Departmentof State and Federal Programs
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
General Meeting
Tuesday, February21, 2012 / 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. / Hunter Hall
1025 2nd Ave. 4thFloor, Oakland, CA94606
1. Dinner – Call to Order at 6:40 p.m.
2. Welcome–Presenter Mr. Juan Piedra, DELACPresident
“We offer a warm welcome to all representatives, especially for the new members, parents and members of the community. Thanks to Mr. Tony Smith and all the staff of the School District, they do their very best to carried out this DELAC meetings.”
3. President’s Report – Presenter Mr. Juan Piedra,
Mr. Piedra reported to the presents:
-On the CABE Conferences which Hill take place from March 7th to the 11th in Sacramento, CA. He also commented that representatives may apply to their school to sponsor the trip to these CABE conferences, which provide valuable information on all matters relating to bilingual education, both parents and the community at large.
-He also mentioned that the PNL letterswill arrive in March for parents to choose the type of instruction they would like their children to attend. He invited parents to view the informative videos which are available in schools.
-Mr. Piedra informed that on Saturday 25, February 2012 will be held the first Conference for Latino Parents at the CesarChavezSchool. He invited all the present to participate in this conference.
-Also reported his participation in the realization of the UPA’s DELAC agenda. He asked the presents to report or informed about their DELAC meetings and asked them if they would like them to participate in their schools meetings.
End of Report.
4. Roll Call and Establish Quorum. – Presenter Mrs. Emma Piedra, DELAC Vice- President
UPA Viviana Uribe
12 Quorum was established with 12 representatives present
5. Reading and approval of minutes from January 17, 2012.
The reading and approval of the minutes from January 17, 2012 took place during this segment f the meeting with the following results:
January Minutes: First Motion – Mr. Juan piedra
Second Motion – Denise Jimenez
January minutes were approved unanimously: 0 abstention, 0 against.
6. Officer Elections, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, parliamentarian, treasurer, Acting Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, Community Representatives, High School Students.
2nd Vice-president,Sr. Alejandro Villanueva, (Nomination Accepted)
Nominated by Mrs. Emma Piedra
Voted: Elected unanimously, 0 abstentions, 0 against.
3rd Vice- President. Laura Villagomes, member not present, vacant position.
Parliamentarian, José Esteva, member not present, vacant position.
Treasurer, Sra. Denise Jiménez, nominated by Mr. Piedra, (Nomination Accepted)
Voted: Elected unanimously, Mrs. Jiménez, positionaccepted.
Acting Secretary, Sra. Berta Villagomes, Nominated (Nomination Accepted)
Voted: Elected unanimously, Sra. Villagomes, position accepted.
Correspondence Secretary: Nominated by Denise Jiménez, can not held two positions
Community Representative, Jesús Ordoño was nominated,
Voted: unanimously, Nomination Accepted
High School Student, there is only one student, Sr. Ignacio Piedra
ConcludingElected 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, Acting Secretary, and Community Representative.
Next month will conclude with the vacant positions
7. Review and revised PNL
Alma Alvarado and Lorena Reyes specialists from the Placement and Language Assessment Office will send to schools PNL letters. They showed a video explaining the PNL process and various programs in the district; video is from year 2003-2004 but still in force. Letters are little different from today’s. The content is the same just a different format.
They explained the meaning of PNL “Parent Notification Letter.” In 1997 it was proposed that the official language in California wereEnglish, it means teaching in California must be in English. In June 1998, the proposed passed and bilingual education was eliminated in the state of California. OUSD requested a waiver to the State of California to teach bilingual instruction, and PNL was created. The PNL is a waiver for students to receive instruction in primary language or bilingual education. PNL application was shown to the parents. Then we proceeded to watch a video about the PNL. PNL samples were distributed to parent and it was explaining to them that it is for parents who want their children in bilingual classes. It was explained that students who com to the district must take an assessment to determine their language knowledge in English and Spanish. Results are indicated in the top of the PNL letter. There is also a section where there are shown the State test results which are taken one a year, only for 2nd graders and higher grades. Green and pink form indicates language level. There are three options: first option, option “A” is for structured immersion program, teachers provide instruction with visual material. Option “B” is a regular program of English. Third option is for bilingual education, is when there are more than 20 parents at the same grade level who request it. The law says that if the school does not provide bilingual classes the district will send the students to another school. Parents must fill out the option of their choice and turned in to the school.
A parent asked:
When does the district send the PNL? On April, during this month the schools make their programs.
What grades provide bilingual instruction? Normally up to 3rd grade.
Mr. Piedracommented that principals have authority to create bilingual classes, and the district says there are not bilingual teachers. He also says that the secretaries at the schools say that students must be in English classes in order to learn the language and this is confusing to parents.
Alma Alvaradocommented that in 1997 was when all this changed and parents must be informed that they have the right to ask for bilingual classes.
Mr. Piedra commented that ELAC may check how many parents asked for bilingual classes, and need to do a follow up. There are not too many parents involved and not many parents asked for bilingual instruction. It is important that parents at the school sites do research and ask questions about the different options.
