Lesson 102.3 TUE 2009-09-15 CHATLOG
BILmanager (Lobby): Hi AL - are you back today to do the Bridge102 session ? do you need any assistance with that ?
->BILmanager: Hi Maureen, yes I'll old 102.3 today. I need no assisstance, but would be
->BILmanager: honored, if you had the time to say "hello"
->BILmanager: hold 102.3
BILmanager (Lobby): ok
davidcole (Lobby): willst du mit maria und ich spielen?
bjmue: glad you are back al.
jan1543: hi all
terlian: hi all
bjmue: hi Sandy
TwstofLime: Al, Welcome Back! Please let me know when to "surprise" Mauren with her birthday wishes! !H
Sonden: everybody is here, yeah
terlian: Hi Sonia..
davidap: Hi all:)
Sonden: hi all
bjmue: hi davidap
bjmue: hi memex8
bjmue: and Terry
->TwstofLime: !H
terlian: hi Bonnie, Linda, Vicky
bjmue: hi Vicky
xx1943: hi all we start in 420 sec
bilianil: Hi Bridge Buds!!!
memex8: hello Bonnie, Davida, Terry, Vicky
bilianil: :)
Sonden: hi Linda
memex8: glad to see you Sonia!
terlian: we are all here...and rarin to go! LOL
bilianil: lol of course!
TwstofLime: Is the study group still on for Thursday?
terlian: still eating my lunch
terlian: think so, most of us meet then
bilianil: Has been
TwstofLime: okie!!! !H
bilianil: and at night
memex8: yes...the study group is wonderful
davidap: I may not be able to make it:( have an appointment on Thursday
terlian: yes, we meet around 5 EDT most nights
bilianil: Our whole group is wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!H
memex8: ditto, Vicky
davidap: double ditto:)
bilianil: :)
terlian: lol
memex8: Terry, do we gather at 5 or 8 EDT?
terlian: 8 EDT, sorry...5 PDT..my time!
TwstofLime: Among many good teachers who would love to stop by and help once in awhile (if his arm is twsted) is John Taylor, our Cafe owner!
bilianil: think 8 for us and 5 for Terry
memex8: ok...just checking...ty
bilianil: Twist!!!
terlian: we would like that Sandy
TwstofLime: Hi, JT! !H
bilianil: Poor Phillip is probably worn out with US!
JohnTaylor->Kibitzers: any questions ask them in cafe on your board or you are welcome to private message me there too
TwstofLime: He is frail. His arm can be twisted easily! LOL
JohnTaylor: Snady !H
terlian: ty JT, very kind of your
bjmue: consider your arm twisted John pls we sure need help
terlian: of you
JohnTaylor: *Sandy lol
TwstofLime: Please let him know anything specific you might like to practice. :))))) No smilies in Web-Based. :((((((
beanie999: hi
terlian: still having trouble getting chat from our sessions to print...and have written to BIL Friend...no reply
beanie999: bridge 102
bjmue: hi Linda
omayne: Hi
xx1943: here we go
xx1943: hi all
jan1543: hi
terlian: Hi Al
memex8: welcome back, Al!
davidap: Hi Al")
RedCat08: Hi Al :)
BILmanager: !D welcome back from your vacation AL
bilianil: Hi Al
TwstofLime: shall I suprise Maureen now?
boo559: Good Vac.?
xx1943: the word has: Sandy for a great surprise
bjmue: we have been hogging poor Phillip all week what a help he is for us
TwstofLime: Welcome back, Al! !H
BILmanager: => Club: !D Beginners registered for the Bridge102 Course your session is about to start in the BIL
RedCat08: Sandy ?
bilianil: Surprise?
memex8: Sandy and Phillip have been wonderful !H
bilianil: !H!H!H
BILmanager: !D Thank you Phillip for covering for Al
davidap: !h to both of them
TwstofLime: As we all know this is the Big BIL Birthday Bash Month! And special events are galore!
gowanlock: my pleasure wb Al :)
memex8: Hello Maureen !H
terlian: hear hear
->TwstofLime: you are to me in private
RedCat08: !h's to Maureen
TwstofLime: This is the BIL's Big Brithday Month and special events are rampant!
bilianil: !H!H!H!H!H
BILmanager: !D and a very big thank you to Sandy who masterminded the idea of the Bridge 101 and Bridge 102 series
terlian: WOW, kudos to Sandy
xx1943: clap clap clap Sandy
memex8: we are lucky
TwstofLime: Oh Oh! Someone here is celebrating their birthday as well. Someone we all know, love and appreciate!
