Big Spring Girl’s Basketball

Code of Conduct



  1. Academics are your first priority. Basketball is your second priority. Sacrifices must be made. (Jobs, trips, activities, etc.)
  2. Stay Eligible! Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  3. Any kind of disciplinary action received in school will be an automatic one game suspension and four line drills following your next applicable practice.

Alcohol/Drug Policy

  1. Any player caught with tobacco products, using drugs or consuming any alcoholic beverage will immediately be dismissed from the team. No Warnings!


  1. Do not post any inappropriate material such as pictures, status updates or comments on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, Etc.
  2. All team business is expected to stay within the team.
  3. Players failing to follow this expectation will receive atwo game suspension and four line drills.

Training Room

  1. All treatment of injuries is required prior to the start of practice or games.
  2. If you need treatment for an injury you are still expected to begin practice/games on time.
  3. If the athletic trainer determines you are not able to practice or play you must inform Coach Jones immediately.


  1. Put forth a 100% effort at all times, especially during practice. This is where you earn playing time in games.
  2. You must be dressed and ready to practice 10 minutes before the scheduled practice time. DO NOT hang out in the training room unless you are receiving treatment.
  3. The only acceptable reasons for missing practice or games is being absent from school.
  4. Other acceptable reasons for missing practice but MUST be communicated with the coaching staff prior to attending is having an activity to complete for academic responsibilities such as; (Student of Quarter, College Visit/2 per season, Lions Club Student of Month).
  5. If you miss a practice the day before a game and it’s an excused absence you will play but not start.
  6. Late to practice or team activity (Elementary Basketball) without consulting a coach will result in two line drills and failure to start if applicable.
  7. UNEXCUSED ABSENCE from practice will result in a one game suspension.
  8. The second unexcused absence will result in a dismissal from the team.
  9. Sweatpants and Sweatshirts MUST be worn after practice. Failure to do so will result in timed line drills at the end of the next scheduled practice.
  10. Forgetting YOURpractice jersey will result in two timed line drills at the conclusion of that specific practice.

Away Games

  1. You must be sitting in the team room 15 minutes prior to bus departure time.
  2. This is not goof around time.
  3. You will wear your travel suits to and from away games.
  4. You are required to ride the bus to and from all games, unless you have an emergency or a written permission slip signed by your parent or guardian one day before a game. DO NOT ask at the game to go home with your parents.

Home Games

  1. Varsity players will be expected to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the JV game. Everyone must sit together. At the end of the third quarter you must go directly to the team room and get dressed.
  2. JV players will be expected to complete their assigned duties during the varsity game.


  1. You must act like a good citizen and respectable player at all times. You represent yourself, your family, your team, and your school.
  2. If the coaching staff determines a player’s actions to be detrimental to the team or team unity, the punishment will result in a one game suspension.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.”

I understand the Big Spring Girls’ Basketball Code of Conduct as it applies to me. By trying out for the team, I agree to follow the guidelines and expectations. I will accept the punishments as outlined in the code of conduct. I also understand that it is at the coaches’ discretion to select, in the best interest of the team, who makes the team. If I am one of the girls who do not make the team, I will respect and accept the coaches’ decision.


Student SignatureDate

As a parent/guardian of a girl who is trying out for the Varsity, Junior Varsity, or Junior High Girls Basketball teams, I agree to this Code of Conduct. I agree to represent the Big Spring Girls Basketball Program in a positive manner. I agree to show positive sportsmanship to players, coaches and officials. I will also respect and accept the coaches’ decision with the selection process for team members.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Thank you,

Coach Jones

Head Coach

Coach Snyder

Varsity Assistant

Coach Young

Jr. Varsity Head Coach

Coach Moyer

Varsity Assistant

Coach Kepner

Jr. High Varsity Head Coach

Coach Smetana

Jr. High JV Head Coach

Coach Kepner

Travel Team Head Coach

Coach Bechtold & Coach Elder

Youth Basketball Head Coach

“Have Courage to be Resilient”

2016-2017 Lady Bulldog Basketball