Bill# Sponsors Title Bill Narrative History Position
* = amended strikethrough = Killed
HB11-1046 / Vaad / Coordinated And Rational Transp Planning / Sections 1 to 4 of the bill amend existing statutory provisions regarding transportation planning in order to coordinate such planning for any area of the state that is outside the jurisdiction of a metropolitanplanning organization (MPO) by: / 01/12/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation
02/02/2011 House Committee on Transportation Postpone Indefinitely / Monitor
HB11-1047 / Jones
Schwartz / The bill expands the scope of the new energy improvement program established by the Colorado new energy improvement district pursuant to the "New Energy Jobs Creation Act of 2010" by making
commercial buildings, including buildings owned or used by nonprofit entities, eligible to be included in the district and making appropriate conforming amendments. / 01/12/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government
01/31/2011 House Committee on Local Government Postpone Indefinitely / Monitor
HB11-1054 / Ramirez
Harvey / Require RTD To Contract Bus Service / Prior to 2007, the regional transportation district (RTD) was required to contract at least 50% of its vehicular service with qualified private businesses pursuant to competitively negotiated contracts. This
provision was modified in 2007 to allow RTD, in its discretion, to contract up to 58% of its vehicular service pursuant to such contracts.
The bill repeals the 58% ceiling for private contracts and returns the contracting provision back to the mandatory 50% minimum requirement that existed prior to 2007. / 01/12/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation
02/02/2011 House Committee on Transportation Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole / Monitor
HB11-1066 / McKinley / Due Process Prior To Gov Taking / The bill reinforces a property owner's right to procedural due process in eminent domain proceedings. Specifically, the bill prohibits governmental takings of livestock, airspace, or seepage water rights
without due process of law. The bill also reinforces the requirement that a person authorized to take such property must follow the applicable court
procedures required by statute in such instances. / 01/19/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary / Monitor
HB11-1075 / Becker / Limit Uses Of SB 09-108 Funding / Section 1 of the bill limits the ongoing requirement of Senate Bill 09-108 (FASTER) that the department of transportation (CDOT) expend $10 million per year of the revenues credited to the highway users tax
fund for transit-related projects to fiscal years ending before July 1, 2015.
Section 2 narrows the FASTER definition of road safety project to exclude any project that involves the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of bikeways or dedicated bicycle lanes except to the extent that such construction, reconstruction, or maintenance is necessary to ensure bicyclist or motorist safety at the intersection of a road and a
bikeway or dedicated bicycle lane. Section 3 repeals the provision of FASTER that dedicates $5 million per year of FASTER revenues to the state transit and rail fund for use by the state transit and rail division of
CDOT for grants to local governments for local transit projects, effective June 30, 2015. / 01/19/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation
02/02/2011 House Committee on Transportation Postpone Indefinitely / Oppose
HB11-1092 / Kerr A.
Brophy / Local Streets Hwys Available Bike Route / The bill specifies that a local authority may not prohibit the operation of bicycles or electrically assisted bicycles on a street or highway unless a suitable bike path, horseback trail, or other trail is available within a specified distance for use as an alternate route and an
engineering and traffic investigation has been done to determine whether the operation of such vehicles is incompatible with the normal and safe movement of traffic. / 01/20/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation
02/02/2011 House Committee on Transportation Refer Unamended to House Committee of the Whole / Monitor
HB11-1113 / Holbert
Foster / Impact Fees Transparency / The bill requires a county or municipal government (local government) that imposes an impact fee to publish, at least once annually, on its official web site in a clear, concise, and user-friendly format
information detailing the allocation by dollar amount of each land development charge collected to an account or among accounts maintained by the local government for the collection of moneys received from such charges, the average annual interest rate on each account, and the total amount disbursed from each account, during the local government's most recent fiscal year. The bill also repeals outdated statutory provisions. / 01/21/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government
01/31/2011 House Committee on Local Government Refer Amended to House Committee of the Whole
02/03/2011 House Second Reading Passed with Amendments
02/04/2011 House Third Reading Passed / Monitor
HB11-1122 / Schafer S. / Mod Home Rule Charter Reqmnts / In connection with the process for obtaining approval of a home rule charter for a municipality, the bill:
! Clarifies that the first meeting of the charter commission is to be held not more than 20 days after the date on which the election on the formation of the commission is certified.
! Extends from 120 to 180 days the period after the election on the formation of the commission by which the charter commission is required to submit to the governing body a proposed charter.