davidap: clap, clap , clap to all who helped
boo559: terrific Sandy
bilianil: Three cheers for Sandy!!!
bilianil: and Gowanlock
bilianil: and Al
xx1943: :)
TwstofLime: So we won't offer her birthday wishes, just some good advice. Shall we?
terlian: yes indeed to all above
terlian: ok
bjmue: This class is the best. I am learning so much from you al, and Sandy and Phillip. So gratefl
TwstofLime: Shall we?
swall9: sure
xx1943: Yeaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
davidap: yes:)
gowanlock: :)
bilianil: :)
RedCat08: yes
TwstofLime: yes? no? or shall we just wish her a wonderful birthday?
jan1543: :)
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
terlian: yes yes yes
RedCat08: or what?
terlian: sing
bilianil: Happy Birthday!!H!H!H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
RedCat08: cherish your partner!
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
terlian: Al is all heart
TwstofLime: Birthday girl, listen up!
bilianil: lol
jan1543: how do you do all those hearts???
TwstofLime: Take chances. Tell the truth. Spend all your cash. Fall in love. Get to know someone random.
TwstofLime: Sing out loud. Laugh at stupid jokes. Say no. Cry. Dance under the light of every full moon.
terlian: Good Advice for all of us Sandy!
bilianil: Have a PARTY!!!!!!!!!!
swall9: ditto
TwstofLime: Get revenge. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Touch the beauty of a deep red rose.
TwstofLime: Tell people what you feel. Hold the earth in your hand. Laugh until your stomach hurts.
terlian: Great words of wisdom Sandy
BILmanager: well that will keep one busy for another year
gregitrump: And ,,,, Keep away from Gregitrump !!! :)
TwstofLime: Breathe the sky into your soul. Live and love well.
b aslan: lol
bilianil: All great advice from our Leader!!!
RedCat08: Love and !h's to Maureen
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
terlian: Yippeeeee Happy Birthday Maureen
gregitrump: awwwww Happy Happy Birthday M
davidap: yea Maureen - Happy Birthday and !h to you
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H
xx1943: !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H!H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H !H
swall9: ditto
b aslan: happy birthday all:)))))))
gowanlock: happy birthday maureen and BIL
memex8: Happy Birthday Maureen and best wishes and appreciation!
TwstofLime: All sing! LOL Happy Birthday, Maureen!
xx1943: let us sing together
tonguedog: Happy birthday Maureen
xx1943: Happy birthday
terlian: Singing here in Washington State!
gregitrump: tooooo yooooooooooooo
BILmanager: Thank you - who let the cat out of the bag !! - actually it is tomorrow :) too many to count
bilianil: and NC
davidap: I will clap while you sing:)
memex8: and SC
niccolla: which key ...
gloriajane: Singing in North Carolina
gregitrump: lol
macmj: and TN
heppy: Hi all, sorry i'm late and HAPPY BIrTHDAY maureen!!!!!!!!!!! :))) !H!H!H
niccolla: shall we sing in
swall9: hbtyhbtuhbdM,S.A, hbtya';;
gregitrump: LOWEST key for me nicci
xx1943: Singing in Munich (in the rain)
niccolla: lol
BILmanager: lol
gregitrump: uts
terlian: great Al
RedCat08: singing in NY
robin_s: many more happy ones
Petaltree: singing in Yorkshire, england
davidap: singing in Boston
TwstofLime: !H !D !S !C
terlian: well done Petal
gregitrump: humming in Ocean City MD
vanyvon: happy birthday Maureen ! !s!h!d!c
tonguedog: singing in Italy
niccolla: down under key here
goofer19: Singing in Canada...Ontario...that is...:)
heppy: singing in Trieste, Italy!!
Sonden: singing in Québec City
beanie999: singing in toronto
TwstofLime: Singing in Wichita, Kansas!
jan1543: singing in newbedford ma
Su__: .ç9
learning4: belting it out in huntsville, al
gregitrump: lol
terlian: how wonderfully international we are
b aslan: birthday song :)
niccolla: lol
BILmanager: wow from all corners of the world -
memex8: Maureen...so many people all over the world for whom you've done so much!
peter61: Singing in Wales
xx1943: ok great chorus, all the best for Maureen in her next year
vavali: Hungary
terlian: here's to the Welsh!
