MONDAY, March 9th, 2015, 7.45 p.m.


Number / Agenda Item
To receive any apologies for absence
Apologies were received from PCSOs Dawn Baldwin and Jill Reed.
To receive any changes to the current Register of Interests
There were none.
To receive any Declarations of Personal, Pecuniary or
Prejudicial Interest
There were none.
17.3/15 / MINUTES
To consider the Minutes of the last BPC meeting held on January 12th, 2015, and to approve them as a true and accurate record of proceedings
The Minutes of the meeting held on 12/1/15 were approved as an accurate record of proceedings.
For the Chairman to sign these Minutes
The Chairman signed these minutes as such.
To consider any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the previous meeting
There has been a response from LCC about the issue of obstructions caused from parked vehicles, to the access/egress of farm vehicles to/from Stanley Farm. LCC Highways Dept has carried out surveys, and suggested that the entrance could be widened, and that no other measures are possible at this location. The Clerk would respond to LCC, to explore the possibility of a box with white “KEEP CLEAR” lettering being painted on the road at the entrance to the farm (like at the Stanley Gate lights).
To adjourn the meeting for a period of public participation:
(item below from the last surgery and sent to Clerk)
i) An item about cessation of buses was brought forward from the last parish surgery: The cessation of the 319 bus from Ormskirk to St Helens between 8 and 5, and the cessation of the bus through Barrow Nook was noted. There is now no public transport running through Bickerstaffe.
(Cllr Fillis is speaking about a new initiative for public transport in rural communities at the forthcoming Town and Parish Councils Conference, and information will be fedback from this. There are plans afoot at County level to run parish minibuses. Consultation with the parishes will be undertaken.)
ii) Mr Griffiths described problems associated with Ferny Knoll being used as a thoroughfare for HGVs, and a wealth of other vehicles accessing Skelmersdale, so that now 500 metres of the road has collapsed. He described the problems experienced with trying to get the Highways authorities from 2 areas to collaborate as this location is on the edge of four parishes; as one is in Rainford( under St Helens Borough Council). The Clerk would get in touch with Cllr Fillis (LCC) and Cllr Griffiths about this.
iii) Mr Gardiner noted that there was a street light not working, and was reminded of the direct contact for reporting problems with street lighting – 0300 123 6701.
Cllr Wilkinson mentioned pot-holes on local roads: the number for pot-holes is 0300 123 6780.
iv) Mr Andrews (Chairman of Bickerstaffe AFC) updated BPC on the defibrillator which has been acquired by AFC and is portable, and is to be kept inside the football clubhouse. This will be available during events at the field. Members of community organisations are invited to take part in a one hour training session to be arranged, for learning how to use the defibrillator; but the defibrillator has inbuilt instructions for use also.
v) A letter had been received from the Secretary of Aintree Cycle Club, requesting use of the Parish Field carpark for a cycling event to be held in the parish on Saturday, June 6th.
Letters were also received from the Treat Day Committee requesting the use of the Parish Field on Saturday, June 13th, the Summer Fair Committee on Saturday July 11th, and Bickerstock Committee on Friday August 31st, Saturday August 1st, and Sunday August 2nd. This item is on the Agenda in item 24/15 below.
vi) Mr and Mrs Sands spoke next about the Refusal for the Planning Application for their house at Stanley Gate Nursery. Having had their first planning application refused, they had then adapted the plans to fulfil the criteria specified in the WLBC refusal, only to be refused a second time.
A letter of support from BPC had been sent to WLBC, but it had not appeared on the planning website.
A detailed analysis of events up to this point was outlined by Mr Sands. Cllr Webster agreed to assist. This item is on the agenda in item 19/15 below.
v) Mrs Hudson spoke next about problems of trespass on Bickerstaffe Hall farmland by gangs of youths travelling to the Cycle Trails. They were not using the correct access route, but were crossing farmland, thereby trespassing. These groups of youths were described as intimidating. The police had not had any input in these matters so far. Councillors expressed their concern and support, and said they would do anything within their powers to improve the situation.
This item is on the agenda for this meeting in item 22/15 below.
vi) Ms Grogan next described disturbance and vandalism in the later evening from youths on the play area. Ms Grogan made a complaint about the location of the new swing, as it is closer to her house than existing play items. Youths had driven motorcycles into the play area, revving engines late at night; and their behaviour was described as intimidating, anti-social, and noisy, with appalling language. The police had been called, but the youths had not been moved on.
