CES Music Lesson Plan

K / Lesson:
rhythm/beat, write a melody, high/low / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Pr4.2.Ka - With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts (such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for performance .
MU:Cr1.1.Kb - With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives).
Materials Needed:
❖“Week 15, K” flipchart
❖Hickory, Dickory Dock laminated sheets
❖boomwhackers / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
●Show rhythm and beat
●Write and play a melody
●Show low and high
When do sounds have a beat? When do sounds make a melody?
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play calm.com while students are coming in. Review I can statements and essential question.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Rhythm vs. Beat (Hickory, Dickory, Dock)
●Divide class in half. Pass out rhythm sheet to one group and beat sheet to other group. Lead one group at a time to follow along with either beat or rhythm images with their finger.
●Pick up sheets and pass out combined rhythm/beat sheet one per partner. Instruct one partner to follow along with
rhythm images and one to follow along with beat images.
Activity 2 (15 min) / Write/Play a melody with boomwhackers
●Review fruit rhythms with students.
●Show Music K-8 Do-re-mi video. Refer back to essential question before starting activity.
●Emphasize - Melody = 1) pitch + 2) rhythm
●Select a students to create their own melody selecting fruit rhythms and so, mi, or la pitches. Students can drag the correct color box to match the related boomwhacker. Pick 4 students to demonstrate playing melody with boomwhackers on the floor. Pass out other boomwhackers for groups to play along.
Activity 4 (5 min) / High/Low
Play Music K-8 video for high and low.
Lead students to sing the song. Review the difference between high notes and low notes. If time allows, play interactive game.
Activity 5 (10 min) / Firefly High/Low game
Closure (5 min) / ●Review essential questions:
●Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for high and low and playing pitches.
1st / Lesson:
musical songs / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Re7.1.1 With limited guidance, identify and demonstrate how personal interests and experiences influence musical selection for specific purposes.
MU:PR5.1.1a With limited guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performances.
MU:PR4.3.1 Demonstrate and describe music’s expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo).
Start Rehearsals on stage on 11/27
Materials Needed:
❖Sheet music for songs
❖“Week 15, 1st” flipchart / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
●sing with others
●Show high and low
Essential Question: “How can I sing high notes?”
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play calm.com while students are coming in.
Review I can statements and essential question.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Rehearse “When I Look at Santa” song
Activity 2 (10 min) / Rehearse “Merry Christmas Time” song
Activity 3 (5 min) / Rehearse “The Sugar Plums” song
Have students echo phrases rhythmically without pitches and then add pitches.
Activity 4 (5 min) / Rehearse “St. Nick At Night”
Activity 5 (5 min) / Review Hip Hop Reindeer song
Activity 6 (5 min) / Rehearse “Christmas is Coming” song
Have students follow with motions
Closure (5 min) / ●Review essential question:
●Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for singing performance songs .
2nd / Lesson:
Musical songs; rhythm / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Pr4.2.2b - When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns using iconic or standard notation
Materials Needed:
❖“Week 15, 2nd” Flipchart
❖Sheet music “This Little Light of Mine” & “Woke up This Morning”, “Kumbaya”
❖djembes / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
●Sing with others
●Count and play correct rhythms
Essential Question: “What role did music play in the Civil Rights Movement?”
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Take attendance.Review I can statements and essential question. Play calm.com while students are coming in.
Activity 1 (5 min) / Rehearse “Woke Up This Morning”
●Remind students about Civil right movements and Martin Luther King Jr.’s role. Question students about last week’s material.
●Have students warm up voice first, then rehearse song.
Activity 2 (5 min) / Review “Kumbaya”
●Play song for students
●Demonstrate rhythm and have students echo in phrases.
●Demonstrate pitch and have students echo in phrases.
●Identify soloists for the verses
Activity 3 (10 min) / Introduce Follow the Drinking Gourd
Discuss history of the song
Have students echo pitches in phrases.
Activity 4 (15 min)
Week 13, 2nd / Djembe tic-tac toe rhythm
  1. Show John Jacobson video on playing djembes.
  2. Have students clap each rhythm pattern before passing out djembes.
  3. Select students to pass out djembes placing along edge of mat, not in front of students.
  4. Once everyone is seated, have students pick up djembes and place between their legs with space between the instrument and the floor. Demonstrate.
  5. Remind students to play “at the right time.” Instruments will be taken away if they don’t follow directions.
  6. Play background track for students to play rhythm patterns.
  7. Divide students into 2 teams and assign one with “X” and one with “O”.
  8. One student at a time will select a rhythm pattern on the board. If rhythm pattern is played correctly, that team gets their “X” or “O.” First one to get tic-tac-toe wins that round.