terlian: Singers all in Wales
BILmanager: !D!D shush now or you will make me cry
xx1943: but now it is time to work
TwstofLime: Wecome home, Al! And many thanks, Gowanlock! !H
bilianil: !H!H!H
xx1943: Today our topic is "How to plan a NT contract"
xx1943: Today our topic is "How to plan a NT contract"
xx1943: Today our topic is "How to plan a NT contract"
davidap: Welcome home Al and ty to Phillip and Sandy for keeping an eye on us:)
xx1943: I hope every registered student visited our 102 board in Alfresco's cafe and read
xx1943: the posts concerning this lesson 102.3.
xx1943: I use this platform as communication center for this course:
bjmue: Happy Birthday Maureen to one of your most grateful fans!!
heppy: y
terlian: yes Al
xx1943: I'm very happy to have more feedback there. Complaints and suggestions to
xx1943: improve or very welcome.
xx1943: Please bookmark this forum and have a look at it after each lesson (and in
xx1943: between, if you like.)
xx1943: The complete 102-schedule and all changes are posted at our forum too:
xx1943: The schedule post will be updated weekly.
heppy: but if you don't give us a reason to complain...??!??
xx1943: ok let us start now
xx1943: Don't be shy to ask any question, please. There are no dumb questions!!!!! You are
xx1943: here to learn. And my job is to answer your questions.
xx1943: Don't be shy to ask any question, please. There are no dumb questions!!!!! You are
xx1943: here to learn. And my job is to answer your questions.
xx1943: Don't be shy to ask any question, please. There are no dumb questions!!!!! You are
xx1943: here to learn. And my job is to answer your questions.
xx1943: I prepared my my chat by Roger Pfisters ChatAssistant. Many thanks to him for
xx1943: providing us with this great tool
xx1943: See -
xx1943: See -
xx1943: If I'm pasting too fast, please stop me be typing a ?
xx1943: If I'm pasting too fast, please stop me be typing a ?
xx1943: I hope you all did your homework and have read my pdf-file "How to plan a
xx1943: NT-contract?". So all of you know the 3 steps planning a NT-contract?
terlian: Count sure tricks and how many extras needed
xx1943: did you??
heppy: y
RedCat08: yes
macmj: y
scooter321: y
memex8: y
bjmue: y
bilianil: y
jan1543: y
terlian: Look at suits a second time to see where extra tricks come in
learning4: i confess no- where IS the pdf file?
gloriajane: y
terlian: what could go wrong
xx1943: All could see the 7 hands in the movie?
taxlady: no
terlian: y
macmj: y
omayne: y
bjmue: y
boo559: no
scooter321: y
memex8: y
davidap: y
bilianil: y
tonguedog: no
heppy: y but couldn't get it to move...... :(
boo559: same here
gloriajane: could not get it to move either
xx1943: The link to the pdf-file is in the post: Prepare lesson 102.3
bjmue: were they supposed to move
xx1943: There was nothing to move. Only the 7 hands to look at.
heppy: ahhhhhhhhh
taxlady: could only see 2 hands
xx1943: You go from 1 hand to the next by clicking on the forwrad button
taxlady: I did.
boo559: ok
heppy: ok i only lookd at them
xx1943: ok
bjmue: me too
xx1943: These are the 3 steps plan the play of a NT-contract
xx1943: 1) Count the sure (immediate) tricks. Calculate how many tricks you need to make
xx1943: your bid.bid?
xx1943: 2) Formulate concise plans how to get the needed extra tricks. Which suit to
xx1943: establish and how?
xx1943: 3) Test every plan in your mind: What will happen? How does every plan work?
xx1943: steps 1) and 2) are easy
xx1943: step 3 is the whole art
Gemini03: what about analyzing the opening lead?
xx1943: ok
xx1943: Today I prepared 7 deals for you. Did you have a look on them? You need to
xx1943: install the old BBO-software to view these movies.
xx1943: In every deal I'll ask you the same 3 questions
xx1943: 1) Count the sure (immediate) tricks. Calculate how many tricks you need to make
xx1943: your bid.bid?
xx1943: 2) Formulate concise plans how to get the needed extra tricks. Which suit to
xx1943: establish and how?
xx1943: 3) Test every plan in your mind: What will happen? How does every plan work?
xx1943: #1
Gemini03: how can you know how many tricks you have without doing that?
boo559: you can't
xx1943: look at this hand
xx1943: 1) Count the sure (immediate) tricks. Calculate how many tricks you need to make
xx1943: your bid.bid?
learning4: 6 sure tricks
heppy: 5
Gemini03: what about analyzing the opening lead?
tonguedog: 6
macmj: 6
davidap: 6 need 3 more
niccolla: i found the my hands and everyones results check them out /// to see my errors and find my percentages for a month
taxlady: 6
Gemini03: Is n't it part of a plan?