Councillors expressed their concern with the anti-social behaviour, nuisance and distress caused; and various ideas were discussed including an anti-motorcycle gate being fitted opposite school; making the main gates to the field lockable, signage, and CCTV cameras. The Clerk was authorised to put these undertakings into practice before the next meeting, with a £2,000 cap for the budget for the CCTV security system.
To consider the following planning applications and determine if any response is necessary:
Application No:2015/0123/FULDate Valid:23 February 2015
Proposal:Change of use from former pig barn to 2 bedroom dwelling including proposed conservatory to side and associated driveway and parking.
Site Location:Boundary Farm, Graveyard Lane, Bickerstaffe, Ormskirk, Lancashire.
Applicant:Mr A Gore response dead-line - March 28th 2015
There were no comments related to this planning application.
To consider sending a Planning Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate concerning the Planning Application refusal at Stanley Gate Nurseries
Cllr Webster offered to assist Mr and Mrs Sands with their application, by exploring possibilities under the Sustainable Communities Act.
BPC resolved to assist Mr and Mrs Sands in their application in any way they can.
20/15.3 / FINANCE
To determine the time-scale of the completion and publication of the Statement of Accounts for 2014/15
The statement of Accounts will be prepared at the end of the financial year, and will be presented for scrutiny and approval at the next PC meeting.
To scrutinise, and approve for signature, the Bank Reconciliation up to the end of February 2014
Bank Reconciliations up to Feb 28th 2015 were scrutinised, accepted as accurate, and signed by the chairman.
To review the effectiveness of the internal Financial Control procedures
Financial Risk Assessment documents from 2013/2014 were scrutinised and accepted as a suitable system for monitoring and addressing the council’s financial procedures. It was resolved to complete a new Financial Risk Assessment for the next meeting.
To receive play area safety inspection schedules from councillors, for January and February
Play area reports were received.
To determine the frequency and type of RoSPA checks to be carried out on play/gym equipment and fencing at the Parish Field
It was resolved to have one RoSPA check carried out per year as other checks are being carried out each month. This covers Insurance requirements.
To finalise any outstanding matters and close the S106 Play Area Capital Project as of March 31st 2015
The blue seat will be replaced by the recycled plastic seat.
WLBC has been informed that this project is now complete.
To allocate a budget for sign(s) at the play area to point out that “No Dogs are Allowed” inside the new fenced area, and to determine an appropriate form of words for such
“No Dogs” signs would be put up at the play area.
£3,000 was resolved as the ceiling for spending on signs, including gates to prevent motorcycles.
To receive the final budget for the Cycle Trails
The Cycle Trails costs were noted from a document previously circulated. The LEF final payment had been applied for.
To consider progress of the concessionary Cycle Path and determine any further course of action
Mr Harker (for Lord Derby) had been asked to update BPC on progress for signing the agreement for the concessionary path to the Cycle Trails. Mr Harker said he would look at the new fence which had been erected to funnel cyclists onto the correct path when crossing the M58 footbridge from the Sandpiper direction, and consider the concessionary agreement next time he was in the area.
It was resolved to contact Martin Harker of Derby Estates, to try to move this situation forward.
To consider funding signage and any further action to address problems of trespass onto private land
Funding of signs to prevent trespass was agreed.
Mrs Hudson gave permission for signs to be put up on their fences.
To receive an update on the agreement being drafted between LCC and BPC
A draft agreement had been drawn up by Nick Osborne (LCC) and BPC which had been circulated prior to this meeting. This was scrutinised, and it was resolved that this agreement should be adopted by BPC and be returned to LCC for formalising now.
To consider BPC’s potential role in the suggestion of a Wardens’ scheme to monitor the Cycle Trails
This scheme was not considered to be necessary, and it was suggested that the users would be better placed to run such a scheme. However, Cllrs Webster and Sumner said they would volunteer for the scheme should it be set up.
23/15.3 / PAYMENTS
To consider a request for a donation from Bickerstaffe Pensioners’ Fund, and if granted, to decide how much?
It was resolved to donate £100 to Bickerstaffe Pensioners Fund.
To consider a request from Bickerstaffe AFC for a donation as a contribution to the electrical works needed to install a de-fibrillator inside the club-house, and if granted, for how much
This request was withdrawn by Mr Andrews (Chairman of Bickerstaffe AFC).
