Settlements and Billing / Version: 5.00a
Configuration Guide for: Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting / Date: 04/01/0906/01/10


BPM Configuration Guide:Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting


Version 5.00a

CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 19
Settlements and Billing / Version: 5.00a
Configuration Guide for: Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting / Date: 04/01/0906/01/10

Table of Contents

1.Purpose of Document




3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

3.3Successor Charge Codes

3.4Inputs – External Systems

3.5Inputs – Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-Calculation

3.6CAISO Formula


4.Charge Code Effective Date

1.Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.



Bid Cost Recovery (BCR) is the process by which the CAISO ensures SCs are able to recover Start Up Costs (SUC), Minimum Load Costs (MLC), Transition Costs (TC), and Energy Bid Costs. In order to recover SUCand MLC, a GeneratorGenerating Unit, pumped-storage unit, or resource-specific system resource must be committed by the CAISO. Likewise, the CAISO must commit a Multi-Stage Generating Resource in order for it to receive TC compensation. Bid cost recovery for Energy and Ancillary Services bids (A/S) applyies to GeneratorsBid Cost Recovery Eligible Resources in general (for example, Generating Units, Pumped-Storage unit, Proxy Demand Resources, and System Resources) scheduled or dispatched by CAISO including Self-Scheduled periods.independent of whether they are CAISO-committed or instead are self-committed.

For purposes of determining BCR eligibility, CAISO uses a concept called Commitment Period. A Commitment Period consists of the consecutive time periods within a Trading Day when a resource is on-line, synchronized to the grid, and available for dispatch. A Commitment Period is comprised of two distinct sub-types --- Self-Commitment Period and CAISO Commitment Period. The portion of a Commitment Period where a resource submits Energy self-schedule or A/S self provision is called a Self-Commitment Period. A Self-Commitment Period may include time periods when a resource is not operating pursuant of an Energy self-schedule or A/S self-provision, but must be on due to ramping constraints, minimum up time, or minimum down time. Resources are not eligible for BCR of SUC and, MLC or TC during Self-Commitment Periods, but are eligible for BCR of awarded Energy and A/S. The portion of a Commitment Period that is not a Self-Commitment Period is called CAISO Commitment Period. Resources are eligible to receive BCR for SUC, MLC, TC, awarded Energy and A/S during a CAISO Commitment Period.

For each resource, the total SUC, MLC, TC,Bid Costs, and market revenues from IFM, RUC, and RTM are netted together for each Settlement Interval. If the difference between the total costs and the market revenues is positive in the relevant market, then the net amount represents a Shortfall. If the difference is negative in the relevant market, the net amount represents a Surplus. For each resource, the IFM, RUC, and RTM Shortfalls and Surpluses are then netted over all hours of a Trading Day. As a result, surpluses from any of the CAISO markets offset any shortfalls from the other markets over the entire Trading Day. If the net Trading Day amount is positive (a Shortfall), then the resource receives a BCR Uplift Payment equal to the net Trading Day amount under CC 6620 Bid Cost Recovery Settlement.

After calculation of CC 6620, this pre-calculation determines the total allocation amount in each Settlement Interval by CAISO market for use under CC 6636 IFM Tier 1 Allocation, CC 6806 DA RUC Tier 1 Allocation, and CC 6678 Real Time Bid Cost Recovery Allocation. The total allocation amount for each Settlement Interval and market is determined by sequentially netting the total shortfalls and surpluses in each market of those resources who received a BCR Payment against the total shortfalls and surpluses of the other markets. To ensure that the total uplifts allocated in each Settlement Interval and market is equal to the total BCR Uplift paid to the eligible resources, an Uplift Ratio is applied to each positive-netted uplift amount


Because BCR payments to resources are based upon whether or not the resource has a daily Shortfall across all markets and the allocation of these payments are done on a per market basis, computation of the IFM, RUC, and RTM uplift allocation amounts requires sequential netting of the total market amounts. This logic ensures CAISO maintains neutrality between BCR Payments and the amounts collected from Business Associates. This Pre-calculation executes the sequential netting of the relevant amounts to calculate the IFM, RUC and RTM Uplift Allocation Amounts used by the successor Charge Codes: CC 6636 -– IFM Bid Cost Recovery Tier 1 Allocation, CC 6806 -– DA RUC Tier 1 Allocation and CC 6678 -– Real Time Bid Cost Recovery Allocation respectively.

