5.4.h.1 Teaching best practices

Course / Teaching Method
AGED 601 / Differentiated instruction. Assignment structured so that candidates can determine their needs and the needs for their agriculture programs, and they design a program based upon their needs. Project based learning, online discussions, video documentaries.
AGED 610 / Project-based learning, with different forms of assessment modeled throughout the class, and used by candidates in their projects.
CMSD 441 / Project-based learning with case studies.
CMSD 632 / Project-based RtI/single-subject research designs applied to actual clients in therapy at university clinic
CMSD 640 / Service learning and community service hearing screening and conservation activity with instructor-based supervision.
EDAD 609 / Convert policy application—lit relevant policy reconstruction for LCFF and LCA candidacies (own schools/districts).
EDAD 611 / Professional Development planning, candidates construct rubric for this “real world experience” projects and assignments—put into presentation.
EDAD 614 / Project-based teaching, field-based learning, group presentations, role-playing, case studies.
EDCI 557/657 / Literature discussion groups via collaborate synch online distance groups.
EDCI 602 / Stimulate system of activities at a school site.
EDCI 611 / Project-based learning.
EDMA 610 / Project-based learning—lit reviews, all steps of research to get lit review writing.
EDTE 150 / Experimental learning (classroom-based field observations and reflective discussions.)
EDTE 255 / Service learning, group presentations, and case studies.
EDTE 255 / Experimental learning-field trip to Los Molinos (student presentation and visit.) Reflective discussion (Los Molinos 8th graders visit our campus on 4/18.)
EDTE 302 / Autobiography, video discussion and critique.
EDTE 302 / Group papers and presentations; Culture Group Investigations.
EDTE 302 / Socratic Circles, cooperative learning, debates, case studies, inquiry.
EDTE 520 / Modes-whole class, small group, and individual targeting all language arts domains.
EDTE 521 / Video critique, in-class collaboration, case study, discussion, mini teaching lesson.
EDTE 523A / Inquiry: cooperative learning, discussions, etc.
EDTE 523B / Models, demonstration, project-based learning, cooperative groups, candidates teach.
EDTE 524A / Lecture, inquiry, community, project-based learning, stations, modeling, experiential, stimulations, partnership, lesson plan “Night at Museum.”
EDTE 524B / Advocacy for content area, community engagement, “real world” situations, differentiated instruction-model (how-to use technology), prompt feedback (written audio via Turnitin.com, etc.), demonstrations/models, role-playing, project-based learning, high enthusiasm, student–centered approach on reflective practices.
EDTE 530 / Case Studies/Case Study Analysis Assignment, Backward Planning, design curriculum of class around 8 best practices for classroom management.
EDTE 530/580
SPED 520 / Cooperative learning, lesson on instructional methods to model methods to classmates, stimulation.
EDTE 532 / Case studies.
EDTE 536 / Inquiry-based pedagogy-model, reflect; they use it.
EDTE 672 / Fieldtrip, local proctoring and immersion-teachers open classrooms for students to see language arts models in Spanish.
EDTE 673 / Lesson Study, Instructional Conversations.
EDTE 676 B / Mini action research/PAAID (analyze data, critically examine own practice, change own practice, analyze results.)
KINE 315 / Service learning, group presentations
KINE 516 / Assessments with case studies, role playing of IEP meetings.
PSYC 636 / Service learning with university-based supervision and guidance regarding behavioral modification & consult
PSYC 661 & PSYC 661P / Individually administered assessments, case studies, presentations on current assessment tools.
SPED 343 / Case study, inquiry, critique video (cases of classroom situations/issues).
SPED 564 / Debate/conference presentation simulation (mock-professional poster presentation), in-class collaboration.
SPED 691 / Student-centered approach, project-based learning, high enthusiasm, apply reflective practices, case studies, differentiated instruction-model, IEP process, apply content to real world situations, instruction.