TELEPHONE:(07) 4981 4333 55 Eclipse Street

FACSIMILE:(07) 4984 1634 P.O. BOX 24 PRINCIPAL: Mrs Renee Howard/Mrs Maria Hoare Springsure Qld 4722



Year 9/10 in 2018

Dear Parents/Caregivers

In 2018, Springsure State School will operate a Student Resource Scheme (SRS) for students from Years 7-10. Whilst the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of a student is met by the State, a parent/guardian is directly responsible for providing the student with textbooks and other resources for a student's use while attending school.

The Queensland Government Textbook and Resource Allowance supplement that is paid annually to all schools that have secondary classes and is used to offset the cost of each schools SRS scheme. In 2018, the total cost of the scheme for students in years 9/10 is $275 minus the Textbook and resource allowance of $125 plus subject levies.


The purpose of the scheme is to provide the parent with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks and/or resources elsewhere, through reduced prices gained from the school’s bulk purchasing practices. The scheme is endorsedby the P&C but managed by the school and operates within the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training. DET encourages schools to operate a scheme as a service to parents.


Participation in the scheme is voluntary, and those parents/carers who join the scheme are required to pay a fee in return for their child to access materials and resources managed by the scheme. Please note - If you choose not to participate in the scheme, you will be required to provide all the listed items yourself.

All parents/carers, regardless of whether they wish to join the scheme or not, will need to sign the Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement form indicating that they have read the Terms and Conditions. If a student leaves the school during the school year, a pro-rata refund will be made on the basis of a 40 week year.


  • The scheme ensures that students have the required resources for their education when they commence school.
  • The scheme saves parents/carers time and money in sourcing appropriate textbooks and other materials provided through the scheme.
  • The benefits from the savings that the School can secure through bulk purchases, and discounts through early purchasing, are passed on to the students.


•Stationery items (i.e. Class Book Lists)

•School activities that enhance the Curriculum (i.e. Arts Council performances etc.)

•School activities, such as selected school excursions, camps, formals and enrichment activities.


Upon request, the school will provide a comprehensive list of all items that are covered under the Student Resource Scheme, applicable to your student, early in the school year. It is the responsibility of non-participants of the scheme to purchase all the textbooks and resources provided by the scheme. If you choose not to participate in the Scheme you are entitled to receive a payment from the school to the value of the Government text book and resource allowance for your student.


Anyone experiencing financial difficulties, should phone the School to arrange an appointment with the Principal. It is our intention to encourage all families to join the Scheme and enjoy its benefits.

Yours Faithfully


Renee HowardMaria Hoare

PrincipalHead of Curriculum/ Co Principal

Scheme Inclusions for Year 9 and 10
Actual Value of the Student Resource Scheme / $275
Less Government text and resource allowance / -$125
Charge for Parents Participating in the scheme / $150 plus subject levies
General Items / Cost / Term (T) or Permanent (P) use by student / Retail costs for NON participating Student.
Administration of Scheme / $12.50 / N/A / N/A
Student Diary(printed with specific information for our school) / $15.00 / P / $18.00
Student ID Card(not available until June) / $ 10 / P / $15
Lanyard (printed with School name and logo) / $3.50 / P / $5.00

PLEASE NOTE: The cost to the school for photocopying per sheet is 0.78 cents per copy. We are offering a 50% discount (0.39 cents per sheet) on photocopying for students who participate in the Student Resource Scheme. For those who choose not to participate you will be required to pay the full price.

Subject / Cost
0.39 cents per sheet / Item
*Our school implements the Australian Curriculum (C2C) across all Key Learning Areas. This means a lot of teaching resources are available on line and are required to be printed rather than using Textbooks) / Term (T) or Permanent (P) use by student / Retail cost to Parent for NON participating students
0.78 cents per sheet
English / $39.00 / Reproduced (photocopying and printing) of worksheets and teacher prepared material which complement the C2C for English 10000 x 0.39c per sheet divided by 100 = $39.00 / P / 10000 x 0.78c per sheet divided by 100 = $78.00 + GST
Maths / $39.00 / Reproduced (photocopying and printing) of worksheets and teacher prepared material which complement the C2C for Maths- 10000 x 0.39c per sheet divided by 100 = $39.00 / P / 10000 x 0.78c per sheet divided by 100 = $78.00 + GST
Science / $39.00 / Reproduced (photocopying and printing) of worksheets and teacher prepared material which complement the C2C for Maths- 10000 x 0.39c per sheet divided by 100 = $39.00 / P / 10000 x 0.78c per sheet divided by 100 = $78.00 + GST
Health & PE / $39.00 / Reproduced (photocopying and printing) of worksheets and teacher prepared material which complement the C2C for Maths- 10000 x 0.39c per sheet divided by 100 = $39.00 / P / 10000 x 0.78c per sheet divided by 100 = $78.00 + GST
Humanities and Social Sciences – which includes the subjects of
Economics and Business / $78.00 / Reproduced (photocopying and printing) of worksheets and teacher prepared material which complement the C2C for English - 20000 x 0.39c per sheet divided by 100 = $78.00 / P / 20000 x 0.78c per sheet divided by 100 = $156.00 + GST
Total for participating student
(minus $125 government allowance + plus subject levies) / $275 / Total for NON participating students $506.00 + subject levies

Elective Subjects for Years 9 and 10 (2 subjects only)

Year Level / Subject / Fee / Term (T) or Permanent (P) use by student / Resources Covered
Year 9/10 / Food Studies / $50 / P / *Pantry Ingredients and cooking utensils
Industrial Technology & Design / $50 / P / Purchases of workshop supplies (woods, metals) workshop tool and *PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
The Arts / $30 / P / Canvases, Visual Diaries Paints, Acrylics, Clay, Stage Requirements (dress / makeup etc)
Agricultural Science / $20 / P / Purchase and supply of specialized course supplies for Poultry, Cropping and maintaining an Orchard.

*Pantry Ingredients may include: Plain and SR Flour, Cooking oils/butter, icing sugars, salt/pepper, eggs, milk, sugar and other basic cooking ingredients and utensils. Any speciality ingredients will need to be brought by the student as they then take the finished product home.

*PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) includes Berets, Snoods, Aprons, gloves and Safety Glasses.

The total cost for Year 9/10 Student Resource Scheme for participating parents is $275 (minus the Government allowance of $125) + the cost of subject levies chosen by your child.

Cost for NON Participating Parents will be $506.00 + elective subject requirements