! Extends from 120 to 185 days the maximum period after publication of the notice of an election to approve the proposed home rule charter during which the election must be held. / 01/21/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
HB11-1133 / Wilson
Schwartz / Alt Fuel Vehicle Refueling Stations / The bill:
! Defines "alternative fuel vehicle" as a self-propelled
vehicle that is designed primarily for travel on the public highways, generally and commonly used to transport persons and property over the public highways, and powered primarily by electricity or natural gas.
! Requires the department of transportation (CDOT) to
award a concession to one or more commercial entities to install and maintain alternative fuel vehicle refueling
stations at state highway rest areas if the department
concludes that the concession will not be detrimental to
public safety or the environment and will not result in
positive net state expenditures;
! Requires CDOT, in consultation with the division of parks and outdoor recreation (division), to award a concession to one or more commercial entities to install and maintain alternative fuel vehicle refueling stations at state parks if both CDOT and the division conclude that the concession will not be detrimental to public safety or the environment and will not result in positive net state expenditures;
! Specifies that a concessionaire need not install and
maintain an alternative fuel vehicle refueling station at a specific state highway rest area or state park if CDOT, or CDOT and the division, as applicable, determine that it would be cost-prohibitive, damaging to the environment, detrimental to public safety, or, in the case of a state park, detrimental to the public's enjoyment of the park;
! Requires a concession contract to specify the maximum amount of the fees that a concessionaire may charge for the use of any refueling station that it installs and maintains; and
! Requires CDOT to prominently display on its web site a list by location of all alternative fuel vehicle refueling stations that a concessionaire operates and maintains and all other
publicly available refueling stations in the state that are
known to CDOT, to regularly update the list, and to
provide a means, if feasible, by which members of the
public can add refueling stations to the list. / 01/21/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation / Monitor
HB11-1137 / Hullinghorst
Heath / Local Improvement District Authority / Current law allows a county to create a local improvement district (district) in order to construct and fund certain improvements within the boundaries of the district with the affirmative vote of affected property owners. Some of these improvements can be funded by imposing a sales tax throughout the district or by using a combination of assessments and a sales tax. Section 1 of the bill allows a district to also use these funding mechanisms to provide certain services. / 01/21/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government / Monitor
HB11-1146 / Massey / Def Ag Land For Prop Tax / The bill amends the existing statutory definition of agricultural land for purposes of the property tax to exclude up to 2 acres of land associated with a residential improvement located on such agricultural land unless the residence is integral to an agricultural operation conducted on the land. The bill requires the property tax administrator to define the phrase
"integral to the agricultural operation" in manuals, appraisal procedures, and instructions promulgated by the administrator. The bill specifies certain factors the administrator is to consider in promulgating the definition. Any person who objects to the application of the term "integral to an agricultural operation" to their property and whose objections or protests have been denied by the county assessor may submit a petition for appeal to the county board of equalization. / 01/24/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources
HB11-1154 / Hamner
Morse / County Unincorporated Bus Regis Prog / The bill allows a board of county commissioners to enact an ordinance defining the boundaries of a "large community", which must be an unincorporated area having a population of at least 5,000, within
which a business may not operate unless the business has registered with the board of county commissioners. "Business" is defined to exclude a
commercial activity that does not have any employees and does not receive or initiate any commercial deliveries of supplies or products. The statute lists the type of information that the business can be required to provide and limits the registration fee to the county's administrative costs. / 01/27/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Local Government
HB11-1210 / Hamner
Nicholson / Require CDOT I-70 Mtn Corridor Recomms / The bill requires the department of transportation (CDOT):
! No later than February 15, 2012, to make prioritized
recommendations to the transportation committees of the general assembly regarding actions that can be taken before July 1, 2017, to improve mobility in the interstate 70 mountain corridor (corridor);
! To include with each recommendation an estimate of the amount of funding required to implement the
recommendation and a recommendation regarding
available or potentially available sources of such funding;
! In developing its recommendations, to consider both
capacity expansion options, including, but not limited to, the opening of hard shoulders to traffic at times of
peak-period congestion, and traffic demand management options and investigate the feasibility of nongovernmental actions that might improve mobility in the corridor; and
! To consult with local governments and business entities With interests in the corridor and to take such consultation into account when developing the recommendations. The bill also allows CDOT to hold public hearings at which interested
