Phase 1 School Based Training

Phase 1 School Based Training

Phase 1 School based training

Subject: ML / Theme: Beginning Teaching Phase
Name: / Teaching Subject: Modern Languages
Weeks: / 8 - 11 / Date / 1st – 25th November, 2011
Summary of these weeks of SE / Identification of subject needs and development of trainee’s subject knowledge for teaching
  • Negotiation within dept of a 33% of Main scale classroom teacher’s timetable workload (mainly KS3) for weeks 8 – 14 with gradual implementation:
- Observing pupils – possible tracking of a student for a day, observing classes they will be teaching
- Collaborative planning and teaching – becoming comfortable in the classroom: observing, working with a small group, taking part of the lesson with the whole class, becoming more involved with the class teacher’s planning
- Supervised teaching – class teacher and trainee plan together: trainee teaches, class teacher observes and discusses after lesson
- Independent teaching – depending on needs/capabilities of the trainee – all trainees must be teaching at least one class solo before Christmas
Observation and team teaching of those classes they will be taking
Observation of second teaching subject where possible
Access to departmental policies and Schemes of Work
Guidance on work to be covered by classes
Time to plan the work and locate/create teaching materials
  • Observing Learning and Teaching – to see what happens in lessons in a range of subjects, to include PHSE and Citizenship (one lesson of each)
  • Observation of whole school role - Shadow a member of staff in their pastoral role
  • Follow up and exemplification of university sessions (Core and MFL) such as Behaviour Management, Planning, AfL, SEND, EAL, use of target language etc
  • Support for Cyberbullying Virtual School task during national Anti-bullying week (wb 14th November, 2011)
  • Registering for and taking the TDA Skills Tests on immediate receipt of GTCE TRN (Teacher Registration Number)
  • Mentor training date in November: 3/11/11 New Mentors( all day), Stage 2 Mentor Training (pm only)

Training to be provided by subject mentor

Training for planning (Q22)
The focus of the trainee’s teaching will initially be KS3. The trainee should continue to plan starters/plenaries or identified parts of lessons( eg listening activity, speaking activity, reading activity or writing activity) with the appropriate class teacher or mentor.( see examples for possible tasks below) Mentors should give guidance on effective use of the target language by the trainee (e.g. for instructions/explanations) and how to present new language and structures. The mentor will look at the quality of planning and delivery during Week 8 in order to decide whether the trainee is ready to teach whole lessons solo or not at the beginning of Week 9.
Mentors should guide the trainee to start planning their own medium term plans for the period up to Christmas. Trainees are expected to adapt, plan and resource the learning plans as directed by the mentor. Trainees should use the departmental Schemes of Work but it would be helpful to their development if they could occasionally suggest and use their own ideas (with the mentor’s approval) within the prescribed planning.
Most trainees will require more support, training and guidance to plan effectively at this stage.
During these weeks, the trainee should give the mentor:
Detailed medium term plans using the QCA template or headings as listed in the School Experience Handbook or their personalised version of the dept Scheme of Work.
Lesson plans for the first few lessons of solo teaching. (During these weeks trainees must prepare lessons in advance and show them to their mentor or the appropriate class teacher. Trainees are not allowed to teach without a lesson plan).
A list of possible resources they will need to find or create and the research/study they will have to undertake in order to teach the topic/subject effectively.
Mentors need to ensure that they have read the lesson plans, checking particularly:
That the plans are situated within the departmental Schemes of Work
That the learning outcomes, activities and timings etc are relevant and realistic
That resources are identified/available
If the Mentor has any concerns or reservations about any of these areas, this should be discussed and resolved with the trainee before the start of solo teaching.
Training for Teaching and Class Management (Q10, Q25)
At this stage mentors should check that the trainee is confident to teach the lesson beforehand and trainees should be shown how to teach any element of a lesson before they have to deliver it. This could involve talking through the lesson beforehand and establishing that the trainee has the knowledge, skills and previous experience which would indicate that they are able to teach the lesson effectively. The trainees will need to start to develop their practical teaching and classroom management skills as up to this point they will have only observed others and had university based sessions. There needs to be a short debrief after the lesson. Once solo teaching has started there should be formative/informal feedback using the self-duplicated pro - forma with prompt feedback (within 24 hours).
Training for Assessment (Q11, 12, 13, 26, 27 & 28)
Mentors should ensure that trainees have seen examples of marked work which show the standards achieved by pupils and the level they should expect. The departmental assessment requirements need to be shared with the trainee. The trainee needs to be shown the ways in which pupil work is commented on, how strategies for improvement are provided and how mark books are kept.
Monitoring the trainees’ progress
Mentors should monitor the trainee’s performance very carefully in this early stage of School Experience and they or the normal class teacher should stay in lessons so as to provide formative feedback for the teaching observed. The weekly training meetings should focus on the quality of the planning and teaching so far and the planning for future lessons. It is a requirement that a trainee uses the lesson plan proforma provided by the university. For assessment purposes, trainees are on Grade descriptors (blue section of the School Experience Handbook pages 37 - 39). Use these descriptors to assess progress and record strengths and targets on the Weekly Training Plan which trainees have electronically. Mentors need to start completing the 3 assessed lesson observations over these weeks with feedback. (3 lesson observations need to be completed within the period leading up to Christmas).
Trainee’s Preparation and Teaching
Trainees should research, prepare and make teaching materials for classes they will teach. This includes preparing medium term plans for each class for the period up until Christmas. If a departmental Scheme of work is used this must be personalised using UEL planning questions as a guide.
Trainee’s Observation/Research
Trainees are doing preparatory work for an assessed university assignment on Raising Achievement which is due in February 2012. It would be appreciated if they could look at Departmental Schemes of Work so that they understand how the NC is referenced & covered.
During lesson observation trainees should note elements such as:
Class ethos and groupings within the class
Organisation of the teaching room
Teaching methods used
Pupils with Special Needs including Gifted and Talented. Read IEPs for pupils to be taught during these weeks
  • Note use of language in learning: the teachers questioning techniques/specialist language/opportunities for pupils to talk about their work/teachers’ explanation & demonstration techniques and language
  • Continue to observe within the subject area but also across other subjects including Citizenship and PSHE as well as the pastoral role of the teacher
(Remember the Observation tasks on UEL plus.)
  • They should also find out about ICT facilities and do an ICT activity with a class.

Tutor visit
Trainees must send in a copy of their timetable to Erica by the 7th November,2011. The tutor will then arrange to visit the trainee with the mentor or class teacher so as to moderate feedback and judgements. The mentor should always alert the Professional Coordinating Mentor and university tutor – Erica Cattle if there are any concerns at any time.: