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Minutes taker:Elaine Dong (FIU)

Next BCDS meeting:October12, 2016;Annie Glerum (FSU)

Next CAM meeting:October13, 2016

Next TSSC meeting:October10, 2016

  1. Approval of minutes
  1. Announcements
  1. TSSC Meeting Report (Brian, et al.)
  1. Why do we need an e-book record in the catalog if it is already available in a database?(brief discussion)(Annie)
  1. Duplicate serials (Ethan) - Follow up?
  1. Series

a. Series Headings guideline for in Guidelines (Annie) - Tabled from last meeting.

b. Cataloging/Authorities Working Group (CAWG) de-dup reports (Annie)

  1. Draft proposal for use of $5 in 856 fields and update 4.2.4 in Guidelines (Kim) - Tabled from last meeting.
  1. Problem statement about multiple format holdings on legacy GovDoc records (Susan, Annie, Task Force) - Any follow up? Jody?
  1. Future review of Guidelines section 5.0 by the CSUL CAM Authorities Subcommittee (Annie) - Tabled from last meeting.
  2. Shared Bib Cataloging Guidelines
  3. Version 1.03(July 9, 2015) of the guidelinesis on the SB wiki Cataloging webpage:
  4. Draft guidelines approved by CAM(need to be incorporated into official guidelines)(Dave)
  • 3.4, 3.4.1,, - Subfield 5 in Aleph
  • - Proprietary Fields in Shared Records
  • 3.4.8 Local series - use of 89X field

c. Use of FAST headings to be incorporated into guidelines per CAM (Dave)

CAM approved the following from the TSSC Recommendation of the ad-hoc FAST Task Group at their last meeting:

"Provide guidelines on the application of FAST, including instruction to retain FAST headings in copy cataloging, to achieve faceted browsing with the FAST vocabulary, and to encode URIs. Offer specific language for inclusion in the State University System of Florida Libraries 'Guidelines and Procedures for the Shared Bibliographic Catalog'."

The language in the Recommendation is:

  • Under section Subject Headings, add: "Subject headings intended for faceted navigation should be derived from the FAST vocabulary. FAST headings should be coded, including URIs, according to the pattern: 655_7 Term. $2 fast $0 (OCoLC)fst123456789. OCLC's assignFAST gadget can be used to look up headings and URIs: OCLC's FAST Converter tool may be used to derive FAST headings from LCSH headings:
  • Under section Subject Headings, edit "Do not delete appropriately coded non-LC subject heading" to highlight retainment of FAST headings: "Do not delete appropriately coded non-LC subject headings. Especially, do not delete FAST headings, which are used for faceted navigation in user interfaces."
  • Under section Genre/Form Headings,edit "Genre and form headings found in a standard thesaurus are preferred and should be coded appropriately. Local genre headings should be coded as 655_7 $2 local." to encourage use of FAST: "Genre and form headings found in the FAST vocabulary are preferred."