The net amounts of those resources with a daily BCR Shortfall are summed algebraically for each Settlement Interval and market. The net amounts are calculated as the difference between relevant cost and market revenue under the Pre-calculations IFM Net Amount, RUC Net Amount, and RTM Net Amount. For each market and Settlement Interval, a positive Net Amount is considered a Shortfall and a negative Net Amount is considered a Surplus.

Market Surpluses are used to reduce the Market Shortfalls until the amount is zero in the following sequence:

  1. First, CAISO Total IFM Shortfall for the Settlement Interval is reduced first by CAISO Total RTM Surplus, and then by CAISO Total RUC Surplus.
  2. Next, any CAISO Total RUC Shortfall for the Settlement Interval is reduced first by remaining RTM Surplus (after reducing CAISO Total IFM Shortfall), and then by CAISO Total IFM Surplus.
  3. Last, any CAISO Total RTM Shortfall for the Settlement Interval is reduced first by remaining RUC Surplus (after reducing IFM Shortfall), and then by remaining IFM Surplus (after reducing RUC Shortfall).

In addition to the netting of Shortfalls and Surpluses, any remaining Shortfalls are further reduced by the Uplift Ratio. To ensure that the uplift charges allocated to Demand do not exceed BCR payments, the ratio is a summation of all remaining Shortfalls across all Settlement Intervals over the summation of all BCR Payments for the Trading Day.

3.Charge Code Requirements

3.1Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule
1.0 / The CAISO Total Surplus and Shortfall Amounts for each market and Settlement Interval is a summation of the applicable net market amounts limited to only those units who received a BCR Payment.
2.0 / Netting must occur sequentially --- IFM, RUC, then RTM.
2.1 / Sequential netting is limited to the Shortfalls and Surpluses of resources who received a BCR Payment under CC 6620.
3.0 / The summation of net amounts for each Settlement Interval and market is either a Shortfall (positive) or Surplus (negative), never both.
4.0 / Sequential Netting can reduce Shortfalls to zero, but not below zero.
5.0 / This Pre-calculation is a daily computation generating results on a Settlement Interval basis.
6.0 / Pass Through Bill Charge Adjustment Logic does not apply.

3.2Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 6620 – Bid Cost Recovery Settlement
Pre-calc – IFM Net Amount
Pre-calc – RUC Net Amount
Pre-calc – RTM Net Amount

3.3Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name
CC 6636 – IFM Bid Cost Recovery Tier 1 Allocation
CC 6806 – Day Ahead Residual Unit Commitment (RUC) Tier 1 Allocation
CC 6678 – Real Time Bid Cost Recovery Allocation

3.4Inputs – External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description

3.5Inputs -–Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-Calculation

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration
1 / TradingDayBCRUpliftAmount BruT’I’M’F’d / CC 6620 – Bid Cost Recovery Settlement
2 / TradingDayBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’d / CC 6620 – Bid Cost Recovery Settlement
3 / IFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi / Pre-calc – IFM Net Amount
4 / IFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hi / Pre-calc – IFM Net Amount
5 / RUCNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi / Pre-calc – RUC Net Amount
6 / RUCMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hi / Pre-calc – RUC Net Amount
7 / RTMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi / Pre-calc – RTM Net Amount
8 / RTMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hi / Pre-calc – RTM Net Amount

3.6CAISO Formula

3.6.1CAISOTotalIFMUpliftAllocationAmounthi =

Max (0, CAISOTotalNetIFMUpliftAmount hi ) * UpliftRatiod

3.6.2CAISOTotalRUCUpliftAllocationAmounthi =

Max (0, CAISOTotalNetRUCUpliftAmount hi) * UpliftRatiod

3.6.3CAISOTotalRTMUpliftAllocationAmounthi =

Max (0, CAISOTotalNetRTMUpliftAmount hi ) * UpliftRatiod

3.6.4If CAISOTotalPositiveUplift d = 0


UpliftRatio d = 0


UpliftRatiod = CAISOTotalBCRUpliftAmount d / CAISOTotalPositiveUplift d d =

Max (0, CAISOTotalNetIFMUpliftAmount hi ) +

Max (0, CAISOTotalNetRUCUpliftAmount hi ) +

Max (0, CAISOTotalNetRTMUpliftAmount hi) d =
(-1) * (TradingDayBCRUpliftAmount BruT’I’M’F’d+
TradingDayBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’d)

