Bibliografie – GUAM – CROW (Guam-Krähe) – Corvus kubaryi, Reichenow

Aguon, C.F., Beck, R.E. Jr. & Ritter, M.W. (1999): A method for protecting nests of the Mariana crow from brown treesnake predation. IN: Rodda, G.H., Sawai, Y., Chiszar, D. & Tanaka, H. [Hrsg.]. Problem snake management: the habu and the brown treesnake. Comstock Publishing Associates. Ithaca & London. 1999: i-xix, 1-534. Chapter pagination: 460-467.

Aguon, C.F., Campbell, Earl W.III. & Morton, J.M.(2002): Efficacy of electrical barriers used to protect Mariana crow nests. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30 (3): 703-708. Abstract

Anon (1984): Nine vertebrate species determined endangered on Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. Elepaio 45 (5): 35.

Avery, M.L., Tillman, E.A. & Savarie, P.J. (2004): Responses of captive fish crows (Corvus ossifragus) to acetaminophen baits and bait stations for brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) control on Guam. Bird Behavior 16 (1-2): 1-6. Abstract

Committee on the Scientific Bases for the Preservation of the Mariana Crow, Commission on Life Sciences & National Research Council (1997): The scientific bases for preservation of the Mariana crow. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.: i-xii: 1-91. Abstract

Corny, P.J. (1988): High Nest predation by Brown Tree Snakes on Guam. Condor 90 (2): 478-482. Kompletter Artikel als pdf.

Fancy, S.G., Lusk, M.R. & Grout, D.J.(1999): Status of the Mariana Crow population on Rota, Mariana Islands. Micronesica 32 (1): 3-10. Abstract

George, W.G. & Casler, C.L. (1972): Subalular apterium in birds. Auk 89 (2): 245-262. Abstract Kompletter Artikel als pdf.

Grout, D. & Maxfield, B. (1993): Captive breeding program for Mariana Island birds begins. Elepaio 53 (11): 73.

Jenkins, J.M.(1983): The native forest birds of Guam. AOU Orn. Monographs No. 31.

Jenkins, J.M. & Aguon, C.F. (1981): Status of candidate endangered bird species on Saipan, Tinian and Rota of the Mariana Islands. Micronesica 17 (1-2): 184-186.

Kibler, L.F. (1950): Notes on the Birds of Guam. Auk 67 (3): 400-403. Kompletter Artikel als pdf.

Lusk, M.R. & Taisacan, E.(1996): Dimensions and composition of Mariana crow nests on Rota, Mariana Islands. Micronesica 29 (2): 299-304. Abstract

Marshall, J.T.(1949): The endemic avifauna of Saipan, Tinian, Guam and Palau. Condor 51: 200-221. Kompletter Artikel als pdf.

Michael, G.A.(1987): Notes on the breeding biology and ecology of the Mariana or Guam Crow. Avicult. Mag. 93: 73-82.

Omland, K.E., Tarr, C.L., Boarman, W.I., Marzluff, J.M. & Fleischer, R.C. (2000): Cryptic genetic variation and paraphyly in ravens. Proc. Roy. soc. London B 267: 2475-2482. AbstractKompletter Artikel als pdf.

Plentovich, S., Morton, J.M., Bart, J., Camp, R.J., Lusk, M., Johnson, N. & Vanderwerf, E. (2005): Population trends of Mariana crow Corvus kubaryi on Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bird Conservation International 15 (2): 211-224. Abstract

Pratt, H.D., Bruner, P.L. & Berrett, D.G. (1979): America's unknown avifauna: the birds of the Mariana Islands. American Birds 33 (3): 227-235.

Reed, R. N., Morton, J. M. & Desy, G. E.(2000): Use of monofilament snare traps for capture of varanid lizards. Micronesica 33 (1-2): 99-104. Abstract

Restani, M. & Marzluff, J. M.(2002): Funding extinction? Biological needs and political realities in the allocation of resources to endangered species recovery. Bioscience 52 (2): 169-177. Abstract

Tarr, C. L. & Fleischer, R. C. (1998): Primers for polymorphic GT microsatellites isolated from the Mariana crow, Corvus kubaryi. Molecular Ecology 7 (2): 253-255.

Tarr, C. L. & Fleischer, R. C.(1999): Population boundaries and genetic diversity in the endangered Mariana crow (Corvus kubaryi). Molecular Ecology 8 (6): 941-949. Abstract

Tomback, D.F.(1986): Observations on the behaviour and ecology of the Mariana Crow. Condor 88: 398-401. Kompletter Artikel als pdf.

Valutis, L.L. & Marzluff, J. M.(1999): The appropriateness of puppet-rearing birds for reintroduction. Conservation Biology 13 (3): 584-591. Abstract

Whitmore, K. D. & Marzluff, J. M.(1998): Hand-rearing corvids for reintroduction: Importance of feeding regime, nestling growth, and dominance. Journal of Wildlife Management 62 (4): 1460. Abstract

Wiles,G.J., Aguon, C. F., Davis, G. W. & Grout, D.J. (1995): The Status and Distribution of Endangered Animals and Plants in Northern Guam. Micronesica 28 (1): 31-49. Abstract

Wiles, G. J.(1998): Records of communal roosting in Mariana Crows. Wilson Bulletin 110 (1): 126-128. AbstractKompletter Artikel als pdf.

Yaremych, S.A., Warner, R.E., Mankin, P.C., Brawn, J.D., Raim, A. & Novak, R. (2004): West Nile Virus and High Death Rate in American Crows. Emerging Infectious Diseases 10 (4): 709-711. AbstractKompletter Artikel als pdf.