8th & West Ave. Ocean City, NJ 08226 – 609-399-4747 – CoastalChristianOC.com
Discussion Questions :: October 18, 2015 :: Nehemiah 5 & 6
“Beyond the Verge of Vision” :: A synopsis of chapters 5 & 6
1. In chapter 5, Jewish leaders were putting burdens on the people that they were never meant to bear. Have you had an instance in which you personally had someone burden you unreasonably? How did the Israelites seek to resolve their false burden, and how can we learn from them?
2. In verses 5:7–12 Nehemiah challenges the people (he “became angry”) regarding their behavior of charging interest to their own brethren. What really made Nehemiah angry? Apply this to today’s culture by giving examples.
3. Although they were rebuilding the wall, it becomes apparent in this chapter that their hearts weren't right, which tells us, "Our motives are as important as our mission." What scriptures can you recall where someone had the right actions but the wrong attitude? How do you see this played out today in your life?
4. Chapter 5 is about repentance, repaying debts and restoring relationships. Is there any place in your heart or in this fellowship where restoration is needed on some level? What will you do today to take the next step? How can your group help you?
5. In chapter 6 there were temptations to come down from the wall and get caught up in peripheral distractions. Seeing the wall as a metaphor for God's work in your life, what are the things that might cause you to “come down from the wall,” that is, distract you from godly efforts?
6. In6:16Nehemiah's enemies realize that the rebuilding of this wall could not have been done without the help of God, and they were “disheartened.” In what ways has your work for God been witnessed by your “enemies”? How did they respond?
7. What were some of the most meaningful points or principles you took away from this sermon series, "Going Beyond the Verge of Vision"? What challenge are you ready to accept? What new commitment are you ready to make in order to see God's vision come to fruition? For your life? For your home group? For Coastal Christian?
8th & West Ave. Ocean City, NJ 08226 – 609-399-4747 – CoastalChristianOC.com
Please read Nehemiah 5 & 6
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Service times are Sunday mornings @ 8:30am & 10:30am, Thursdays @ 7pm, and Service times are Sunday mornings @ 8:30am & 10:30am, Thursdays @ 7pm, and
Saturday evenings @ 6pm for our older student and adult CHILL service in the CLC Saturday evenings @ 6pm for our older student and adult CHILL service in the CLC