3.6.5If CAISOTotalIFMShortfallAmount hi> 0


CAISOTotalNetIFMUpliftAmount hi=

Max (0,

CAISOTotalIFMShortfallAmount hi +

CAISOTotalRTMSurplusAmount hi +

CAISOTotalRUCSurplusAmount hi )


CAISOTotalNetIFMUpliftAmount hi= RemainingIFMSurplusAfterRTMNetting Amount hi

3.6.6If CAISOTotalRUCShortfallAmount hi> 0


CAISOTotalNetRUCUpliftAmount hi=

Max (0,

CAISOTotalRUCShortfallAmount hi +

RemainingRTMSurplusAfterIFMNettingAmount hi+

CAISOTotalIFMSurplusAmount hi)


CAISOTotalNetRUCUpliftAmount hi= RemainingRUCSurplusAfterRTMNettingAmount hi

3.6.7If CAISOTotalRTMShortfallAmount hi> 0


CAISOTotalNetRTMUpliftAmount hi=

Max (0,

CAISOTotalRTMShortfallAmount hi +

RemainingRUCSurplusAfterIFMNettingAmount hi+

RemainingIFMSurplusAfterRUCNettingAmount hi)


CAISOTotalNetRTMUpliftAmount hi= RemainingRTMSurplusAfterRUCNettingAmount hi

3.6.8Where the following calculations must be performed sequentially as documented below: hi=

Min (0,

CAISOTotalIFMShortfallAmount hi +

CAISOTotalRTMSurplusAmount hi ) hi=

Min (0,

CAISOTotalRUCSurplusAmount hi +

Max (0,

CAISOTotalIFMShortfallAmount hi +

CAISOTotalRTMSurplusAmount hi ) ) hi =

Min (0,

CAISOTotalRUCShortfallAmount hi+

RemainingRTMSurplusAfterIFMNettingAmount hi) hi=

Min (0,

CAISOTotalIFMSurplusAmount hi+

Max (0,

CAISOTotalRUCShortfallAmount hi+

RemainingRTMSurplusAfterIFMNettingAmount hi) ) hi =

Min (0,

CAISOTotalRTMShortfallAmount hi+

RemainingRUCSurplusAfterIFMNettingAmount hi) hi =

Min (0,

RemainingIFMSurplusAfterRUCNettingAmount hi+

Max (0,

CAISOTotalRTMShortfallAmount hi+

RemainingRUCSurplusAfterIFMNettingAmount hi) )

3.6.9Where the formulas for the Shortfall and Surplus amounts for IFM, RUC, and RTM are calculated as follows: hi =
Max (0,
IFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi+

Where IFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi is included If TradingDayBCRUpliftAmountBruT’I’M’F’d< 0

AndIFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hiis included If TradingDayBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’d< 0 hi =

Min (0,

IFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi+


Where IFMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi is included If TradingDayBCRUpliftAmountBruT’I’M’F’d< 0

AndIFMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hiis included If TradingDayBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’d< 0 hi =

Max (0,

RUCNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi+


Where RUCNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi is included If TradingDayBCRUpliftAmountBruT’I’M’F’d< 0

AndRUCMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hiis included If TradingDayBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’d< 0 hi =

Min (0,

RUCNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi+


Where RUCNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi is included If TradingDayBCRUpliftAmountBruT’I’M’F’d< 0

AndRUCMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hiis included If TradingDayBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’d< 0 hi =

Max (0,

RTMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi+


Where RTMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi is included If TradingDayBCRUpliftAmountBruT’I’M’F’d< 0

AndRTMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hiis included If TradingDayBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’d< 0 hi =

Min (0,

RTMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi+


Where RTMNetAmount BruT’I’M’F’hi is included If TradingDayBCRUpliftAmountBruT’I’M’F’d< 0