One of the parents commented that sometimes parents do not show interest. He also said that more than 50 per cent of the population at the schools in California is bilingual and not all of them participate. One of the parents shared her experience about her daughter enroll in only English class, she said that it is difficult to change Latino parents mind to ask for bilingual classes.
Alma Alvarado told the parents thatoffices at International Boulevard are open to the parents.
Mr. Piedra asked: Who is replacing Mr. Bonino?Ms. Ramirez said that Ms. Sue Wordy, is taking care of the office at the moment. Alma Alvarado also said that the office staff is trained to take care of the office.
Ms. Ramirez commented that they are looking for the right person to take care of the office. She also said that Mr. Curtiss, Deputy Superintendent announced they are looking for someone to take care of the office, could be possible that for next summer they will have the right person. Mean while Ms. Wordy will be the person incharged. Ms. Ramirez said they are looking for the qualified candidate.
8. Report to the Board of Education - Mr. Piedra reported that Federal and State Department asked DELAC to present an annual report to the Board of Education.He said that in 2011 a report was presented and this year will be as well. He asked parents if there is any topic that they wish to be included. Ms. Verdugo asked whether Mr. Piedra will present the report. Mr. Piedra commented that there was not sufficient time to presented last year, it is expected to have enough time this year. He also said that they only have 15 minutes to present.
9. Reports from DELAC representatives (maximum 2 minutes/school)
Lasear Representative reports that the school is progressing in Science. He mentioned that the school might become a CharterSchool. He mentioned that parents with low income do not have resources to send their kids to another school because of the high cost of transportation, and he also said that the CharterSchool might be K- 8th.
UPA presented by Mr. Piedra. Ms. Biviana Uribe UPA representative had to leave early.
- English and Computer classes for UPA parents will begin soon, they will be given a computer as a present.
- They will organize a Raffle as found rising for the school. It will be used for field trips for 6-8 graders. Five tickets where given to each student. The prices are I-pods, TVs, etc.
ECP - Mr. Piedra
Students are progressing academically;the principal is doing a great job. Ms. Robbele is doing her best for students success, the staff and teachers are excellent, there is a weekly report that students bring home and is motivating student to grow from 0 to 100, the school is growing.
Mrs. Villagómezreported they have after school programs for children, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays they have music. They also have after school programs to help the students and she is going to find out how many students are taking advantage of these programs. And also what grades have bilingual programs.
Leadership Prep. - Alejandro Villanueva
Reported that there was not ELAC meeting on February, next Wednesday they will have the SSC meeting at the library.
Norma Verdugo –CBIST
Reported there is a process for a new principal, there is not a candidate yet, and they will have a fair process. There is not an ELAC committee, parents were not notified. They are expecting more parent participation. One of the parents commented that there is not a good Latino representation on the new principal selection, and they are taking quick decisions. Mr. Piedra commented that they need to talk to the parents, ask to have anestablished committee. It was also explained that at the moment there are three principals but as the schools merge as one there will be only one principal. It was also mentioned that this is the last year for the three principals at campus. Mr. Piedra asked to be invited for the ELAC meeting. He also mentioned that there is a found that needs to be check and they will have to have more parents as representatives to the DELAC. The bylaws need to be revised as well.
La Escuelita – Denise Jiménez
Mrs. Jiménez reported that the Board of Education approved K-8 for La Escuelita. There will be a grade added by school year and for 2013 – 2014 school year it will be stablished K-8 at La Escuelita. Mrs. Jiménez also mentioned that she was not able to attend the ELAC meeting due to the DELAC meeting but the principal was going to talk about the school budget and that it will be presented to the Board of Education. Last Friday they have a found rising and they did well.
Mr. Piedra. Commented that they need to create a parents leadership group from DELAC and go the school to talk to the principals and ask them to bring parents to participate in the ELAC meetings. Parents bring good feed back and participation to schools. Sometimes they help to clean; they help teachers and principals to create a familiar ambiance. There are many principals who are not aware of ELAC. They need to talk to principals and ask them to create an ELAC in their schools.
Hoover –
Hoover representative reported that students had good results in Math and English tests. There is a group of parents organizing a group called Parents Teachers and Community they are just starting; there is not clear focus yet on how they are going to work at the school. There will be an Afro-American Heritage event on Friday 24, February 2012, there will be songs, poems at Hoover and is open to the public. They have their monthly meetings and she brings the agendas to share with parents at Hoover the topics held at the DELAC’s meetings.
Laurel - Ms, Walker
Ms. Walker reported that they had ELAC elections butthere was small body participation. They worked in groups at grade level, and they are trying to help students who are English Learners; not only Spanish speakers but also Chinese. Ms. Walker said that they have a new principal and he is working hard for students’ success.
Mr. Piedra
Mr. Piedra Commented that there will be a recognition ceremony on June for two of our parent’s representatives; Ms. Norma Verdugo and Ms. Walker, whom has been working and giving their time for bilingual students.
10. Public Comments (maximum 2 minutes/person)
Sábado 25 conferencia para padres latinos en la escuela Cesar Chávez
Adjournment – Meeting ends at 8:35p.m.