Bingham Township Regular Board Meeting

Monday, November 8, 2010, 7 p.m.

Clinton County RESA

4179 S BR127, St Johns, Michigan 48879


The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m.

Michael Trebesh called roll: present were Supervisor Ostrowski, Treasurer Trebesh, Trustee Harger (arrived at 7:05 p.m.) and Trustee Hufnagel. Clerk Kus was absent because of an injury.

21 individuals signed the attendance sheet.

Supervisor Ostrowski led in the pledge to the flag and gave the invocation.


Addition to agenda – Under Planning & Zoning add 6C Assessor’s report and Under old business add 7E letter from Motz Development. Motion by Trebesh to approve amended agenda –second by Hufnagel. Motion passed.

Consent Agenda:

Hager stated he is pursuing accumed billings and estimates $3,000 to 4,000 will be billed/collected.

The Clinton County Road Commission agreed to wait for Bingham Twp payment until sufficient winter tax receipts are collected.

MDNRE public notice—new super bridge will be constructed on Dewitt Rd. between Taft and Parks Rd. Construction is scheduled to begin in December 2011

Motion by Trebesh to approve consent agenda-second by Hufnagel. Motion passed.

Public Comment:

No public comment.

Commissioner’s Report:

No commissioner in attendance

No Public Comment.

Planning & zoning

6A. ZC-11-10VR Variance Request ALF Partners-motion by Huffnagel to recommend Zoning Board of Appeals approval , second by Trebesh. Motion passes. Supervisor Ostgrowski will send notice to the Planning Commission stating Bingham Township recommends approval.

6B. PC-35-10SP Malek/PK Contracting –because the planning commission met before our scheduled board meeting the Bingham Twp board members reviewed the plan and submitted comments by email.

6C.Assessor’s report by Peter Preston-preliminary increase assessment of agriculture property is 8-11%; assessment on residential is a reduction of 6-10% and taxable value on residential will be an increased of 1.7%.

Old Business:

7A. SRF-lagoon shut down on schedule. Awaiting final test results and approval from DEQ and DNRE before decommissioning is finalized. Final approval anticipated soon. Removal of sludge is expected in December and January depending on weather conditions.

Interstate Drilling has not completed all the small tasks remaining in order for the Township to release final payment. Interstate Drilling is addressing as built requirement.

7B. Mark Glova sent out letters to Meadows residents urging positive vote on millage request. Since the millage failed Mr. Glova requests the board review/consider his proposal outlining the twp acceptance of the Meadows sewer system and settlement of the rate issue.

7C. The City of St Johns is requesting a 6 inch meter, ready to serve fee and normal processing fees for township’s routine system backwash water. Township representatives are preparing a plan and will seeking DEQ approval to discharge this clean water to a holding area the township owns for natural evaporation or ground acceptance. It was stated that 2/3 of Michigan’s systems process their clean backwash water through this manner. Suggestions were made for possible sale of this water for irrigation purposes.

Trebesh made a motion to proceed with this backwash water plan and avoid the city’s sewer system; second by Hufnagel. Motion passed.

7D. Ostrowski read a letter from Abraham & Gaffney addressing this year’s audit fee.

7E. Ostrowski read a letter from Tom Motz’s attorney requesting the twp increase the water tower/system debt balance by the amount of legal fees incurred and a judgment against Motz Development . The letter proposed a meeting to discuss same. Letter was received at 5pm on the afternoon of the twp meeting.

7F.Committee Reports:

Utilities-nothing to report

Fire & Rescue-nothing to report

Finance- nothing to report

Communications-nothing to report-After approving the October minutes the minutes will be submitted for posting on township’s website.

8A. CC Emergency Management Letter-The current emergency plan expires August, 2011. They are requesting a letter stating Bingham Township will participate in the plan. Motion by Trebesh for Supervisor Ostrowski to write a letter stating Bingham Township will participate; second by Harger. Motion passed.

9A. CAFR meeting scheduled for Tuesday November 9th. The inability to pay the quarterly operating amount and the lack of resolution to the Bingham Township’s issues of disagreement will be discussed.

9.B CAASA showed significant profit this period and reversed the prior period’s loss. The wide swing in profits was a result of timing/recognition of revenue and expenses.

9 C. Trebesh presented to the board and audience a detailed cash flow projection/budget for the period of November 2010 through November 2011. Trebesh explained the majority of township cash is used to subsidize fire and rescue operations, service debt obligations and subsidize the water/sewer system. The cash budget indicates a November 2010 cash deficit in the amount of $59,000. The deficit reverses during the winter tax collection period but returns to a deficit position in July of 2011. By the end of November 2011 the projected cash short deficit is $183,000.00.

Trebesh explained/identified the assumption upon which the cash projections were based and stressed the seriousness of the cash deficit projections and need for the need for remedies.

The audience asked questions and proposed suggestions.

The board welcomes community involvement and suggestions.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasure Trebesh presented the bank reconciliation for October 31th reflecting a balance of $71,581.70. The treasurer and clerk reconcile to the penny. The majority of these funds relates to SRF obligations and are not available for general fund use. Trebesh will notify board of all cash receipts when they are received.

Winter tax bills are being incorporated into the system and will be mailed By December 1st.Trebesh requested the Supervisor’s and Clerk’s submit their winter newsletter comments by November 16th. Also, the board was notified that two boxes of two window envelopes and stamps are needed to mail the winter tax bills.

Motion by Hufnagel to accept treasurer’s report; second by Harger. Motion passed.

Clerk’s Report:

Ostrowski summarized the results of the November 2nbd election and thanked the citizens who voted.

In absence of Clerk Kus, Ostrowski and Trebesh distributed a check register dated 11/07/2010.Motion by Hufnagel to accept clerk’s report and pay check #6272-6293 in the amount of $35,029.72; second by Harger. Motion passed

Supervisor’s Report

There will be a meeting of township board members, the State Representative and Clinton County representatives to discuss the consequences of the failed millage request and subsequent default on township expenditures. The time and place of this meeting will be announced when details become available.


Motion to adjourn by Eric, second by Trebesh. Motioned passed.

Meeting adjourned 9:35 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,

Michael Trebesh