Bio data of Mr. Wei PENG

Mr Wei PENG, currently is the Vice President of Vanform Corporation - a reputed manufacturer of Linac Accelerators in China.

Mr PENG has done his Bachelors from Suzhou University and Masters from University of Science and Technology of China, majoring in Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Technology. He started his career in Radiation processing industry in 2004 at SQHL and was elevated as General Manager of SQHL during 2011-2015. At SQHL he was involved in 20 plus new gamma irradiator design/execution in China, Thailand and Vietnam, and more than 30 old gamma irradiators upgrade in China. This exposure enabled him with a vast experience in Radiation Technology and Engineering and qualified him to a registered Nuclear Safety Engineer and senior engineer. He joined Vanform Corporation in 2015, mainly working in Electron Beam Radiation Technology area.

He has been very active in the international circuit as well, presented papers in IMRPs 2006, 2008 and 2011, functioned in Organizing Committee and chaired a session in IMRP 2013. He has been invited several times by IAEA as an expert in consultants meetings. He is also a member of iiA Technology Working Group.

Development of irradiation facilities for radiation processing in China


Both technology types, Gamma irradiators and Electron beam machines are extensively used in Industrial radiation processing applications in China. Co-60 based technology was developed very early in the country. With more than a half century’s developmental efforts, the overall high performance and high safety track record (equal or exceeding the world’s top order) of Gamma plants designed, manufactured and installed by local suppliers are able not only to fulfill local demands but also in exporting to overseas countries like, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia etc. Post 2010 period, the country is producing and supplying Co-60 – a key component for Gamma plant to the operating irradiators in the country.

Electron beam based technology was developed relatively much later to Gamma technology and in initial period was dependant primarily on imported equipment. However, Dynamitron and Linac type of accelerators were developed very quickly and proliferated significantly in the country in last few years. Future development in Electron Beam Technology is expected to be influenced by the industrial policies and market needs and may be in different directions such as, combination of gamma and electrons, electrons and X-rays and with the advent of newer applications needing more compact or on-line machines.

The current situation in the country, in this respect, is addressed in the presentation.