South Dakota Soccer

2019Competitive State CupTournament



February 15th, 2018


South Dakota State Soccer Association

400 N. Main St. Ste 107

Mitchell, SD 57301

The South Dakota State Soccer Association is seeking proposals to host the South Dakota Soccer2019State Cup May 3, 4, and 5, 2019.

State Cup Overview: The State Cup tournament will be for both boys and girls in the U13 to U19 age divisions. Maximum number of teams in each of the age divisions will be based on the number of teams challenging for that year. Sites may submit proposals, provided adequate facilities are available

Based on the proposals submitted and possible site visits conducted, final recommendations will be made by the SD Competitive Committee. The SDSSA Board of Directors will consider the recommendationspresented by the Competitive committeeand make the final decision.

A.General Selection Criteria

To host the South Dakota Soccer State Cup Tournament, at a minimum (but not limited to), the Host organization must meet the following general criteria:


a)Based on number of teams registered, a minimum number of playing fields must be provided:

  • U13-U19 Fieldsminimum of 8fields without lighting


  • U13-U19 Fieldsminimum of 6 fields, 3 of which have lighting

b)All fields must be at 1-3 sites (preferred). Fields must meet the requirements of FIFA Laws of the Game, US Youth Soccer and South Dakota State Soccer rules regarding the dimensions, markings and equipment. Recommended field sizes for each age division will be:

  • U13-U1970 yards in width X 110 yards in length

Fields will be turf or grass field surface will be in good playing condition.Grass surface will be cut to maximum of 2” depth.

c)Goal posts must meet the requirements of FIFA Laws of the Game. They may be portable but must be stable, safe, substantial, and securely attached. The playing field must be free of hazards or obstacles, such as drainage covers and track and field appurtenances of concrete pads, asphalt, and sand pits.

  1. Site:

a)Administrative Meeting Rooms: Accessible meeting rooms to accommodatescore reporting needs andmedia needsincluding Wi-Fi capabilities.Separate referee room to accommodate 15-20 people at any given time will be provided.

b)Registration Area: A place where two or three 8-foot tables can be set up for team registration with enough space to accommodate 8-10 people at a time.

c)Facility for Concessions/Merchandise sales: Alocation where staff can sell t-shirts and have a concession stand available to public.(if applicable). Secure site for merchandise storage is recommended.

d)Available Parking: A location where parking can accommodate the tournament attendance. Drive time from hotels to fields should be minimal

  1. Medical Personnel and Facilities: Medical personnel must be present at the tournament site at all times. Personnel must be at the site one-hour before and until all matches have been completed for the day.Medical personnel must be a trainer and/or trained to recognize and treat trauma. There must be a medical facility at the site, outfitted with appropriate supplies and equipment to treat emergencies along with the sports injuries and sports needs of the athletes. The medical personnel must have direct communication with a medical trauma facility and emergency transportation to that facility.
  1. Housing: Approximately 400-450 hotel rooms must be available and blocked for housing of teams. This number is subject to the number of teams registered and their location and/or proximity to the tournament host site.The hotel assignment process must be determined and posted to the SDSSA website a minimum of 6 months prior to the tournament date. A written process, list of hotels and pricing will be submitted to the South Dakota State Soccer association for approval before the process is put in place. Adult state staff must be housed at the host hotel. Separate accommodations must be made for the referee staff.Dates for availability of rooms will be from Thursday through Sunday (but not limited to) of the tournament but will be negotiated by each team as they register.
  1. Golf Carts: Minimum of 4-6 golf carts(or as specified) will need to be provided on site for tournament staff or state staff,medical(trainer) staff and referee staff.
  1. Designated Field Marshal stations- minimum of at least one field marshal/station per every 2 fields.Two-way radio communication is required for all field marshals and tournament staff. (South Dakota State Soccer Association will provide radios and field marshal vests for the tournament.)
  1. Referee Assignor – certified referee assignor to be approved by SDSSA Competitive Committee and available for assigning of referees to tournament games.
  1. Referee Food – food and beverage will be provided for referees during the tournament with a predetermined budget set by the SDSSA Competitive Committee
  1. Meeting Rooms:

a)Referee Meeting Room - meeting room large enough to accommodate referee crew meeting on evening before the start of the tournament for approximately 30-40 people.

  1. Local Organizing Committee – provide a local organizing committee with the function of budget, venue and planning aspects of the tournament under the review of the Competitive Committee andSouth Dakota Soccer State Soccer Association
  1. Host City Amenities - restaurants, entertainment and attractions to support the teams during their stay. Support of the local community to host the tournament in your city.
  1. Post Tournament Report – provide financial report and operation report from the event. Submit to South Dakota State Soccer Association.

B.Financial Commitments

Below are the financial considerations for SDSSA and the LOC. SDSSA will not guarantee the number of teams who will participate in the tournament and the host accepts the risk of no guaranteed revenue from the event:


a)SDSSA agrees to handle all registration and assist in marketing as well as pay in the amount of $35 per team that participates to the host organization to help offset:

  • Fees incurred for use of the facilities including, but not limited to, paint, medical personnel, restrooms or porta-potties, room rental/ tent fees, lighting, carts, fields, fees incurred by the tournament director or Local Organizing Committee.

b)SDSSA will pay all fees for referees, assignors, and provide a food budget of $10 per referee per full day or $5 for half a day of the event. The Host is responsible for providing the food and submitting receipts up to the limit provided by the budget for food.

c)SDSSA is financially responsible for all awards and medals distributed to teams.

d)SDSSA will provide match balls for the games

e)SDSSA will provide a vendor, staff, and apparel items to be sold at the event.


a)The LOC is allowed to generate and keep 100% of revenue from the following:

  • Hotel agreements and rebates
  • Advertising in the tournament program (please see tournament handbook)
  • Concessions sales

b)The LOC will submit a financial report after the event to SDSSA recording all revenue

Please read the instructions included on the last page of this document for submitting a proposal to the South Dakota State Soccer Association as a host to the South Dakota State Cup.

Please submit a written proposal with the following information:

Description of host city

  • Amenities (restaurants, entertainment, attractions, etc.).
  • Support of local community (letters from leadership, etc.)

Description of Tournament Site:

  • Number of fields and sizes
  • Number of sites
  • Availability of parking
  • Driving time to fields from hotels
  • On site amenities (including toilet facilities)


  • Number of rooms available to block (650-700 plus referee housing)
  • Process to be used for hotels
  • Hotel listing
  • Pricing
  • Location to fields

Event Operation

  • Local organizing committee formed
  • Name of L.O.C. chair
  • Volunteers – availability of ..
  • Available and approved referee assignor
  • Availability of medical staff on site
  • Information on any planned team events during event


  • Available location for referee meeting prior to start of tournament
  • Availability of golf carts
  • Wi-Fi availability

Submit Information to:

South Dakota State Soccer Association

400 N Main St. Ste 107

Mitchell, SD 57301

DEADLINE:February 15th, 2018