Bevan Commission Meeting

Wednesday 13thto Thursday 14th July2016


The main focus for the meeting will be to discuss and debate the future vision and model of health for Wales. This will pick up on previous discussions on social model.

In addition to the plenary meeting we will be holding the inaugural Bevan Commission Master Class during the early evening session. Dame Carol Black will deliver the lecture Work, Health and inequality – the ramifications for Walesto a select invited audience.

Following the session, as in other Bevan Commission meetings, an evening supper will be provided for all Commission members and invited guests.

Programme Overview

Wednesday 13th July:School of Management, Bay Campus, Swansea University Fabian Way, Swansea SA1 8EN

Bevan Commission Master Class6.00pm to 7.30pm

Supper8.00pm to 10.00pm

For Commissioners that requested, overnight accommodation has been booked at the Towers Hotel & Spa, Swansea, SA10 6JL.

Thursday 14th July:Executive Board Room School of Management, Bay Campus, Swansea University Fabian Way, Swansea SA1 8EN

Plenary meeting8.30am to 3.30pm

Pre Reading

Due to the limited time available at the meeting we would encourage all Commission members to consider the included documents prior to the meeting and agree on the way forward.


  • Prudent Health: Universalise the Best, Future Priorities for Health and Care in Wales 2016-2021
  • Bevan Commission Strategic Priorities
  • Bevan Commission Terms of Reference
  • Bevan Commission Constitution
  • Bevan Commission May meeting minutes

Bevan Commission Meeting Agenda

14th July2016

Venue – Executive Board Room School of Management, Bay Campus, Swansea University Fabian Way, Swansea SA1 8EN

8.30 am / Welcome and introductions
Sir Mansel Aylward
8.40 am / Chair’s Update / brief on transition arrangements
Sir Mansel Aylward
9.10am / Minutes of the last meeting, matters arising and action points
Declarations of interest
Sir Mansel Aylward
9.30am / Developing our thinking - part 1
Using data and modelling to inform thinking on a social model for health
John Boulton – Director ABCi Aneurin Bevan Health Board
10.00 am / Developing our thinking - part 2
Vision and social model for health
Sir Mansel Aylward
11.30am / Futures Priorities
Paper 1 – Prudent Health: Universalise the Best, Future Priorities for Health and Care in Wales 2016-2021
Sir Mansel Aylward & Helen Howson
12.30pm / Lunch
13.00 pm / Futures Priorities
Paper 2 – Bevan Commission Strategic Priorities
Sir Mansel Aylward & Helen Howson
14.00 pm / Review & Revise Terms of Reference and Constitution
Helen Howson
14.45pm / Conclusions and next steps
15.00 pm / AOB
Chris Martin
Meeting closes

NOTE - Taxis will be pre-booked to take Commission membersto the train station.

Bevan Commission Agenda V5: 12thJuly 2016 Page 1 of 2