BGSA Meeting Minutes, December 2, 2002
Members present:
Adam Giangreco, Charlotte Smith, Vilma Decman, Lana Hanford, Mike Turner, Tara Washko, Robb Tomko, Amy Sinor, Susan Zabierowski, Stephanie Goode, Jen Walker, Latha Malaiyandi
Apologies: Annie Cohen and Damon Anderson
- CALL TO ORDER at 1 pm 218 SBST by President Adam Giangreco
Web page (AG)
Sandi will determine whether grad office can financially help us remodel our web page, possibly like the GPSA web site.
Steering Committee Report (MT)
♣ Faculty were overall very impressed with the last symposium. Program directors sent several e-mails to faculty concerning attendance. Should be up to students to urge their advisers to attend. Suggestion ~ provide buffet lunch for general public.
♣ Changes to lab rotation schedule to have all students complete 4 rotations within 1st year due to funding limitations:
July 1st- Sept 15th
Sept 16th – Dec 16th
Jan 1st – March 31st
Apr 1st – Jun 30th
July 1st – Sept 30th (optional, if needed)
♣ 5-year review of INTBP program will take place starting this winter.
♣ Foundations will go through major changes. Dr. Phillips will choose three faculty members from different disciplines to take over course. Student feedback would be helpful.
GPSA launched new web page, which we can put our events on their calendar. Still are looking for delegates for some committees. If interested, see GPSA Vice President or Lana. If there is anything missing from the BGSA bulletin board, let Lana know.
Sue passed out copies of the old GPSA graduate student survey. If you have comments/suggestions to improve it, e-mail them to her.
Calendar of Academic Student Seminars (AG)
To encourage student solidarity, would be nice to put student seminars on BGSA bulletin as well as web page. Decided that having refreshments at these seminars may not necessarily be a good idea.
Removal of absentee members (AG)
Constitution states that those members that miss three or more meetings will be asked to leave the council. Adam will send an official e-mail to those members.
Appointment to Admissions Committee
Council appointed Vilma Decman to fill in vacant position on admissions committee for the next two years.
MIRM Application (AG)
McGowan Institute will fund students for travel grants up to $400 and ethic workshops. Not limited to research in tissue regeneration medicine. Encourages students in the program to apply. Application is available on web page, which is linked from ours. May be a good idea for program reps to e-mail students about the funding opportunities.
Review of hockey game
Worked out well. Should purchase more tickets next time, but would have to increase student prices from $12.
Dual payment structure for BGSA/non-BGSA members (AG/MT)
BGSA students would still receive discounts for event tickets, but non-BGSA students, faculty and staff would receive the discount, but would not be supplemented by us.
Upcoming BGSA events:
♣ Ice skating @ PPG place (December 14th5-8 pm) (VD)
Admission $4.50 and rental $3. BGSA can subsidize admissions. Have sign-up sheet with deadline on Tues December 10th and have people pay ahead of time. Robb volunteered to take care of costs, admitting people. Lana will make fliers and put them up by tomorrow.
♣ Happy hour after ice skating at Papa J’s (SZ)
Directly across the street from skating rink 212 Blvd of Allies. No charge for room, will get two kegs of Yuengling, perhaps pizza/ finger foods, depending on turnout. 18 % gratuity is included in bill. Will budget $400 for event.
♣ 7 Springs Ski Trip (AG) January 25th Getting 55 passenger bus (booze allowed !!) leaving Oakland @ 3:30 pm and leaving ski lodge @ 10:30 pm. $15 for lift ticket and rental.
♣ Happy Hour @ Dave & Buster’s (MT) February 21st For 55 people, could charge $10/person for game card, food and booze.
Meeting adjourned @ 2 pm.