BID Advisory Action Items

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 6pm


PDA BoardKarla Schikore, JoAnn Ritko Pozzi, Holly Wick

Guest Lisa Krieshok

Merchants None


Wed Feb 8, 2017 – 6:15pm – 8:00pm


  1. Introductions made
  1. Spring Banners – Lisa presented the changes she made to the banners. The group decided
  1. Spring Banner– The group all agreed to the bicycle banner, and asked Lisa for a couple color changes. Lisa to email and the group will decide on banner design via email. Need a final decision for order
  1. Fall Banner–Lisa to provide options for next meeting
  1. Budgets – the banners are within the 2017 budget
  1. 2016 BID Budget/Billing/Receipts/Collections (Karla) – report attached

a)2016 collections as of 12.31.16 total collected $71, 254(attached),

  1. 2015 collections as of 12.31.15 $70.408

b)All delinquent banks have paid with the exception of BofA. Karla to get Carol Mungle to provide billing so that Holly can personally deliver to the Bank Manager

c)Restaurants that have been sent a letter indicating that they are delinquent, some payments are trickling in

d)Next group is misc. merchants who have not paid. This process will go into 2017.

e)440 businesses have paid

f)201 businesses have yet to pay

g)2017 all billings have gone out and collections are coming in.

h)Karla to meet with Carol about delinquencies and best approach to collect.

  1. 2017 BID BudgetThe 2017 BID budget that was developed at last meeting was submitted and approved by the Board. The budget is being submitted to the City for City Council approval. Letter being sent by Marie McCusker, Executive Director of PDA. On the City Council Agenda for November 21, & December 5, 60 days ahead of last year. All billings went out Jan 2, 2017

a)Marie S. to obtain the address of folks at foundry wharf so that we can be sure we have the correct businesses

b)Carol M. has discussed with the city a listing of all licenses so we can do a cross check

  1. Security Patrols–in place
  • 7 days/week
  • 4 stops/day for check points
  • We asked that if there are burned out lights to list them and provide to Marie
  • Contract has been signed
  • Patrols are in place
  1. Downtown Beautification
  1. Winter banners to be installed by the end of January
  2. Vendor to check on lighting in Putnam Plaza, some of the lights need maintenance
  3. Vendor to install the lights on the magnoloia trees at Washington & Petaluma Blvd when the banners are replaced
  4. LIGHTING – the City has agreed to provide electrical plug ins at the lamp posts in Putnam Plaza. The BID will pay for the lights and installation, along with the banners in Putnam Plaza. Karla to contact Pacific Display for a walk thru to coordinate installation dates and costs. City to provide a schedule of when the lighting will be completed so that we can schedule installation with
  5. We discussed other items that need attention downtown & what options may be avaiilable
  6. Utility boxes – 2 need count
  7. Garbage Cans & recycling bins – city needs to repaint
  8. Planters –we discussed hiring someone to stain all the planters so that they are consistent
  9. Need to develop plan for sidewalk cleaning
  10. Update from city for sidewalk repairs
  11. General mtnc schedule from the city
  12. Parking structure options for clean up and maintenance
  13. Downtown signage
  14. Karla to contact the museum to attend our next meeting about what type of historical signage for buidings locations, etc. would be appropriate
  1. NextMeeting:

Wed Feb 8, 2017 – 6:15pm – 8:00pm

  1. Meeting adjourned

Karla Schikore - 2016 Board Treasurer & BID Chair