heppy: y, 6
xx1943: u r rite gemini
xx1943: now after the lead you can count the sure tricks
tonguedog: 7
memex8: 6
vavali: 9
learning4: 6
davidap: 6
terlian: 6
bjmue: 6
macmj: 7
anne70: 7
beanie999: 7
xx1943: sure tricks are the tricks, you can take with any cjance losing the lead
Su__: 10
gloriajane: 6
xx1943: 6 or 7? 9 was a misclick
eternaluke: 6
beanie999: 7
gregitrump: you don't know about the !sQ yet 6 sure
nokan: 11
13hunters: 7
Gemini03: 7 sure tricks, only 6 after any other lead
memex8: if I couldn't see RHO, I would count 5 before RHO played
Sonden: 7
tonguedog: 7
Su__: 11
xx1943: after the lead there are 2 sure tricks in !S
macmj: 6 before the lead, 7 after the lead
xx1943: great answer mac
thd: 6
meshmeshaa: 7
xx1943: 1) 2!S(after the lead)+1!H+4!D=7 tricks. I need 2 more to make 3NT.
jan1543: clubs
xx1943: which suitsprovide extra tricks?
nokan: c
memex8: !Cs
swall9: !Cs
learning4: use k of clubs to force out Ace and then run them
macmj: clubs and hearts
Sonden: clubs
davidap: from!c
omayne: clubs
tonguedog: c
wik54: 1h!C an dd
taxlady: c & H
thd: c
heppy: !C
xx1943: correct answer again from mac
wik54: 1H
terlian: clubs
xx1943: !c and !H
xx1943: 2) Plan 1: I take the !S lead in my hand and try the !H finesse. This yields 2 or 3 (if
xx1943: the finesse works) extra tricks.
eternaluke: c 4 tricks hearts only 2 tricks
xx1943: Plan 2: I take the !S lead in my hand, knock out the !CA and get 4 extra tricks.
Gemini03: and 4th !D if the missing are 3-3
xx1943: nope
Gemini03: sorry, didn't see the J:)
learning4: why would you do the hearts first before clubs?
xx1943: you have always 4 !D tricks from the top
xx1943: I didn't say, that I would do the !H before the !c
xx1943: I only said !H and !c are possible
learning4: oh! i thought plan 1 meant first choice.
xx1943: 3) Which plan shall we adopt?
eternaluke: can only aford to lose the lead once.
learning4: clubs
taxlady: c
eternaluke: clubs first
memex8: !Cs
davidap: !c first get the Ace out
xx1943: can only aford to lose the lead once. Good statement
bjmue: clubs plan
swall9: ditto
xx1943: Both plans will work. You'll have a !S stopper left and will lose the lead at most
xx1943: once.
xx1943: Because both plans work perfectly to make your contract, you can look how to
xx1943: make as much trick as possible.
xx1943: BUT REMEMBER this RULE: Never jeopardize your contract for an overtrick. Your
xx1943: goal ist to make your bid.
xx1943: How many tricks do you think you'll get with plan 1?
xx1943: ???
xx1943: plan1 is zthe !H finesse
13hunters: 10 or 11
terlian: 9 for sure
anne70: 10
niccolla: yes he can be wicked
xx1943: 9 for sure
eternaluke: clubs yield 4 tricks after ace is out hearts maximal gain is 3 minimal 2
macmj: 11
xx1943: burt maybe 12, if W holds !HK
beanie999: 11
macmj: y
xx1943: never 11
xx1943: 9 or 12
xx1943: Plan 1 give me 12 tricks, if the !H finesse is on, but only 9, if East holds the !HK
xx1943: How many tricks do you think to make with plan2 (take the lead and establish !C)?
xx1943: ???
13hunters: 11
omayne: 10
thd: 11
gloriajane: 10
memex8: 11
eternaluke: 11
nokan: 11
learning4: 11
tonguedog: 11
eternaluke: our 7 sure plus 4 clubs
xx1943: Plan 2 will give you 11 tricks for sure and maybe 12 at the end.
xx1943: Now it is too dangerous to finesse the !H
xx1943: 11 easy tricks
xx1943: any questions?
xx1943: Don't be shy to ask any question, please. There are no dumb questions!!!!! You are
xx1943: here to learn. And my job is to answer your questions.
xx1943: #2 The N/S hand are identical to #1, but we got a different lead
xx1943: 1) Count the sure (immediate) tricks. Calculate how many tricks you need to make
xx1943: your bid.bid?
