Class Syllabus and Guide

Ms. Snow

Office Hours: M,T,W,F 8:30am or by appointment

You made it to 8th grade. Woot! Woot! Let’s get crackin’ at some awesome math and learn some skills that will prepare you for High School.

As 8th grade students at Athey Creek MS, you will be starting your study of geometry. The topics we will be exploring this year include:

  • Tools of geometry
  • Reasoning and proof

  • Parallel and perp. lines
  • Congruent triangles

  • Relationships in triangles
  • Quadrilaterals

  • Proportions and similarities
  • Right triangles and trigonometry

  • Transformations and symmetry
  • Circles

  • Area of polygons
  • Extending surface area and volume

Classroom Expectations

1)NO PEN! Only pencils are allowed on ALL work unless specified by the teacher during special projects. If pen is used, you will be instructed to rewrite the assignment in pencil and turn in both.

2)Practice our classroom values: Respect, Integrity, Growth, Responsibility

3)Be in your seat and ready to begin class on time.

4)Come to class prepared and with all necessary materials:

a)Several sharpened pencils! Again, all math work must be done in pencil or it will NOT be accepted. No exceptions. (Erasable ink is not acceptable)

b)A ruler or straightedge

c)An organized three ring binder with extra paper

d)Calculator (TI-83/84 preferred)

e)Assignment planner

f)Your assignment(s) and textbook

g)Anything else you need to complete assignments or projects as instructed.

5)Give your all. Try! You will get out of this class what you put in!

Class Policy

  • Homework/Assignments: We will be participating in many in-class assignments that may require more time to complete than allotted in class. This is your opportunity to gauge where YOU are in your learning. If you are having trouble, come and see me in the morning during my office hours. I am here to guide you in your math learning!
  • Missing Assignment Sheet:If by chance you did not complete your homework or assignment, you are required to fill out and turn in a “Missing Assignment Sheet.” This sheet is intended for me to understand why you are falling behind in your work and if/how I can help you succeed.
  • Off-task Sheet: This class is designed to be heavy on discussion and requires constant participation to grasp the material. If I see you working on other classwork or not participating in another manner, you will be required to fill out an “Off-task Sheet.” This sheet is intended for me to keep a record of when you are choosing to not focus on math in class. This is not meant to be a punishment but rather for me to recognize patterns of your involvement in class and how I can aid you in your learning.
  • Attendance and Late Work: You are allowed a two-day grace period for each day that you are absent. It is your responsibility to talk to me about what was missed when absent and to get the work in as soon as possible. You will most likely need to come visit me during my office hours so that we can review and discuss the missed lessons so you do not fall behind.
  • Vitamin Quizzes: These are quizzes that review “old material.” These keep you “mathematically healthy.” I will give a Practice Vitamin Quiz 3-5 days before aVitamin Test.
  • Quizzes and Tests:Quizzes will be given periodically throughout units to gauge your learning progress. There will be at least one test during each unit and will be comprehensive. This means that you need to learn AND REMEMBER key material. I am a proficiency based grader, so this means that I will allow you to retake tests up to 90%; however, this can only be done during my office hours or by appointment.

Grade BreakdownGrading Scale

Homework and Assignments: 15%A90-100
Vitamin Quizzes: 10%B80-89
Problem of the Week: 5%C70-79
Tests (Assessments): 70%NP0-69

I am super excited about learning math with you this year. As long as you are in contact and conversation with me, I will do whatever I can to help you succeed. You just might become a math geek!