Bibliobox Lending Contract

The undersigned:

Name borrower:______

Address: ______

Town: ______

Telephone: ______

Mobile phone:______

Fax: ______

Email: ______


hereinafter called ‘the borrower’, and

Name / Wapke Feenstra

Address:Ericastraat 8, 3073 HC


Telephone:0031 (0)10 4850662

Mobile phone:0031 (0)6 22 785203

Fax: 0031 (0)10 4853826

Email: or

Website: /

hereinafter called ‘the lender’

have agreed as follows:

Article 1. Lending of the Bibliobox

For the period(s) mentioned in Article 2 the lender grants the borrower

the loan of:

1 Bibliobox (hereinafter called ‘BBBox’) consisting of

- the basis

- 2 lids

- 2 drawers

- 2 large thin panels

- 2 small thin panels

- 1 plexiglass bottom

- 2 steel pins

- 2 straps

- 4 rubber bands

- the current contents of the box (equipment, books, CDs, and the like), see Inventory (Appendix 1)

In this contract ‘BBBox’ means ‘Bibliobox with current contents’. The origins and objectives of the BBBox can be checked at The material in the BBBox is included both in English and in the original language of the projects.

Article 2. Lending period and location(s)

The borrower is responsible for the program for the BBBox and specifies the lending period(s) and rural location(s) as follows:

1st Journey



Start date:______

End date:______

Transportation date (forth):______

Transportation date (back):______

2nd Journey (if applicable)



Start date:______

End date:______

Transportation date (forth):______

Transportation date (back):______

3rd Journey (if applicable)



Start date:______

End date:______

Transportation date (forth):______

Transportation date (back):______

In case of more than three journeys please add an appendix with the other journeys.

Return of the BBBox to the lender

Transportation date:______

Article 3. Costs

The loan is free of charge, except for travel expenses and expenses for containing maintenance. Please contact us for the exact amount (see also Article 5).

Article 4. Usage

  1. The borrower is responsible for the program for the BBBox during the lending period(s).
  2. The BBBox is to be set up in accordance with the instructions given in Appendix 2. The lender will ask a photo of each BBBox installation and a note giving the location, date, kind of meeting and possibly a small caption. The photo will be added to the BBBox and the website Please use email to send photo and text to the lender.
  3. Projects in line with the contents of the BBBox, realized within the region or the network of the borrower, may be added to the BBBox. The borrower will send documentation on eligible projects to the above-mentioned address of the lender. If the projects are suitable, they will be added to the BBBox and included in the database of By making the (additional) projects available (also in English translation) on the internet, they will receive international attention.

Article 5. Transportation

  1. The borrower is in charge of arranging the transport to and from the display locations.
  2. The borrower will pay any costs involved in said transport(s). The box can be transported in an ordinary car.
  3. If there are other reservations during the lending period(s), the lender will take care of any journeys of the BBBox to and from the borrower.

Article 6. Damage or loss

  1. The borrower is responsible for looking after the BBBox during the program.
  2. The borrower agrees to effect a travel insurance for the BBBox covering the voyage in the region and to and from the office of the lender.
  3. Before and after each installation of the BBBox the borrower will check the contents according to the appended inventory (Appendix 1). Photocopy the inventory as often as needed to check, date and sign each installation.
  4. The borrower will report and claim loss or gross damage (with the exception of wear and tear through normal usage of the BBBox) on said insurance.
  5. In case of unattended transports the borrower will use the special BBBox crate (see also Appendix 2) and pack the crate up in blister padding.

Agreed and signed in duplicate,










  1. BBBox Inventory
  2. BBBox Manual

Appendix 1. BBBox Inventory

Please check and sign before and after the installation of the BBBox. If

there are several installations make photocopies and check and sign each



The equipment is marked with the letters A, B and C:

ACD player with plug-in-string

BDVD player with remote control, plug-in-string and headphone


Books, CDs an the like

Download recent list on

This list is part of this contract.









Appendix 2. BBBox Manual

See appended PDF file.