BIO 392 NOTES Chapter 10-3: Regulating the Cell Cycle

BIO 392 NOTES Chapter 10-3: Regulating the Cell Cycle

I.  What is Cancer?

A.  Statistics

1.  ______develop cancer

2.  ______die of cancer

3.  ______new cases are diagnosed yearly (as of 2005)

a.  Roughly 6 billion people in US

b.  ______Americans day per day of cancer

4.  Over 1 million cases of ______will be diagnosed yearly

5.  US Mortality (in 2003)

a.  #1 killer: ______

b.  #2 killer: ______

c.  #3 killer: ______

6.  Probability of a Man developing cancer in his lifetime: ______

a.  Most common type: ______

7.  Probability of a Woman developing cancer in her lifetime: ______

a.  Most common type: ______

B.  Definition

1.  Disorder in which: ______


a.  Hundreds of different types

2.  No longer respond to ______

3.  Continuously divide, forming masses called ______

a.  these individual cancer cells can break away from the tumor and spread throughout the body à ______

cancer gif

II.  Cell Cycle Control

A.  Normal Cell Growth

1.  How does this represent the

healing process?

2.  The cells eventually stop – but what causes that?

3.  Hypothesis: Substance X will cause a cell to start mitosis

a.  This substance is called: ______

i.  à ______


ii.  Helps create ______

4.  Experiment:

a.  A sample of cytoplasm is taken from a cell in ______

b.  The sample is injected into a 2nd cell in ______

c.  As a result, the 2nd cell enters ______

B.  Cell Cycle Regulators


a.  ______

b.  “Checkpoints” during ______

i.  Make sure ______

ii.  Make sure ______have attached to ______


a.  Proteins that respond to ______

b.  ______cell cycle

c.  Respond to ______

C.  Causes of Cancer

1.  ______à sun, chemicals

2.  ______à obesity is linked

3.  Genetics à mutations in genes that


a.  Example: p53 à gene responsible for halting the cell cycle until all chromosomes have replicated properly

i.  ______

III.  Progression of Cancer

A.  Stages

1.  Normal cells

2.  Benign à fast dividing cells, not really toxic, cause mechanical damage

3.  ______à toxic, cause local toxicity & inflammation

4.  ______à travel from one place to another; the real killer

B.  Classifications of Cancer

1.  Named for their cellular origin

a.  Stomach cancer is still called stomach cancer, even if it has moved to the lungs

2.  “Solid tumors”

a.  ______à originate from surface cells

i.  Skin, wall of intestine, surface of organs

b.  ______à originate in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle

3.  “Liquid tumors”

a.  ______à circulate in blood stream, started in blood

b.  ______à developed in lymph

C.  Estimated US Cancer Deaths

1.  Men & Women are most likely to die from what form of cancer? ______

D.  Treatment

1.  ______àremove the affected cells

2.  ______à high-dose X-rays kill cells

3.  ______à drugs kill cells

4.  ______à hormones stop cell growth


1.  What are cyclins?

2.  What do normal cells do when they contact other cells?

3.  What is the name of a gene that has been linked to cancer?

4.  What is the likelihood of a man or woman being diagnosed with cancer?

5.  What are some internal checkpoints that must occur in the cell cycle?