AndRTMMSSNetBCRAmount BT’I’M’hiis included If TradingDayBCRMSSNetUpliftAmount BT’I’M’d< 0


Output Req ID / Name / Description
1 / In addition to any outputs listed below, all inputs shall be included as outputs. / All inputs.
2 / CAISOTotalIFMUpliftAllocationAmounthi / The Total IFM Uplift amount to be allocated in CC 6636 and/or CC 6637 by Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
3 / CAISOTotalRUCUpliftAllocationAmounthi / The Total RUC Uplift amount to be allocated in CC 6806 and/or CC 6807 by Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
4 / CAISOTotalRTMUpliftAllocationAmounthi / The Total RTM Uplift amount to be allocated in CC 6678 by Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
5 / UpliftRatio d / Ratio representing total BCR uplift paid (summation of shortfalls and surpluses) to the total surpluses (after sequential netting) for Trading Day d.
6 / CAISOTotalPositiveUplift d / Total surpluses (after sequential netting) for Trading Day d.
7 / CAISOTotalBCRUpliftAmount d / Total BCR uplift paid (summation of shortfalls and surpluses) for Trading Day d.
8 / CAISOTotalNetIFMUpliftAmount hi / Net amount of IFM costs and revenues after sequential netting (can be positive or negative) for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
9 / CAISOTotalNetRUCUpliftAmount hi / Net amount of RUC costs and revenues after sequential netting (can be positive or negative) for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
10 / CAISOTotalNetRTMUpliftAmount hi / Net amount of RTM costs and revenues after sequential netting (can be positive or negative) for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
11 / RemainingRTMSurplusAfterIFMNettingAmount hi / Sequential Netting result from IFM Netting. Remaining RTM Surplus Amount for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
12 / RemainingRUCSurplusAfterIFMNettingAmount hi / Sequential Netting result from IFM Netting. Remaining RUC Surplus Amount by Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
13 / RemainingRTMSurplusAfterRUCNettingAmount hi / Sequential Netting result from RUC Netting. Remaining RTM Surplus Amount after IFM Netting and RUC Netting by Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
14 / RemainingIFMSurplusAfterRUCNettingAmount hi / Sequential Netting result from RUC Netting. Remaining IFM Surplus Amount by Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
15 / RemainingRUCSurplusAfterRTMNettingAmount hi / Sequential Netting result from RTM Netting. Remaining RUC Surplus Amount after IFM Netting and RTM Netting by Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
16 / RemainingIFMSurplusAfterRTMNettingAmount hi / Sequential Netting result from RTM Netting. Remaining IFM Surplus Amount after RUC Netting and RTM Netting by Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i.
17 / CAISOTotalIFMShortfallAmount hi / Summation of IFM Net Amounts of all resources with a BCR Payment indicating for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i that total IFM costs exceeds total IFM revenue.
18 / CAISOTotalIFMSurplusAmount hi / Summation of IFM Net Amounts of all resources with a BCR Payment indicating for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i that total IFM revenue exceeds total IFM costs.
19 / CAISOTotalRUCShortfallAmount hi / Summation of RUC Net Amounts of all resources with a BCR Payment indicating for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i that total RUC costs exceeds total RUC revenue.
20 / CAISOTotalRUCSurplusAmount hi / Summation of RUC Net Amounts of all resources with a BCR Payment indicating for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i that total RUC revenue exceeds total RUC costs.
21 / CAISOTotalRTMShortfallAmount hi / Summation of RTM Net Amounts of all resources with a BCR Payment indicating for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i that total RTM costs exceeds total RTM revenue.
22 / CAISOTotalRTMSurplusAmount hi / Summation of RTM Net Amounts of all resources with a BCR Payment indicating for each Trading Hour h and Settlement Interval i that total RTM revenue exceeds total RTM costs.
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 19
Settlements and Billing / Version: 5.00a
Configuration Guide for: Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting / Date: 04/01/0906/01/10

4.Charge Code Effective Date

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type
Pre-calc Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting / 5.0 / 04/01/09 / Open09/30/10 / Documentation Edits Only
Pre-calc Bid Cost Recovery Sequential Netting / 5.0a / 10/01/10 / Open / Documentation Edits Only
CAISO, 2018 / Page 1 of 19