Betty Gash Acting Town Clerk

MINUTES of the Finance and General Purposes meeting held on Wednesday 18th February 2015 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen.


Councillor M Harvey / Councillor J Matthews (Mayor)
Councillor K Bridger
Councillor S Bunney / Councillor J Patton
Councillor N Cook
Councillor J Hadlow / Councillor C Skye
Councillor N Travis
Councillor M Lakin-Whitworth / Councillor C Turner

In attendance:

Betty Gash – Acting Town Clerk

1.  To approve and accept apologies for absence Councillor McNeill forwarded his apologies and this was accepted.

2.  Public Participation

a) Councillor Harvey read out details from an anonymous typed note, a person who has witnessed a dog owner with 3 or 4 dogs using the De Aston field – dogs never on a lead and not picking up the dog mess. After a brief discussion it was agreed a letter should be written to the resident, stating it has been brought to the Council’s attention and expressing concerns with the non-compliance of dog laws. Proposed by Councillor Harvey and Seconded by Councillor Matthews that a letter is written expressing the Council’s concern is forwarded to the owner/occupier at the address listed. All in favour.

Action Point: The Clerk writes the letter to the owner/occupier at the address.

b) Parking on Queen Street and King Street was discussed especially on double yellow lines outside the takeaway shop on an evening and also delivery drivers. Members agreed that this should be brought to the attention of the Lincolnshire Police local PCSO.

Action Point: The Clerk to inform the Lincolnshire Police PCSO of the illegal parking in Market Rasen.

c) Community Speed Watch signs were highlighted again and members agreed to place as an Agenda item at the next F&GP meeting. The cost of a Reactive sign would be in the region of £1,700.

Action Point: The Clerk to include the Community Speed Watch signs as an Agenda item at the F&GP meeting.

Action Point: Members are requested to read the document on Community Speed Watch signs and look to identify where 2 x Reactive signs could be positioned along Willingham Road and where the passive signs could be erected.

d) Members were reminded that Councillor Lakin-Whitworth is the ‘Town Champion’ and one of her duties is reporting defects including potholes and faulty street lights to Lincolnshire County Highways Department.

3.  Members’ Declarations Of Interest None

4.  Approval of minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting held on 21st January 2015 Proposed by Councillor Matthews and Seconded by Councillor Skye.

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the 21st January 2015 be approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting subject to amendment at Agenda item 13 line 2 delete ‘Lincolnshire’ and insert ‘Lincoln’ and at line 14 after ‘The meeting with the’ insert ‘Lincoln Chamber of’ Commerce. Agenda item 18 line 3 delete ‘then’ and ‘insert’ than.

5.  Matters arising from the minutes

6.  Accounts for Payment

Proposed by Councillor Harvey and Seconded by Councillor Matthews. All in favour.

It was RESOLVED to approve the following accounts:

Chq No / Payee /


/ F/Hall £ / General £ /



BP169 / Alex Rosen Associates / OPS monitoring of structural movement / 480.00 /


105307 / Anglian Water /

OPS water 11/11/14 – 4/2/15 (proportion to be recharged to Oasis)

/ 179.91 / /
BP170 / British Telecom /

FH telephone quarterly bill

/ 83.93 /


BP171 / ESPO /

OPS stationery, FH crockery (to make up to 200)

/ 51.62 / 9.50 /


105308 / E-Quip (Rasen) Limited /

FH toilet seat hinge mechanisms

/ 81.20 /


BP172 / Green Dolphin Cleaning /

FH cleaning January

/ 381.33 /


BP173 / Office King (Lloyds Bank Commercial Finance) /

OPS ink cartridge (for old printer now in re-use as other one broken)

/ 62.99 /


BP174 / Playsafety Limited /

ROPSA annual inspections & post installation inspection

/ 525.00 /


105309 / Rasen Hardware & DIY /

OPS office keys cut x 4

/ 15.00 /


BP176 /

Monthly Salary

/ 808.02 / /
BP177 /

Monthly Salary

/ 687.62 / /
BP178 /

Monthly Salary

/ 552.72 / /
BP179 /

Monthly Salary

/ 525.72 / /

FH & OPS Gas January

/ 430.72 / 199.08 /




DD / Talk Talk Business /

OPS telephone & broadband January

/ 39.94 /




/ 1028.80 / 4085.50 /




7.  Update on any general town maintenance a) Councillor Matthews informed members that the pedestrian access gate was stolen at De Aston Field the end of last week and that this crime had been reported to the Police. The new gate would be welded so that it could not be lifted off in future.

b) Councillor Lakin-Whitworth said the Remembrance Day wreaths would be removed from the Cenotaph, weather permitting, this week and that the Lincolnshire Co-operative need to be contacted so that they can commence the cleaning of the Cenotaph.

Action Point: The Clerk to contact the Lincolnshire Co-operative to inform them the wreaths have been removed from the Cenotaph.

8.  Finance Report – The financial statement as at 31st January 2015 was copied to members. Proposed by Councillor Bunney and Seconded by Councillor Matthews that £6,500.00 from De Aston Field and £3,500.00 from the Market Place is transferred from the Earmarked Reserves to General Reserves. All in favour.

Action Point: The Assistant Clerk to make the changes on the RBS software accounts.

9.  To review Accounts a) The RFO said that for the March meeting, prior to the Year End Accounts, a detailed budget report would be copied to members highlighting the budget surplus and losses, actual spend, committed finances and any grants. It was requested that members to consider any areas of expenditure for the Town in Financial Year 2015/16.

Action Point: The RFO with support from the Clerk to produce a detailed report and summarise for the next F&GP meeting (Paper C).

