4th June 2013
(Working Group Session)
Present Cllrs Gray (Chair), Cllrs’, Whitfield (Beverley Town Council), Prue Blake (Christmas Lights Appeal Committee), Harry Burton (Beverley Lions), Steve Hainsworth and Craig Ryan (Lite)
In attendance – Helen Watson (Town Clerk)
345. To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Bottomley.
346. To note the minutes of the meeting of the 7th May 2013
The minutes of the last meeting which took place on 7th May 2013 were noted and signed as a correct record.
347. To consider the style of new lighting to complement the Snowflakes
Agenda item 5 was moved forward as representatives from Lite had come to present on possible new Christmas Light fittings, to complement the existing Snowflake structures within the town. Members discussed the possibilities discussed by representatives from Lite on the styles which would be most suitable for Saturday Market. It was decided that that Steve Hainsworth would email some photo images of the possible lighting solutions with appropriate sizing. Further discussion took place on the costs involved. It was discussed and members decided to get quotes for the following options:
1. 6 Pendants and brackets, 6 sphere and pendent and 6 split snowflakes..
2. The cost of lighting for trees near the Treasure House.
3. A ‘Beverley Wishes You A Merry Christmas ‘sign/banner.
4. Sets of 100 lights for small trees.
348. To consider the light up event 2013
Members briefly discussed the light up event for 2013. The possibilities and practicalities of an Ice rink were discussed.
349. To consider future of the provision Christmas Trees in the town
Prue Blake confirmed that the ‘Christmas tree order form’ letters had been delivered to all the shops in Beverley. The Town Clerk informed members that the Handyman had completed his bracket stress testing course and would start testing brackets as soon as possible, with a view to have them completed by the end of September. Cllr Whitfield offered his support to the Handyman if it was required
350. To review the finances of the Town Council and Fund Raising Group accounts
The Town Clerk reported that at present there was £10595.39 in the account, this included the transfer of £5000 from Beverley Town Council for the 2013/14 budget line for Christmas Lights. She also reported that the cheque from ERYC had not cleared yet. Cllr Gray informed the Clerk that the Blachere invoice did not need paying until later in the year.
Prue Blake reported on various Fundraising events due to take place in the forthcoming months as follows:
1. 25th June – Treasure Hunt - The Shed
2. 21st July – Ladies Day – Organised by Kindly Jill Barnes
3. 28th September – Last Night of the Proms – Beverley War memorial Hall
4. 16th October – Fashion Show- Memorial Hall
The Town Clerk reported that Co-Op Funeral Care may want to get involved with some sponsorship opportunities for Christmas Lights in the future. The Town Clerk to pass the contact details onto Cllrs Gray and Prue Blake.