members of the public may propose actions to improve mobility in the corridor or comment on any such actions proposed by others. / 02/04/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Transportation
HB11-1220 / Beezley
Foster & Williams / Accel Urban Transp Projects For Econ Dev / Section 1 of the bill provides funding for state highway system transportation projects through the allocation of state sales tax revenue to local governments that can demonstrate that a new project will result in
greater commercial development and generate new state sales tax revenue. Specifically, the bill: (See bill) / 02/04/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to Economic and Business Development
SB11-045 / Johnston
Levy / Streamline Elec Powerline Siting / Under current law, siting authority for an electric transmission facility must be obtained from each county and municipality in which the facility is located. Under the bill, if an electric utility's proposed electric
transmission facility is specifically listed in a current statewide electric transmission plan adopted pursuant to rules promulgated by the public utilities commission (PUC), siting authority for the facility is acquired by
getting approval of the PUC and a newly created siting commission, which consists of 3 utility regulators, 3 representatives of local governments affected by the particular application, and one representative
of the public, all of whom are appointed by the governor. Both the PUC and the siting commission must act within 180 days after the filing of a
complete application or the application is deemed to have been approved. Appeals of the PUC's and the siting commission's decisions are to the court of appeals. / 01/19/2011 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture and Natural Resources / Monitor
SB11-050 / Roberts
Gerou / Value Of Condemned Conservation Easement / The bill specifies that if land subject to a conservation easement is condemned, the condemning authority shall pay no less than the fair market value of the property as if unencumbered by the easement. The
condemnation proceeds are to be apportioned between the grantor and grantee of the easement. / 01/19/2011 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Agriculture and Natural Resources / Monitor
SB11-063 / Giron & Newell / Health Care In Local Gov Master Plans / The bill authorizes counties, regions, and municipalities (local governments) to include in their comprehensive or master land use plans a community health element reflecting current and projected population estimates pursuant to which the applicable local government will indicate how its planning decisions will promote public health and safety and the
general welfare of the residents of the local government. Matters to be addressed in connection with this element of the master plan may include,
without limitation, accessibility, availability, affordability, and delivery of health care services and health care facilities; public safety; civic participation within the territorial boundaries of the local government; and any other factors or policies that will promote public health and safety and the general welfare within the territorial boundaries of the local
government. In assessing the accessibility, availability, affordability, and delivery of current and anticipated health care services and facilities, the bill authorizes the applicable planning commission to consider:
! Surrounding local governments in order to develop an
inventory of existing facilities and services and an
assessment of transit accessibility; and
! Population estimates and projections provided by the
Colorado department of local affairs to establish current and projected needs of facilities and services. / 01/19/2011 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Local Government and Energy / Support
SB11-064 / Grantham / Limit State Hwy Access Permit Conditions / Unless otherwise required by federal law or regulation, the bill prohibits the department of transportation from requiring a property owner who applies for an access permit to construct, reconstruct, or relocate a driveway that provides vehicular access to or from any state
highway to pay for the costs of making any improvement to the state highway as a condition of receiving an access permit unless the
appropriate local authority concurs in writing that the improvement is necessary and that the property owner should be required to pay such costs. / 01/19/2011 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Transportation / Monitor
SB11-095 / Grantham
Conti / Surface Transportation Funding / In order to have the substantive effect of repealing most of the
statutory provisions enacted in Senate Bill 09-108:
! Section 1 of the bill repeals part 8 of article 4 of title 43, Colorado Revised Statutes, currently known as the
"Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery Act of 2009" (FASTER), and reenact that part in a manner that:
! Abolishes the high-performance transportation
enterprise created by FASTER and reestablishes the
statewide tolling enterprise that was abolished by
! Eliminates the road safety surcharge, daily vehicle
rental fee, supplemental oversize and overweight
vehicle surcharge, and supplemental unregistered
vehicle fine created by, and the late vehicle registration fee and all other previously existing fees and fines increased by, FASTER;
! Eliminates FASTER funding for the state transit and
rail division of the department of transportation; and
! Reestablishes the statewide bridge enterprise
created by FASTER, authorizes the enterprise to
impose a bridge safety surcharge and issue bonds
for the purpose of financing the completion of
designated bridge projects, and otherwise specifies
the powers and duties of the enterprise without
making substantive changes from FASTER.
! Sections 2 to 18 of the bill undo amendments made to
then-existing law by Senate Bill 09-108 and make
conforming amendments. / 01/31/2011 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to State, Veterans & Military Affairs