2014-2015 HANDBOOK
The Berwick Area Senior High School Band is dedicated to the educational and aesthetic qualities of music for the enrichment of our students and community. The information included in this handbook describes the organization of the band and the commitment required of each member.
For our ensemble to reach a high level of achievement, each member must...
1. Be honest and develop good integrity
2. Be responsible and dependable
3. Present a positive image
4. Maintain open communication
5. Have minimal absenteeism and tardiness
6. Show help and concern for others
7. Be organized and orderly
8. Be prepared to work hard
9. Make every performance their best effort
Guard members not enrolled in the band course, are responsible for the material beginning on page 3 with the section labeled Guard. (Guard members who participate in the Concert Band are still subject to the grading procedures in the next few pages.)
Band at Berwick Area Senior High School is an academic course and receives one (1) credit for completion of a school year. Students will register for Band (course 771) or Band/String Orchestra (course 776 if they also play an Orchestral String Instrument). The class meets one period per school day; additional responsibilities and commitments during the academic school year are a requirement.
The school grading scale is as follows:
93 % - 100 % = A
85 % - 92 % = B
77 % - 84 % = C
70 % - 76 % = D
0 % - 69 % = F
Students' grades are based on the following:
A. Objective Testing and Performance 50%
-Performance skill testing - musical and marching/visual
-Worksheets and written tests based on musical objectives
-Written performance evaluations
-Instrument and uniform care, working with others, etc…
-Preparedness for activities (i.e. practice, instrument, equipment, music, uniform, set
coordinate sheets…)
B. Participation 50%
The success of a musical group is dependent upon the active participation of every member. Each lesson receives two (2) points, rehearsal five (5) points and performance ten (10) points. The percentage of points received constitutes the participation grade.
Non-Participation in a scheduled event
A make-up assignment is required for all absences from a performance and/or rehearsal beginning with the first day of school. Students must submit a signed note from a parent regarding the absence and then initiate, in writing or email, a request for a makeup assignment. Students will have a reasonable period of time to complete the performance based assignment once it is given.
If missing a...
1. Lesson – two (2) points will be earned by submitting a signed lesson pass from that period's teacher.
2. Rehearsal – two (2) points will be earned by submitting a signed parental note. An additional two (2) points will be earned by requesting and completing a make-up assignment due approximately 1 week after the assignment is given.
3. Performance – four (4) points will be earned by submitting a signed parental note. An additional four (4) points will be earned by requesting and completing a make-up assignment due 1 approximately week after the assignment is given.
During the fall, family vacations of more than 3 days - students will be subject to an evaluation to determine their performance readiness before participating with the full ensemble in a performance.
Tardiness - All tardies for after school activities not related to a school activity, must be accompanied by a note and include an explanation. (Excessive unexcused tardiness will be reflected in the student’s grade.)
Limited Participation - Students without instrument/music/equipment/entire uniform will receive reduced points for that event.
The Berwick Area School District color guard is an extra-curricular activity and not a credit receiving course in the music curriculum. Since the students' performance is not grade-based, the following rules and regulations are in effect for the 2014-15 season:
All guard members are required to be at all practices and performances for the entire time unless Mr. Wasser or Miss Rowan has PRIOR WRITTEN NOTIFICATION (emergencies or illness requires a note the following day); this includes tardiness to and early departure from practices and/or performances.
An evaluation at the practice prior to each performance and the instructors' discretion will determine whether or not a guard member will march in a specific performance. The evaluation will consist of the individual's proficiency in:
1. Marching drill
2. Equipment work
3. Other performance aspects, such as: head position, body position, and facial expression.
Guard members are expected to attend 90% of eligible rehearsal time in order to perform in the weekends' events. (Attending school on a day of a rehearsal constitutes eligible). Guard members must participate in Saturday's practice to perform at Saturday's competition. Mr. Wasser and the staff will evaluate extenuating circumstances on a case by case situation.
The instructors will determine the uniform, equipment, routines and any changes in these areas. The entire uniform, including shoes and socks, must be worn at every performance. Failure to due so may result in the loss of performance privileges.
The Berwick Area Senior High School Band has elected and appointed officers to assist the director in the operation of an active, educational and enjoyable program. Each officer has individual responsibilities in addition to providing positive leadership.
President (elected office during band camp)
· This position was created for the good of the band; it is a position of selfless service to the organization.
· Prepares and leads productive group meetings
· Establishes goals and the means to accomplish the goals.
· Completes or delegates assigned responsibilities to others and supervises until there completion.
· Assists fellow officers with their responsibilities.
· Assists instructional staff and section leaders in accomplishing objectives.
· Represents the group at award ceremonies.
· Acts as a liaison between students and the band boosters.
Vice-President (elected office during band camp)
· This position was created for the good of the band; it is a position of selfless service to the organization.
· Assists in establishing goals and the means to accomplish the goals.
· Chairman of public relations and publicity committee; promote the positive.
· Assists fellow officers with their responsibilities.
· Assists instructional staff and section leaders in accomplishing objectives.
· Assumes responsibilities of the president if he/she is absent and unable to complete any responsibilities or obligations.
. Secretary (elected office during band camp)
· This position was created for the good of the band; it is a position of selfless service to the organization.
· Assists in establishing goals and the means to accomplish the goals.
· Assists instructional staff and section leaders in accomplishing objectives
· Keep minutes of meetings.
· Assists with written correspondence.
· Takes attendance at all functions.
Treasurer (elected office during band camp)
· This position was created for the good of the band; it is a position of selfless service to the organization.
· Assists in establishing goals and the means to accomplish the goals.