To authorise payments for the following, and to sign cheques for the same:
To: / For: / Amount:
Clerk / Salary / £1,755
J.A.Smith (J.Swift) / Reimbursement for payment to J.Swift (Prow works) / £157.80
Crossroads West Lancs / Donation / £25
Aardvark Pest Control / Mole clearance / £60
J.A.Smith / Mileage, postage, laminator, ink / £75.81
CCNW / Cycle Trails Works / £3,600
Yates Playgrounds LTD / Play Area / £17,557.20
Broker Network Ltd / Insurance (extra cover for new play area items) / £25
Pensioners Social Fund / Donation / £100
To approve and/or note the use of the Parish Field/AFC Clubhouse for the following:
i) Sat July 11th – Bickerstaffe Summer Fair
ii) Sat June 13th - Bickerstaffe Treat day
iii) Fri July 31st, Sat August 1st and 2nd – Bickerstock Community Music Festival
iv) Sat June 6th – Use of club-house and car park only for Cycle Race*
The above dates/bookings were approved. However, the following observations were made:
Residents have noted that some cyclists are riding without due care and attention during speed trial events which take place in the parish in the Summer months. This was reported as a particular problem when they cycle up the centre of the road (especially on the Intake Lane blind bend); weaving from side to side whilst accelerating when setting off from Intake Lane; and cycling in a low position with their heads down and fore-arms horizontal on special handle-bars, with little regard to other road users. This situation was noted as a potentially very dangerous.
Bickerstaffe Parish Council consider that there is a safety issue to residents, other road users and the cyclists themselves, and therefore it was resolved to contact Lancashire Constabulary and ask for police assistance by monitoring the situation when the season starts again after Easter.
To note the use of club-house for Elections (May 7th).
This date was noted.
To note progress and receive updates on various topics and projects
i) Conference: BPC Representatives at the Town and Parish Council Conference will be Cllr Sumner and the Clerk.
ii) Community Payback Scheme – painting the play area: paint and materials will be bought and the project started asap.
A budget of £200 was allocated to this project.
iii) Elections: nomination packs, including the Register of Electors and Candidates Guide, will be available from the Elections Office, 52 Derby Street, Ormskirk, L39 2DF from Mon 23rd March, 2015.
Completed nomination papers and relevant documents can be delivered to the above address between 10am and 4pm from Monday 30th March, but must be delivered to Jane Smith in the Election Office/WLBC no later than 4pm on 9th April, 2015.
Nomination packs must be returned by HAND ONLY to the Elections Office; papers received via Royal Mail will not be accepted. The nomination papers can be delivered by hand by someone the candidate trusts to deliver them on time. The person delivering nomination papers must wait until Jane Smith has checked the papers are valid. The “Statement of Person Nominated” will be published on Friday 10th April at 4pm. A copy of the statement will be sent via email for the BPC Clerk’s information, and to display on Parish notice board. If Bickerstaffe is contested, Jane Smith will forward further information and notices as per the timetable. Election costs are: £120 uncontested; £750 contested.
iv) Commons Act Applications – the Clerk updated the meeting with progress on the applications for Heyescroft and Four lane Ends.
v) Clerk’s Digests, Survey Feedback – 4 out of 8 councillors had responded to the survey, and of those four, feedback was 100% positive. But as 50% of councillors did not respond, it cannot be concluded that the digests are effective across the board. Further surveys may be carried out to ascertain if any further methods of communication could be more effective.
To consider which areas of the parish are experiencing problems of speeding traffic, and to consider what courses of action can be taken to examine and resolve these issues.
It was resolved to request more police presence in monitoring speeding vehicles and enforcing speed limits in the parish to include Skelmersdale Road, leading to Four Lane Ends; and Lyelake Lane. Lancs Constabulary will be informed.
To note the date, time and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next PC Meeting will be held after the Parish Surgery at Four Lane Ends Mission on Monday April 13th 2015 at 7.30 p.m.
This will be an Extraordinary meeting.
To note the date, time and venue of the next Parish Council
Surgery, and to ascertain which councillors will be in attendance
The next Parish Surgery will be at Four Lane Ends Mission from 7.00 – 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April 13th 2015.

Chairman’s Signature: HR (Cllr Hilary Rosbotham)

Date: 13.4.15

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