Today / 10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
Mon. / 8:00 pm / Little League / Adult Lounge
Tues. / 6:30 pm / Tai Chi / Hall
Fri. / 1:00 pm / Neuro-Restorative / Hall
Sat. / 10:00 am / Tai Chi / Nursery
1:00 pm / Miller Baby Shower / Hall
Sun. / 10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
AA Meetings – Mabel Cole Hall
Monday – Saturday / AA / 12 pm
Monday / AA / 6:30 pm
Monday / NA / 8 pm
Wednesday / AA / 8 pm
Friday / AA / 8 pm
Saturday / AA / 9 am
Saturday / AA / 8 pm
Bible Journaling
There will be a class about the basics of Bible Journaling here at the church on Saturday, August 12, from 1-4 pm. Techniques will be taught using watercolor & acrylic paint, hand lettering, rubber stamping, stickers, & other embellishments. The class will be $30 per person. Everything will be provided except the Bible. A sign-up sheet is now out on the tablein the Lobby!
St. Stephen’s Nursery School
St. Stephen’s Preschool & Day Programs have openings for the
2017 -18 school year. You may schedule a tour at 474-4773 and also find them on Facebook. More information is on the table in the Lobby.
July 9, 2017
“Love Grows Here”
Fairview Presbyterian Church
4264 Avonia Road P.O. Box 340
Fairview, PA 16415
July 9, 2017
RITUAL OF FRIENDSHIP (greet one another)
PRELUDE“Lord of the Dance” Carter-Hayes
Leader: Come away with me to a quiet place, apart from the world
and its frantic pace, to pray, reflect and seek God’s grace.
People: Come away with me; come away!
Leader: Come today with thoughts of the countless ways that God’s
steadfast love blesses all our days, and join with me as we
praise God in song and deed.
People: Come away with me! Come away!!
*OPENING HYMN # 30 “How Majestic Is Your Name”
Our Father, in heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdome come,
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Save us in the time of trial and deliver us from evil;
For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
now and forever. Amen.
(Updated version found in the Book of Common Worship)
RESPONSE HYMN # 430 “I Must Tell Jesus”
OFFERING and OFFERTORY “An Irish Blessing” Glyncannon
SCRIPTURE LESSON Genesis 39: 1-2
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.
SERMON“Growing in the Desert”
*CLOSING HYMN # 354 “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
*POSTLUDE “Trumpet Tune in G” Rawsthorne
(*) Stand as you are able
Thank You to Our Volunteers
Coffee Cart – Penny Qualls
Greeters –Ron & Marilyn Ferringer & Dick Case
Sound System – Don Twining & Eric Scandale
Nursery – Jill Iszkula
Communion Schedule
Attention Elders:
It is the responsibility of current and past Elders to help serve Communion each month. There is a Communion Schedule on the table in the Lobby. Please fill in your name by the dates you can serve. Amy will remind you when it’s your turn. Thank you for your service
to our church.
Belize Trip
Alysabeth Mahood and 4 students from Gannon will be going to
Belize July 23 – 29. Prayers for safety.
4 more old suitcases are needed to take the rest of the school supplies to Belize. If anyone has one any you can donate, please bring them to the church office by Wednesday, July 19.
Golden Girls
The Golden Girls will meet on Wednesday, July 12, 5:15 pm,
at the Pittsburg Inn.
Fairview Presbyterian Church will participate in the 7th annual Erie Gives to be hosted on Tuesday, August 8, 2017. Please help support our many missions.
You have 12 hours to make your online donation between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.EST. Erie Gives will be an exciting day! Throughout the 12 hour period, how well the nonprofits are doing will be posted on the Erie Gives website, The Erie Community Foundation's website, Facebook and Twitter.
Reminder - Some employers will match gifts to the Erie Community Foundation, the recipient of gifts to Erie Gives. The Erie Community Foundation then distributes the funds to the participating non - profits. By giving to Erie Gives with a matching gift from your employer, you can double your contribution to Fairview Presbyterian Church!
Belize Trip
Alysabeth Mahood and 4 students from Gannon will be going to
Belize July 23 – 29. Prayers for safety.
4 more old suitcases are needed to take the rest of the school supplies to Belize. If anyone has one any you can donate, please bring them to the church office by Wednesday, July 19.
Golden Girls
The Golden Girls will meet on Wednesday, July 12, 5:15 pm,
at the Pittsburg Inn.
Fairview Presbyterian Church will participate in the 7th annual Erie Gives to be hosted on Tuesday, August 8, 2017. Please help support our many missions.
You have 12 hours to make your online donation between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.EST. Erie Gives will be an exciting day! Throughout the 12 hour period, how well the nonprofits are doing will be posted on the Erie Gives website, The Erie Community Foundation's website, Facebook and Twitter.
Reminder - Some employers will match gifts to the Erie Community Foundation, the recipient of gifts to Erie Gives. The Erie Community Foundation then distributes the funds to the participating non - profits. By giving to Erie Gives with a matching gift from your employer, you can double your contribution to Fairview Presbyterian Church!