· Assists instructional staff and section leaders in accomplishing objectives
· Work with Band Booster officers and Ways and Means Chairperson and/or committee to assist in developing successful fundraising activities.
· Informs all members of fund raising activities, related dates and procedures.
· Assists in the dispersements and collection of fund raising materials…collected materials are given to Mr. Wasser, who in turn will forward to the appropriate Band Booster Officer/Chairperson for Calculation.
E. Equipment Managers (appointed office)
· This position was created for the good of the band; it is a position of selfless service to the organization.
· Management and dispersion of supplies.
· Keep an accurate instrument and equipment inventory.
· Maintain list of students and their assigned instrument/equipment.
· Police equipment room for compliance of procedures, expectations, cleanliness.
· Supervise rehearsal and performance needs.
· Delegate responsibility to others with regard to equipment care and transport.
Librarians (appointed office)
· This position was created for the good of the band; it is a position of selfless service to the organization.
· Distribute and collect music.
· Keep accurate record of distributed music.
· Maintain an organized music library and title database.
· Process and catalog new music.
Section Leaders
· These positions were created for the good of the band; they are positions of selfless service to the organization.
· Student leader for their section(s); able to assist with marching/drill, music or equipment instruction. (Further Information will be given to selected students.)
· Refer to separate documents on web site for duties and responsibilities.
A Band Booster is an active participant who supports the instrumental music program in the Berwick Area School District. The Boosters assist in the distribution and care of uniforms, serve as chaperones and finance the needs of a successful program. These members should be treated with respect and cooperation. This organization meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the High School Music Area. Everyone is welcome. Please read the By-Laws, Policy Manual and Points Policy information found inside the Berwick Band Boosters Folder of the Berwick Band school web page.
It takes active, dedicated members to build a positive instrumental music program. Participation in lessons and performances is vital to achieve that goal and establish a positive image in the community. Commitments outside of the school year include:
· Summer rehearsals
· Nescopeck Community Day Parade
Of these listed, a successful band camp is essential to achieving high standards during our fall marching season. Students missing band camp are responsible for learning missed objectives. A student absent from any band camp rehearsal will be subject to an individual evaluation by staff prior to participating in any field performance. Absences, by a single or multiple members, have a negative effect on group morale and achievement.
During the school year, the band performs at…
· Football games, pep rallies and bonfires
· Selected community parades
· Selected competitions
· Scheduled concerts
· Graduation
Students must achieve a 90% attendance rate for yearly performances to receive their yearly award. Refer to our band calendar regularly for events and updates.
The personal appearance of each band member is important. Please observe the following guidelines:
A. Summer Uniforms
For the 2014-2015 school year, performing musicians and guard members shall wear a Berwick Band T-Shirt with navy blue shorts (NO UMBROS, stripes, second colors, etc.). The t-shirt will be available at cost to all members. Sneakers and white socks must be worn. No make-up is to be worn. Sunglasses, which are conservative in style, will be acceptable.
B. Marching Ensemble Uniforms
Musicians shall wear the entire uniform (raincoat when required); black gloves (available from Mr. Wasser) and clean black shoes with black socks must be worn. (Shoe orders will be taken during band camp). On warm evenings, band members must have their band t-shirt with them and if instructed by Mr. Wasser, may remove their jacket and pull shirt over their undershirt and above their pants. Musicians may not wear jewelry, which is visible, or make-up, which distracts from a uniform appearance. Only approved headwear will be acceptable while in uniform.
Guard members and drum majors will wear the uniform in its complete form (raincoat when required) as decided by the director and staff. Make-up will be minimal and uniform. No jewelry is allowed.
For wet weather evenings, students should have their band shoes, black shocks, jeans; band t-shirt, raincoat, plus other weather appropriate clothing.
Uniform inspections will occur frequently and unscheduled. Since the inspections affect your grade, the following suggestions should be helpful:
1. Uniforms should be hung on plastic hangers and kept at home…not in your car.
2. After a performance, hang uniform in the open air when at home.
3. Uniforms must be kept clean and pressed.
4. Hats and shoes should be clean.
5. Nothing should be placed in the uniform bag other than your uniform. Additional items, such as shoes, socks, gloves, etc…, should be taken in a separate carry-on type bag.
6. Jewelry and buttons are not part of our uniform and should not be worn.
7. All parts of the uniform must be worn for every performance…including raincoats when required.
8. Gloves must be clean, please wash them. Black gloves can be purchased from Mr. Wasser.
9. All articles of the uniform must be worn and securely fastened unless specified by the director.
10. Uniform damage beyond the normal wear will be assessed to the student.
11. Pants may not be worn under the uniform pants. Sweats, thermal underwear, spandex, under armor type attire may be worn. Failure to comply will result in damage to your uniform, which is your responsibility.
12. When mud is found on pants, let mud dry and brush pants off. Failure to comply will result in a poor inspection grade.
13. Plumes will be distributed and collect each and every performance. The procedure will be established at a future time.
14. At home games, uniform bags are not to be left hanging under the bleachers. All items must be stored with the uniform box which is assigned to your section.
15. The uniforms should be dry cleaned periodically during the year.
The uniforms are five years old and the approximate cost is over $300 per uniform. Students will be charged for damage beyond normal wear.
C. Concert Attire (Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, Graduation and other announced events)
Musicians will wear white dress shirt/blouse with black dress pants/skirt (NO BLACK JEANS). Black dress shoes and black socks. Men wear a plain black tie.
The following policies and rules apply to all school owned instruments and equipment. Many of these policies and rules will also apply to student owned property.
· Each person is held responsible for instrument(s) or equipment assigned to them. Students will be held responsible for LOSS or DAMAGE to school owned property beyond normal use and should not allow other students to use them without permission of Mr. Wasser.