (Ping-fa)
5. In Prokaryotic cells they are not bound by a nuclear membrane, but otherwise they can be identified by banding patterns, position of centromeres, and size. During reproduction, they split up into haploids and then recombine into diploid pairs, of which humans have 23. FTP, name this spaghetti-like structure that contain genes.
A. Chromosome
6. This sub-tropical saw-grass marsh covers about 4000 square miles and was called Pa-May-Okee by its original inhabitants. The major Native American groups that have lived in these marshes were the Calusa and the Seminoles. Part of this marsh is a national park, which bears the same name. FTP, name this Floridian marsh that extends from Lake Okeechobee to the Gulf of Mexico.
- Everglades
7. Richard Feynman made one for his girlfriend Arlene to show her that there were not always two sides to every situation. Discovered simultaneously by two German mathematicians, you can split it down the middle and it remains in one piece. FTP, name this object that you can make by taping two ends of a piece of paper together, after having given one a one-half twist.
- Mobius Strip
8. The balance was at eleven free and slave states. Maine’s application for statehood gave Speaker of the House, Henry Clay what he needed to work out the question over admittance. Then, Senator Jesse Thomas prohibited slavery from the Louisiana Purchase land through his 36° 30' proviso. FTP name this decision made in 1820 that admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, and became the precedent for settling disputes between the North and the South until 1854.
A: The Missouri Compromise
9. He was born in Prussia and was the son of a Lutheran minister. Influencedby Plato, Aristotle, and Arthur Schopenhauer, he published The Birth of Tragedy in 1872. He contended that traditional values such as Christianity had lost their power in the lives of individuals. The masses conform to tradition, while his ideal overman is secure, independent, and highly individualistic. Name this philosopher who proclaimed that "God is dead".
- Friedrich Nietzche
10. This needlework piece, probably produced at the School of Embroidery at Canterbury, was made in eight sections and afterwards stitched together. It was made on linen and measures 230 feet long and 20 inches wide. It was kept for seven centuries in a cathedral bearing the same name. Latin inscriptions give some clue as to what is happening in the artwork, but the pictures mostly speak for themselves. FTP, what is this work of art that displays the 1066 Battle of Hastings between William of Normandy and Harold of England.
Bayeaux Tapestry
11. He was born in August of 1972, and he is now major actor and screenwriter. He has received the academy award. He plays Rudy Duncan who has just been released from prison in The Reindeer Games. For ten points, name this actor who has also starred in Shakespeare in Love and Armageddon.
A. Ben Affleck
12. It established a court to arbitrate disputes it caused and staffed it with both Catholic and Protestant members and allowed the protestants to keep their places de surete (plahs de suraytay) as of 1597 for eight years. It also gave French Protestants civil rights in some places, but defnitly not in Paris. FTP, name this decree by Henry IV that was overturned in 1685, causing massive Hugenot flight.
- Edict of Nantes or Edit De Nantes [if they say it in a French accent spit on them]
13. The Chandrasekhar limit sets the maximum mass that one of these may exist at. They are not supported from their own gravitation by gas pressure, but by the degeneration of the electron gas in their interior. They occur when the hot panetary-nebula nucleus loses mass and cools down. FTP, name this star that eventually cools down to become a black dwarf.
A. White dwarf
14. "Something there is that doesn't love a the title object, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it And spills the upper boulders in the sun,And makes gaps even two can pass abreast." begins this work. FTP name this work which contains the adage "good fences make good neighbors" written by Robert Frost.
- Mending Wall
15. This important figure in South American history was of Spanish descent. He was born in Venezuela in 1783 of aristocratic birth. When he helped to free much of South America from Spanish rule, he was proclaimed president of Gran-Colombia. He died of tuberculosis in December 17, 1830. Name this South American revolutionary for whom Bolivia is name after.
- Simon Bolivar
16. Started in 1970, William D. Ruckelshaus, William K. Reilly, and Christine Todd Whitman have headed this agency. The controlling body of the NAPCA and FWQA, this agency was created in part as a response to Silent Spring by Carson, FTP name this federal agency, responsible for regulating and reducing pollution..
- Environmental Protection Agency
17. This poetic device was a formal structure in types of ancient Germanic verse-form, but today it is very common and usually little more than a subsidiary embellishment. It is very rare in languages that stress tonality, like Chinese. FTP, identify this technique in which the beginnings of several words in a sentence or line of poetry feature the same consonant sound.
