The Department of Education and Skills and ILGA-Europe, in association with the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU

Are pleased to invite you to the conference:

‘Tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying in school – the role of teachers, school leaders, NGOs and policy makers’,


19th and 20th of February 2013, Dublin

This event is organised in association with the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU. It aims at developing understanding of homophobic and transphobic bullying and at identifying and sharing challenges and good practices across Europe. It will be opened by the Irish Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD.

The conference is being organized in association with the Irish NGOs Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) and BeLonG To Youth Services.


The event is open to participants of the teachers education conference (18th and 19th of February). Accommodation and travel costs will be covered by ILGA-Europe. To express your interest in this event, please contact:

Tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying in school – the role of teachers, school leaders, NGOs and policy makers,

20th of February 2013


Venue :The Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2

08:30 Registration

09:00 Opening by the Ministry of Education of Ireland, Ruairi Quinn

09:30 International instruments to tackle homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools

  • Education sector responses to homophobic bullying, UNESCO, Scott Pulizzi
  • The Council of Europe’s strategy on the rights of the child, Menno Ettema
  • Q & A

10:15 Good practices in Ireland

  • Presentation by the Department of Education and Skills, Deirdre McDonnell
  • Contribution of BeLonG To, Michael Barron
  • Contribution of GLEN, Brian Sheehan
  • Presentation by the National Association of Principals, Clive Byrne
  • Q & A

11:15 Coffee break

11:30 Good practices at national level in various EU member states

  • The anti-discrimination policy in the area of education in Sweden, the Sweden National Education Agency, Tommy Eriksson
  • Launch of a consultation in France to tackle bullying, French Ministry of Education, Michel Teychenné
  • Q & A

12:30 Lunch break

13:15 Groups discussions

Participants are asked to work in groups on four different topics and to identify common challenges and possible good practices.

Group A: Developing policy at national level to combat homophobic and transphobic bullying

  • Facilitated by Peter Dankmeijer (GALE)
  • Speakers : Agata chaber (Campaign Against Homophobia, Poland) and Cathal F Kelly (Equality Authority)

Group B: Building the capacity of teachers to combat homophobic and transphobic bullying

  • Facilitated by Rebecca Murphy (BeLonG To)
  • Speakers : Jennifer Moses (NASUWT) and György Mészáros (Association of Hungarian Teacher Educators)

Group C: Comprehensive school-wide strategies for tackling homophobic and transphobic bullying

  • Facilitated by Carol-Anne O’Brien (BeLonG To)
  • Speakers : Anne McAteer (Irish National Health System) and Roxana Marin (teacher in Romania)

Group D: The role of NGO’s in supporting change within education systems

  • Facilitated by Michael Barron (BeLonG To)
  • Speakers : Gerrit Jan Wielinga (COC Netherlands) and Frank G. Pohl (Schools Against Homophobia – Germany)

14:30 Wrap-up in plenary

15:30 Conclusion – Which priorities the EU could focus on?

16:00 End of the conference