Bibliography on Foucault and Liberalism/Neoliberalism
Works on Foucault:
1. General:
Lawlor, Len & Nale, John (eds.). The Cambridge Foucault Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Gutting, Gary. The Cambridge Companion to Foucault. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Contains a variety of essays on various key topics, periods and aspects of Foucault’s work.
Visker, Rudi. Michel Foucault: Genealogy as Critique, translated by Chris Turner (London: Verso, 1995). On Foucault’s genealogical method.
2. On liberalism and neoliberalism:
Andrew Barry, Thomas Osborne and Nikolas Rose (eds.). Foucault and Political Reason: Liberalism, Neoliberalism and Rationalities of Government. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Graham Burchell, Collin Gordon and Peter Miller (eds). The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1991.
Castro-Gómez, Santiago. Historia de la gubernamentalidad.Razón de estado, liberalismo y neoliberalismo en Michel Foucault. Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre Editores, 2010.
Foucault Studies, No 6, February 2009: Special Issue on The Birth of Biopolitics, with articles by Ute Tellmann, “Foucault and the Invisible Economy,” 5-24; Jason Read, “A Genealogy of Homo Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity,” 25-36; Trent H. Hamann, “Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and Ethics,” 37-59.
Dumm L., Thomas. Michel Foucault and the Politics of Freedom. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002.
Gertenbach, Lars. Die Kultivierung des Marktes. Foucault und die Gouvernementalität des Neoliberalismus. Berlin: Parodos, 2008.
Lemke, Thomas. EineKritik der PolitischenVernunft. Foucaults Analyse der modernenGouvernementalität. Hamburg: Argument Verlag, 1997.
Lemm, Vanessa (ed.). Michel Foucault: neoliberalismo y biopolítica. Santiago: Universidad Diego Portales, 2010.
------. Gouvernementalität und Biopolitik. Wiesbaden: VS VerlagfürSozialwissenschaften, 2007.
Lemm, Vanessa and Vatter, Miguel (eds.), The Government of Life: Foucault, Biopolitics, and Neoliberalism. New York: Fordham University Press, 2014.
Zamora, Daniel & Behrent, Michael C. Foucault and Neoliberalism. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016.
Web resources:
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: ; good general introduction and useful bibliography.
: John Protevi’s very useful website, which contains outlines of a number of Foucault’s lecture courses, as well as lecture notes and papers on Foucault.
, a site devoted to Foucault’s work, created and regularly updated by Clare O’Farrel.
: “MaterialiFoucaultiani” is an Italian site with information, articles and interviews on Foucault in Italian, French and English.
Works in Political Economy:
A. Physiocrats:
Quesnay, Tableau économique (1758); articles “Fermiers” and “Grains” from the Encyclopédie (1756); Le Trosne, De l’ordre social (1777).
B. Liberalism:
J. Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government, in Richard Aschcraft (ed.), The Two Treatises of Civil Government (London: Routledge, 1989).
D. Hume, “That Politics may be Reduced to a Science,” “Of the First Principles of Government,” “Of the Origin of Government,” “Of Commerce,” “Of the Populousness of Ancient Nations,” “Of the Original Contract,” in Selected Essays, edited by Stephen Copley and Andrew Edgar (Oxford: Oxfor University Press, 1996).
James Steuart, An Inquiry into The Principles of Political Economy: Being and Essay on the Science of Domestic Policy in Free Nations. London, printed for A. Millar and T. Cadell, 1767.
A. Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, edited by D. D. Raphael and A. L. Macfie (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1982).
The Wealth of Nations (London: Penguin Classics, 1999)
J. Bentham, Anarchical Fallacies; Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation; Manual of Political Economy, in Jeremy Bentham's Economic Writings.
Panopticon; or, the Inspection-House, in MiranBozovic (ed.), The Panopticon Writings (London: Verso, 1995)
J. S. Mill, Principles of Political Economy, edited by Jonathan Riley (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994)
Utilitarianism, edited by Roger Crisp (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
C. Neoliberalism:
1. Austrian School:
L. von Mises, Die Gemeinwirtschaft: Untersuchungenüber den Sozialismus (Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1922). Translated by J. Kahane as Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1951)
Liberalismus (Gustave Fischer Verlag, 1927). Translated by Ralph Raico as Liberalism: In The Classical Tradition (San Francisco: Cobden Press, 1985)
F. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (1944) (London: Routledge, 2008)
Individualism and Economic Order (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1948)
The Constitution of Liberty (1960) (London: Routledge, 2006)
2. Chicago School:
G. Becker, Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special reference to Education. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 3rd ed., 1993.
The Economic Approach to Human Behavior. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1971.
A Treatise on the Family. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1991.
“Altrusim, egoism and genetic fitness: Economics and sociobiology,” Journal of Economic Literature 14 (1976): 817-826
The Economic Approach to Human Behavior (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1976)
M. Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2002; 1st ed., 1962)
Essays in Positive Economics, The University of Chicago Press, 1953.
Why Government is the Problem (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press Publication, 1993).
T. Schultz, Investment in Human Capital: The Role of Education and of Research, New York: Free Press, 1971.
Human Resources (Human Capital: Policy Issues and Research Opportunities). New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1972.
(ed.), Economics of the Family: Marriage, Children, and Human Capital, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974
D. Marxism:
Marx and Engels, The German Ideology, edited and introduced by C. J. Arthur (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1977).
G. Lukács, “Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat” in History and Class Consciousness, trans. Rodney Livingstone (London: Merlin, 1990).
T. Adorno, “Ideology” in Aspects of Sociology
Adorno and Horkheimer, “The Genesis of Stupidity” in Dialectic of Enlightenment, trans. John Cumming (London: Verso, 1997), 256-58
E. History of Economics, Economics:
J. Schumpeter, A History of Economic Analysis (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1954)
Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of our Time [1944] (Boston: Beacon Press, 2001)
Albert O. Hirschman, The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments in Favour of Capitalism before its Triumph. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977.
Philip Mirowski, More Heat than Light. Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Nature’s Economics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989)
----- and Dieter Plehwe, eds., The Road from Mont Pélerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009)
Aranzadi del Cerro, Javier, Liberalism Against Liberalism: Theoretical Analysis Of The Works Of Ludwig Von Mises And Gary Becker. London and New York: Routledge, 2006.
David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). Historical approach, and brief. Useful but up to a point, in that not philosophical.
P. Miller and N. Rose, Governing the Present. Administering Economic, Social and Personal Life (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008).
G. Agamben, IlRegno e la Gloria. Homo Sacer, II, 2 (Milano: NeriPozzaEditore, 2007). On the religious and theological sources of key concepts in political economy, especially government, order, and economics.
C. Laval, L’hommeéconomique: Essaisur les racines du néolibéralisme (Paris: Gallimard, 2007)
P. Dardot and C. Laval, La nouvelle raison du monde.Essaisur la sociéténéolibérale (Paris: Éditions La Découverte, 2009)
B. Latour and V. A. Lépinay, L’économie, science des intérêtspassionnés. Introduction à l’anthropologieéconomique de Gabriel Tarde (Paris: Éditions La Découverte, 2008).
B. Stiegler, Pour une nouvelle critique de l’économiepolitique (Paris: Galilée, 2009).
Jon Elster, Le désintéressement. Traité critique de l’économiepolitique (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2009).
David Graeber, Debt: The First Five Thousand Years. New York: Melville House, 2011.
Harcourt, Bernard E., The Illusion of Free Markets. Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011.