Course Syllabus

Fall 2012


OFFICE: Redwood Campus F Building


  • Grants Pass (541) 956-7081
  • Medford (541) 245-7500 Ext. 7081


OFFICE HOURS: Redwood Campus by appointment.


  • Grants Pass: Monday, Sept 24, 5:00-6:00 p.m., Redwood Campus, Room: G-4
  • Medford: Tuesday, Sept 25, 5:00-6:00 p.m., Riverside Campus, Room: HEC-225

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biology 100 is a biology survey course for non-science majors. The focus will be on biological structures, processes, and interrelationships of living organisms. To complete this course successfully, students must have a great deal of self-discipline, excellent time management skills, and the ability to learn well through copious amounts of reading. BI 100 will NOT meet your lab science requirement for your AAOT or other associate degrees.

DISABILITY & SPECIAL SERVICES: RCC recognizes that students with a disability may have special needs, and it is the college’s commitment to provide equal access to educational opportunities. Any student who feels they may need an academic accommodation for any disability should make an appointment with Student Support Services, Grants Pass, 956-7337, Wiseman Building or Riverside Campus 245-7537, G-207.

Americans With Disabilities Act: It is the responsibility of a student having a documented disability to inform the instructor of any needs for accommodation by the end of Week 1. Students should expect the instructor to verify the documented disability and the need for accommodation.

PREREQUISITE: The student should have minimum competencies at the RD30 level or above. Students should also have writing skills at the WR115 level or above.

REQUIRED TEXT: Life, by J. Postlethwait & J. Hopson, 1st edition, Cengage Learning, 2011. ISBN 0-534-46233-5.

Textbooks are available at the RCC bookstore, Redwood Campus or Riverside Campus.

Exam Due Dates: 1st exam 10/29/12 2nd exam 12/3/12

GRADES: Grades are based on total points in the class. There will be two tests worth 200 points each. Each test will be multiple choice and essays. The grading scale for this course is:

  • 90.0 – 100% of total points------A
  • 80.0 – 89% of total points------B
  • 70.0 – 79% of total points------C
  • 60.0 – 69% of total points------D
  • 59% and below of total points------F

WITHDRAWAL: Make certain that you follow college policy and time line if you plan to withdraw from the class. After the date to drop, the instructor will assign the grade the student earned for the work submitted during the term. The responsibility of withdrawing from the class rests with the student to initiate and complete.

VIEWING PROGRAMS: A total of twenty (20) thirty-minute video segments will need to be viewed during the term. The videos cover topics related to the chapters being studied each week. To get the best learning experience it is recommended students follow the suggested schedule on page three of the syllabus. The programs may be viewed from your computer or at an RCC library. For computer viewing simply go to the ANGEL web site for BI100GB and click on the Lessons link. The programs may also be viewed CD in an RCC library on the Redwood, Riverside or Table Rock Campus.

TESTING: There are two take home exams for this course. The first exam will be given out at orientation and must be turned in to the department secretary no later than 5:000pm October 29, 2012. The second exam should be picked up at that time! The second exam will be due no later than 5:00pm December 3, 2012. Please turn in your exams to the Science Department Secretary at one of the following locations:

Grants PassAlice TempleF-Building or F-Building Drop Box

MedfordBea FredericksonHEC-301

You will need a total of four (4) scantron answer sheets, FORM NO. 882-E, and a number two pencil for each test. Each test will require two (2) scantrons; scantrons are available in the bookstore. Double space all answers to essay question (exam 1 only) using a 12 point font.

Since you have ample time to take the exams and they are take home exams no late exams will be accepted.

TEST SCORES: To view your test scores go to Click on BI100 and then click on grades. Please do not phone me for your grade or request your score over e-mail. A federal law called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act prohibits giving out grades in this manner.

If you have additional questions about your test or want to review it, you may schedule an appointment to see me.

Exam Due Dates: 1st exam 10/29/12 2nd exam 12/3/12

STUDENT CONDUCT: Any student caught cheating or exhibiting any academically dishonest practice will receive a zero on the test, possibly a failing grade for the entire course, and the matter will be referred to the Dean of Students for further discipline.


Video segments may be viewed at any time. Below is a suggested weekly schedule that will allow you to finish viewing the programs and answers the test questions at a weekly pace that allows you finish the exam before the due date.

1 / 9/24 / 1 & 2
MC 1-36 / 101. The Unity & Diversity of Life
102. Chemical Foundations of Life
2 / 10/ 1 / 2 & 3
MC 37-72
Essay 1 / 103. Secrets of the Cell
104. The Power of Metabolism -
3 / 10/8 / 3 & 4
MC 73-109
Essay 2 / 105. Energy In—Energy Out -
106. Generations: Mitosis & Meiosis
4 / 10/15 / 5
MC 110-146
Essay 3 / 107. Patterns of Inheritance
108. DNS: Blueprint of Life
5 / 10/22 / 6
MC 147-180
Essay 4 / 109. Proteins: Building Blocks of Life
112. Viruses, Bacteria, & Prostistans
6 / 10/29 / 7 & 11
MC 1-36, 176-178
Turn in Exam 1 & Pick Up Exam 2 / 113. Fungi, Plants & Animals
116. Animal Structure
7 / 11/5 / 11 & 12
MC 37-80, 179-184 / 117. Circulation: A River of Life
118. Immunity
8 / 11/12 / 13 & 8
MC 81-117, 185-190 / 119. Respiration -
120. Digestion & Fluid Balance
9 / 11/19 / 8 &14
MC 118-150, 191-196 / 121. The Neural Connection
123. Animal Reproduction & Development
10 / 11/26 / 15
MC 151-175, 197-200 / 124. Populations & Communities
125. Ecosystems & the Biosphere
11 / 12/3 / Turn in Exam 2 / FINALS WEEK

Exam Due Dates: 1st exam 10/29/11 2nd exam 12/3/13

Library Hours
Redwood Campus Library
Grants Pass
Mon thru Thurs
8 AM - 7 PM
Friday 8 AM – 5 PM
Closed Sat/Sun / Riverside Campus Library

Mon thru Thurs
8 AM - 8 PM
Friday 8 Am – 5 PM
Close Sun / Table Rock Campus Library
White City


How can I view the course video programs?

Course programs may be viewed on your computer at the ANGEL web site for BI100GB by using the Lessons link or at an RCC library.

How much time do I get to take each test?

That depends on you. I suggest you watch the programs, and answer the test questions as you read you text. You should attempt to answer 7-10 MC questions per day to stay on track.

What happens if I can’t find my syllabus?

Your syllabus contains the information necessary to succeed in this class. If you lose it, email or phone me and I will see that it is replaced. It can also be found on the BI100 web page.

What happens if I need help?

Call me or e-mail me with questions. I am available to you in my office if one-on-one assistance if needed. Please get help sooner rather than wait until you are totally lost or send a bunch of questions at the end of the term. If students wait for help until the end of the term there is not enough time to help everyone..

How do I fill out the information of the scantron?

The scantron form you will use is FORM NO. 882-E.

Name: your name

Subject: BI100Test No. question numbers 1-100 or 101-200

Date: due datePeriod: put your 7 digit student ID number in this box


Remember, biology is one of the most diverse and fascinating subjects on the planet. Have fun in your exploration of this “science of living things,” not only in this course, but more importantly, in the world around you!

Exam Due Dates: 1st exam 10/29/11 2nd exam 12/3/11