Action Point: Members to consider what expenditure to be used for the Town in Financial Year 2015/16.

b) A high interest rate was mentioned again and a suggestion of a Business Rate tracker or a 30 day treasurer account. It is apparent that in 2014 a high interest rate was investigated but it was not a suitable time for the Council to invest.

Action Point: The Clerk to investigate a high interest rate accounts and bring details back to the March F&GP meeting.

10.  Grant Application - West Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau - £150

- Lincoln & Lindsey Blind Society - £200

Members discussed both the above applications and agreed to support each application for £100 and that West Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau are asked to give further information where their monies would be used. Proposed by Councillor Bunney and Seconded by Councillor Bridger that a grant for £100 to West Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau. 10 in favour and 1 abstention.

Proposed by Councillor Matthews and Seconded by Councillor Bridger that a grant for £100 to Lincoln & Lindsey Blind Society. All in favour.

Action Point: The Assistant Clerk to arrange for the 2 cheques for £100 each accordingly and with a request to West Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau for further information on the application for Grant Aid.

11.  Progress report from Working Group on the Old Police Station Councillor Hadlow reiterated that he is disappointed with West Lindsey District Council Planning Department with no information on the Listed Building consent with him being the official agent for the Town Council. Councillor Matthews would forward an email to Mark Sturgess of Planning Department.

Councillor Hadlow informed members that the quotations for the kitchenette were sent out but was not happy with the prices. He is therefore advising the Council that he is to start again with the kitchenette quotes and once received bring to the Working Group to discuss.

12. Update on the Development and Management of De Aston Field Councillor Matthews said would need to arrange a Working Group meeting to:

a) Decide next Phase of the Wetland planting.

b) Sort out a Working Group one weekend to clear field ready for planting.

c) To discuss the dog matters at De Aston Field.

d) To organise a new pedestrian gate at Willingham Road entrance.

In February and March the conservation team to take a day and a half to plant the saplings.

Action Point: Councillor Matthews to organise a Working Group meeting.

13. Update on the Market Place a) Councillor Harvey said it appears that there might be a few stalls at the 7th March Saturday market as not many stall holders were informed that the is no market by Mr BIG. The Assistant Clerk said the Market Place would be shut on Friday afternoon rather than Friday morning. The new caretaker would have joined the Council and this will make it work better with 2 caretakers on the Market Place.

b) Councillor Bunney said it was agreed to notify all Market Stall traders that they were welcome to trade the first Saturday of each month. There is a meeting of the Market Forum on Thursday 19th February 2015 to discuss the first part of the programme that of the markets. It is crucial that the administration of the markets is established as quickly as possible. A suggestion that the markets to be publicised and the market stall rates be at a reduced rate of £12.00 instead of £20.00.

14. Update on the Festival Hall Councillor Travis informed members of the successful Community Assets Fund £10,000.00 Grant Application. However before receipt of funding need to justify the listed funding requirements and supply quotes.

Phase 1 – To appoint a Project Manager (start to finish off project) for tendering for the work requirements.

Phase 2 - Tenders to carry out structural survey, reports, drawing plans, possibly feasibility study, building survey and community consultation. All fully funded by the grant.

If can demonstrate the feasibility study i.e. replace the roof then go for Phase 3.

15. Risk Management This Agenda item has been moved to before the public participation at item 20.

16. To discuss and resolve to subscribe to the LALC Annual Subscription 2015/16 fee of £579.42 + VAT Proposed by Councillor Bunney and Seconded by Councillor Matthews. All in favour.

Action Point: The Assistant Clerk to organise a cheque accordingly.

17. To discuss and resolve to subscribe to the Annual Training Scheme at a cost of £115.00 Proposed by Councillor Matthews and Seconded by Councillor Patton. All in favour.

Action Point: The Assistant Clerk to organise a cheque accordingly.

18. ROSPA – Play Area Safety Inspection Report – 9 February 2015 – To discuss and approve remedial work

The Clerk circulated a document clarifying the different risk assessment levels. The main risk area of concern is that of the Outdoor Gym equipment at De Aston Field. Members were informed that every item had a sign on how to use the equipment. After a discussion it was agreed that a Public Notice sign should be installed to inform the members of the public that the equipment is to be used at own risk and for those aged 14 years and above. The main ROSPA report is to be brought to the next F&GP meeting identifying the high risk items and any items that require remedial work.

Action Point: The Clerk to investigate equipment signage and costs for the outdoor gym equipment.

Action Point: The Clerk to complete a table of the remedial work required from the ROSPA report.

19. Sluice Gate Councillor Harvey read out the email written by the Assistant Clerk in connection with the Environmental Agency that no further works should take place at the Sluice Gate. It is understood that twice a year the area is cleared to enable the water to flow.

Risk Management a) Members agreed to a new Risk Register being set up

to record all details and action points.

Action Point: The Clerk to introduce and maintain a Risk Register.

b) Councillor Matthews informed members that the security of the main office

had been improved. The main users of the Old Police Station and key personnel

have access to the front door and main office door (which is also one of the

entrances to the court room). The key holders are the Mayor, Clerk, Assistant

Clerk, Caretaker, Handyman and Cleaner.

20.  Public Participation – None

Confidential Items

21. Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Chairman moved that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission at Meetings) Act 1960 that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of agenda items 20 to 22 as the agenda items are of a contractual and confidential nature.

22.  There was a closed discussion between members concerning Town Council staffing and human resources issues.

23.  Urgent items for reporting or referring to future meetings.

No further items to discuss.

The Chairman of the Committee declared the meeting closed at 8.52 pm.

Signed ......



Chair of Finance & General Purposes Committee