- alliteration (do not accept consonance or assonance)
18. Based on the findings of Maxwell and Boltzman, it says that the atoms in a gas have negligible contribution to the overall volume, and that all collisions resulting from the particles random movement are perfectly elastic. FTP name this theory of gases that also deals with the mean square speed of the particles as it relates to the non-potential energy.
- Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
19. If you ever find yourself in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area on the eastern Serengeti, look out for the living sites exposed by erosion in Beds II, III, and IV. FTP, in what UNESCO World Heritage site for 1979 would you be standing,if you were near where Mary Leakey found the Nutcracker Man in 1959?
- Olduvai Gorge
20. From the Greek for 'Manifestation,' this church holiday is celebrated in commemoration of either the coming of the Magi to the infant Jesus or the baptism of Jesus by John. The evening preceding it is called the 'Twelfth Night' because it is celebrated 13 days after Christmas. FTP, name this holiday celebrating the recognition of Jesus as the son of God.
- Epiphany
TB. This geographic feature separates the High Veld from the coastal lowlands, and functions as a major drainage divide, separating rivers that flow to the coast, from those that flow inland. What is the impediment to the development of rail and road linkage?
A: Great Escarpment
Half of them are in color and the other half are black and white. This is not the sort of test you take in school, there are no right or wrong answers. Studies suggest that the A.s given don't really matter anyway, as the 'standard norms' they are supposed to be compared to to determine personality type are unreliable. FTP, name this pyschological test using inkblots.
Rorschach Test
For five points each, identify the characters from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer from clues given.
He murders Doc Robinson and almost maimed the Widow Douglas.
Injun Joe
Tom loves her and they got lost in McDougal’s cave together.
Becky Thatcher
He is Aunt Polly’s “colored boy” and is most likely a slave, though the book does not specify this.
He is Tom’s younger brother and is out to get Tom in trouble.
He is a drunkard who is framed for Doc Robinson’s murder.
Muff Potter
He is Tom’s best friend, besides Huckleberry Finn, and they run off to Jackson’s Island together.
Joe Harper
FTPE name these popular constants.
It is G in Newton's equation for the attraction of two bodies, and usually equal to 6.67*10^-11
A. Universal Gravitation constant
It is equal to 6.6260755*10^-34 joule-second, and also defined as the elementary quantum of action. It was first used in 1900 to describe blackbody radiation, and is still popular in quantum physics.
A. Planck’s constant
At a sweltering 1.380662*10^-23 joule per kelvin, this constant is used in statistical physics. It is named after a 19th century Austrian physicist who developed statistical mechanics.
A. Boltzmann’s constant
Identify these works by the Anglo-Irish satirist Jonathan Swift, for ten points each.
This ironic pamphlet contains a description of six advantages of the Irish poor raising children to be sold and eaten, as well as recipes for the consumption thereof.
A. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of the Poor People in Ireland
from being a Burden to their Parents or Country; and for making them beneficial
to their Publick
This book is written as a journal and details the title character’s visits to Lilliput and several other “remote nations of the world.” It is also an allegory of the politics and social values of Swift’s time.
A. Gulliver’s Travels or Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, by
Lemuel Gulliver
The title of this ridicule of religious extremists comes from the technique for diverting whales which threatened a ship by throwing empty wooden vessels into the water around it.
A. The Tale of a Tub
FTPE, name these Alexander Pushkin works.
This novel in verse creates the ideal in Russian womanhood in the character of Tatyana.
A: Eugene Onegin
Written during his banishment to the family estate before the Decembrist Revolution, this work was Pushkin’s most famous historical tragedy.
A: Boris Godunov
This poem relates the story of a young engaged woman who learns a terrible secret about her soon-to-be-husband.
A: The Bridegroom
FTPE name these people and events from the 1920s from the given clues:
Americans became content with their consumer goods, in turn affecting the companies and the workers that created these goods. What major event in 1929 caused an end to the prosperity of the 1920s, and began the Great Depression?
A: Black Tuesday [prompt on “Stock Market Crash” or equivalents]
This man took over a Chicago organization dealing in illegal liquor, gambling, and prostitution from Johnny Torrio. After the Saint Valentine's Day massacre of 1929, he secured his control of the Chicago underworld. Who is this Italian American gangster, also known as Scarface?
