Loren McGrail has served a four-year term with the YWCA of Palestine. This appointment is through the Common Global Ministries Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ.

Rev. McGrail is the Communications, Advocacy, and Church Relations Officer for the YWCA of Palestine. She writes and edits newsletters, statements, and action alerts, and coordinates advocacy projects. She meets with church groups/delegations. She is also the Advocacy Officer for the Joint Advocacy Initiative (JAI), edits their on-line newsletter “Eye on Palestine,” and works with the Olive Tree Campaign. She serves the Church of Scotland as one of their ecumenical partners.

Loren attended Boston Theological Institute (BTI), 1972-76 Certificate in International Mission and Ecumenism; University of Oregon, 1976, with a B.A. in English Lit.; Certificate for Secondary Language Arts, 1976. She earned the Master of Divinity degree from Andover Newton Theological School (ANTS), 2005 and completed her Clinical Pastoral Education Resident at Hartford Hospital, 2006.

Her work experience includes:

1980 – 82Barcelona, Spain, English as a Foreign Language teacher

1982 – 84Paris, France, English as a Foreign Language teacher

1984 – 89Boston, MA, Language and Literacy Consultant

1989 – 90Boston, MA, Adult Literacy Resource Center, ESOL Literacy Specialist

1990 – 94World Education, Literacy Specialist

1994 – 96Health Education and Adult Literacy Project

1996 – 00Durham, NC, Literacy South, Executive Director

2000 – 03Language and Literacy Consultant

2006 – 10Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT, Abbott Northwestern, Minneapolis, MN, Multi-faith Chaplain

2010First Congregational Church of Grand Marais MN, filled in during pastor's sabbatical

2011Global Missions, short-term volunteer served with the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel

2011 – 12Planned Parenthood, Parent Outreach Specialist on a teen pregnancy and prevention grant

2013 – 16YWCA of Palestine, under the supervision of the National General Secretary. She writes and edits newsletters, statements, and Action Alerts. She coordinates the advocacy projects which include: The Fabric of Our Lives, Breaking Down the Wall, The Wise Women Also Came, and The Flight into Egypt. She meets with church groups/delegations. She is also the Advocacy Officer for the Joint Advocacy Initiative (JAI) and

edits their on-line newsletter “Eye on Palestine”, and works with the Olive Tree Campaign. She also serves the Church of Scotland as one of their ecumenical partners.