November News

Dear Parents,November, 2017

October was a busy month! Thank you for all your support with nightly homework and corrections. Our Halloween party was a “Howling Success” thanks to the volunteers and donations. Please allow me to highlight some of the important events and learning coming up this month.

Math: Students will continue to work on multiplication. The Unit 2 assessment will focus on more word problems which are solved using equations with variables. Students are required to show their work. Building fluency with the multiplication and division facts 0-10 is also a focus. Strategies for solving multi-step word problems will be learned and practiced. Students will also continue to solve for area using the distributive property. Thank you for all your help and guidance with math homework.

Science:The next unit of study will be a continuation of life cycles and living organisms. The class will explore and experiment with plants and pollination. We will review and observe fast growing plants. Students will also create a control group and test a hypothesis to what plants need to successfully grow in our classroom. We will also compare and contrast how the butterfly’s life cycle and a plants life cycle are similar and different.

Reading: We read every day and for many purposes in room 6. Students have been following a process called close reading. In close reading a piece of text is read three times. First we read for the flow or enjoyment, second we read to understand and third we read to find evidence. The class has really come along and is using the strategy CEE or Claim, Evidence, Evidence to help them write answers with two pieces of supporting evidence. They use “Text Talk” to help support their evidence by saying” The author states…” or “I read on page five…”. In reading groups we continue to think, read and discuss texts as a group. Students are becoming more aware of what fluent reading looks and sounds like. I am so very proud of their growth! We also continue to enjoy preparing for our weekly fluency practice with our first grade reading buddies.

Writing: The class will continue to work on their butterfly and moth file folder project. I will share these at conferences. They have prepared four different informational paragraphs that have been revised and edited for word choice and elaboration. Later this month, students will also learn to write an opinion/persuasive paragraph.

Big Three and Character Education:

This month our focus is gratitude. We will be writing thank you notes to the many people whom we are grateful for.

Please turn over for more news!

Highlights and Important Dates

  • Author visit 11/9/17
  • No school on Friday, Veterans Day 11/10/16
  • Picture Retake 11/15/17
  • Report cards posted on the parent portal site after 4:00 PM on 11/17
  • No school November 23rd and 24th Thanksgiving Recess.
  • Parent teacher conferences will be Thursday November 30th and Friday December 1st. I will be sending home a reminder and questionnaire sheet in the next week.

As always, please contact me with any concerns or questions. Thank you again for working as a team to provide the best educational experience for your child!


Mrs. Lianne Oskvig

school: 686-3285 ext. 5006