A: Al Capone
It was at midnight of January 16, 1920, that one of the personal habits and customs of most Americans suddenly came to a halt. What law enforced the Eighteenth Amendment and put an end to all importing, exporting, transporting, selling, and manufacturing of intoxicating liquor?
A: Prohibition
FTPE Name the Bolshevik from clues.
The planned purges after the revelation of the Doctor's Plot was averted by the sudden death of this dictator, which lead some to suspect foul play.
A. Joseph Stalin
This Commander of the Red Army was eventually killed in Mexico by a blow to the head with an ax, more than 13 years after Stalin purged him.
A. Leon Trotsky accept Lev Bronstein with a dirty look
His questionable sanity and ability led to a palace coup during his vacation. He spent the remaining seven years of his life at his dacha, officially a 'non-person.'
A. Nikita Khruschev
Answer these questions on Ancient Egyptian religion for ten points each.
This Egyptian book contained many major ideas and beliefs of their religion.
A. The Book of the Dead
This god was the Egyptian's sun god and "lord of the universe."
Ans: Amon-Ra
Horus, the Egyptian sky god, had the body of a human and the head of this flying animal.
Ans: Hawk
Bonus: Identify the following French landmarks for ten points each.
This well known monument was built for the International Exposition of 1889 to celebrate the centennial of the French revolution.
A. Eiffel Tower or Tour Eiffel
This church was secularized during the revolution and now houses the tombs of great Frenchmen.
A. Le Panthéon
This chateau owned by Fouquet, the finance minister of Louis XIV, inspired jealousy in the king, prompting him to both do away with Fouquet and build the far grander palace of Versailles.
A. Vaux-le-Vicomte
FTPE name the feature of African geography from the clue:
Scottish explorer, David Livingston in 1855, named it while on his exploration through Africa. What is this name of waterfall in south central Africa at the end of the Zambezi River?
A: Victoria Falls
Its boundaries include the Atlantic Ocean on the west, and the Atlas Mountains on the north, but these boundaries have been shifting for thousands of years. Name this once fertile area, where millet was cultivated over 8000 years ago.
A: Sahara Desert
Artists such as Bellini, Masaccio, Luini, and Parmigianino have made one,and it is one of the most depicted subjects in history. FTP Name this type of painting thsy illustrates a mother and child.
A. Madonna
FTP answer the following about Famous Baroque Artists
This murderous Italian painter developed the technique of tenebrism and painted the "The Supper at Emmaus", "Death of the Virgin" and a series about the life of St. Matthew.
A. Caravaggio
The greatest of the Baroque sculptor/architects, this Italian designed the baldachin with spiral columns above the altar of St. Peter's in Rome.
A. Gian Lorenzo Bernini
This Flemish master quickly assimilated Baroque ideas in Italy into his works such as "The Last Judgment" and "Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus"
A. Peter Paul Rubens
Identify the piano piece from clues, for ten points each.
When Beethoven wrote this work, he called it “Sonata quasi una fantasia, opus 27, no. 2,” but later on a critic named Rellstab gave it the more romantic title by which we know it today.
A. Moonlight Sonata
Composer Johannes Brahms created these brilliant arrangements of Gypsy melodies, though they were originally written for a piano duet, they have been orchestrated many times.
A. Hungarian Dances
Thought it would be all classical music eh? You were wrong. Identify this composition of the Dave Brubeck quartet, written in 9/8 and inspired by the improvisations of Turkish folk musiciA.
A. Blue Rondo A La Turk
Name these figures associated with Poseidon for 15 points each
Son of Poseidon; cyclops who eats some of Odysseus's men in The Odyssey
A.: Polyphemos
Son of the the white bull Poseidon sent to King Minos's court and the wife of King Minos; half-bull, half-man
A.: Minotaur
Name these terms from Islam FSPNE.
5- Give the name for the journey to Mecca that all muslims must take.
A. Hajj (hahge)
10- Name the black stone to which they travel.
A. Ka'aba (ka-ba)
15- Give the expression meaning God is the Greatest/
A. Allahu Ackbar (allahoo ack-bar)
Expand these Computer Language Acronyms FFPE.
A. Common business oriented language
A. Formula translation
A. Beginner's all purpose symbolic instruction code