learning4: what does the lead of 5 h mean?
tonguedog: rule 11
wik54: 4 H tricks
13hunters: 8 sure tricks after the lead
xx1943: opponents lead 4th best, but the 5 can be from xx5 or even 5x
boo559: what is rule 11
gloriajane: yes, what is rule 11
xx1943: rule of 11 we'll discuss later
memex8: or from Kxx ??
xx1943: it is more for the defense
xx1943: yep 5 can be from Kx5
vavali: hi all
xx1943: how many sure tricks?
tonguedog: doesn't have a k
boo559: 5
nokan: 8
learning4: 6
xx1943: hmhhh
memex8: 6
wik54: 12
heppy: 6
terlian: 7
RedCat08: 6
davidap: 6
beanie999: 7
xx1943: 5 6 8 12
xx1943: 7
vanyvon: gtg see you :)
->vanyvon: bye ty
learning4: wouldn't the sure tricks be the same since the cards are same as last hand?
xx1943: good question, but the lead is different
xx1943: now we can cash only 1 trick in !S
boo559: 6
RedCat08: 6
xx1943: last hand we had 2 !S tricks after the lead
xx1943: let us count together:
gloriajane: 6
Sonden: 6
xx1943: !S has sure tricks:
beanie999: but 2 sure heart tricks after the lead
beanie999: 7
terlian: 1S
xx1943: 1!S
xx1943: correct
heppy: 1S 1H 4D
nokan: 1 H
beanie999: 1s, 2 h, 4 d
tonguedog: 7
xx1943: but not 2!H after the lead, because East may have the K
nokan: 1 s 1 h 4 D
terlian: 1 H
beanie999: ah
xx1943: 1) 1!S+1!H+4!D=6 tricks. We need 3 more to make 3NT.
beanie999: thx
beanie999: because we see all 4 hands lol
terlian: 4D
terlian: 1C
xx1943: nope without seeing opponets hands
xx1943: sure tricks means: ready to take without the CHANCE of losuing the lead
xx1943: 1) 1!S+1!H+4!D=6 tricks. We need 3 more to make 3NT.
xx1943: where can the extra tricks come from?
terlian: Clubs
boo559: use h's
wik54: clubs
xx1943: !c or !H??
davidap: !C
memex8: !CS
terlian: and H
heppy: !H !C
bjmue: clubs
xx1943: 2) Plan 1: I take the !S lead in my hand and try the !H finesse. This yields 2 or 3 (if
xx1943: the finesse works) extra tricks.
swall9: both
wik54: holdup !HA and get 4
xx1943: sry wrong paste
xx1943: 2) Plan 1: I play a low !H from dummy and knock out !CA later. If the !HK is with
xx1943: West (as the lead of the 5 suggests) I'll score 12 tricks.
xx1943: Plan 2: I take !hA and knockout the !CA and will score 10 tricks for sure.
xx1943: 3) Which plan shall we adopt?
xx1943: ???
memex8: 2
wik54: plan 2
terlian: 2
heppy: 2
xx1943: 3) Which plan shall we adopt?
xx1943: ???
taxlady: 1
heppy: 2nd
tonguedog: 2
thd: 1
TwstofLime: !HA in dummy!
nokan: 2
swall9: i wld finesse the !H
swall9->Club: oops
xx1943: 3) Which plan shall we adopt?
xx1943: 3) Plan 1 gives you a 50% chance to make 12 tricks, but a 50% chance to go down
xx1943: too.
xx1943: Plan 2 gives you 10 tricks for sure.
xx1943: Your goal is NOT to score overtricks but to make your contarct as safe as
xx1943: possible. So plan 2 is our choice.
xx1943: So there is no doubt, that we MUST adopt plan 2 and take the lead with !HA.
macmj: and that is because we know we have only 1 sure stopper in spades?
terlian: clap clap clap
heppy->Club: nice
xx1943: correct mac
boo559: helps u went a little slower
xx1943: the problem is that IF EAST holds !HK (50%) he'll play a !S through your AQ
->boo559: ok
xx1943: Your goal is NOT to score overtricks but to make your contarct as safe as
xx1943: possible. So plan 2 is our choice.
xx1943: So there is no doubt, that we MUST adopt plan 2 and take the lead with !HA.
xx1943: now we have 10 sure tricks: 1!S+1!H+4!D+4!C=10
xx1943: Your goal is NOT to score overtricks but to make your contarct as safe as
xx1943: possible. So plan 2 is our choice.