Activity 3 (5 min) / Rehearse “This Little Light of Mine”
●Identify soloists for verses (2 per class).
Closure (5 min) / ●Review essential question:
●Hand out good class note/rock star w/ certificate
Assessments: / Teacher will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for showing correct rhythms, and learning songs for musicals
3rd / Lesson:
Beat vs. rhythm / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
MU:Cr1.1.4b - Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.
MU:Re9.1.4a - Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the context, citing evidence from the elements of music.
Materials Needed:
❖“Week 15, 3rd” Flipchart
❖Music Express Aug/Sept 2017 student magazines / Student Objectives/Essential Question:
I can:
●Show the difference between beat and rhythm
●Count and play rhythm patterns
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential questions.
Activity 1 (10 min) / .Beat vs. Rhythm
●Play video first -
●Review rhythm vs. beat with “You’re a Grand Old Flag” with students. Have students patsch steady beat on legs and then clap rhythm.
●Divide class in half with one side showing rhythm and the other side showing beat.
●Repeat and have students sing while patsching steady beat on legs.
Activity 2 (20 min) / Djembe tic-tac toe rhythm
  1. Show John Jacobson video on playing djembes.
  2. Have students clap each rhythm pattern before passing out djembes.
  3. Select students to pass out djembes placing along edge of mat, not in front of students.
  4. Once everyone is seated, have students pick up djembes and place between their legs with space between the instrument and the floor. Demonstrate.
  5. Remind students to play “at the right time.” Instruments will be taken away if they don’t follow directions.
  6. Play background track for students to play rhythm patterns.
  7. Divide students into 2 teams and assign one with “X” and one with “O”.
  8. One student at a time will select a rhythm pattern on the board. If rhythm pattern is played correctly, that team gets their “X” or “O.” First one to get tic-tac-toe wins that round.

Activity 3 (10 min) / Can’t Stop This Feeling”
●Review song and movie using student slides
●Discuss music terms/vocabulary and point out in the score
●Work on pitches with echoed phrases.
Closure (5 min) / ●Review essential question:
●Hand out good class note/pick rock star for prize
Assessments: / Teachers will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during rhythm activities and singing with others.
4th & 5th / Lesson:
Baroque music; Bach/Handel/Vivaldi / Date:
Nov 14-27, 2017
National Core Arts Standards:
.MU:Re7.2.4a - Demonstrate and explain citing evidence, how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as social, cultural, and historical.
MU:Re9.1.4a - Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the context, citing evidence from the elements of music.
MU:Re7.2.5a - Demonstrate and explain citing evidence, how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as social, cultural, and historical.
MU:Re9.1.5a - Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the context, citing evidence from the elements of music.
Materials Needed:
❏Bach’s Fight for Freedom movie / Student Objectives:
I can:
●Evaluate Baroque music
Essential Question: “How is the music from the 1700s and 1800s different from today’s music?”
Lesson Component / Procedure
Entry/Anticipatory Set
(5 min) / Play when students enter. Take attendance. Review I can statements and essential questions.
Activity 1 (10 min) / Have students share what they have learned so far about Bach’s music and ways that it is different from today’s music.
Activity 2 (15-30 min) / Bach’s Fight for Freedom
●Finish movie
Activity 3(5-15 min) / Show videos about Baroque music
Quaver’s music Baroque period:
Video of children’s choir singing Handel’s “Hallelujah”:
Closure & exit (5 min) / ●Review student objectives
●Hand out good class note/rock star
Assessments: / Teachers will observe students as they demonstrate objectives during activities for describing Baroque music.