Berth 45, Central Road, Eastern Docks, Gate 4, SOUTHAMPTON, SO14 3AH

Tel: 01534 825691.Fax:02380 633537. Email:


We wish to advise both new and established customers of our marine cargo insurance facility which we have arranged with the TT Club Mutual insurance Limited (TT Club) and is available at the premium rates detailed below.

Should you wish to take advantage of this facility and would like us to arrange insurance on your behalf all you need to do is ensure that the insurance section on our consignment note is completed prior to shipment. Please also be advised that TT Club cargo insurance is an on-line facility and cover can be obtained by you the customer (insured party) on line at you will be issued with a certificate of insurance with full terms and conditions. Please be advised that any potential claims can be monitored on line at If the insurance section of the consignment note is left blank or you do not wish us to arrange insurance on your behalf then your goods will be shipped in accordance with our Standard Trading Conditions. It is therefore important that customers who use agents to complete their shipping documentation instruct their agents correctly as to whether insurance is required or not.

Cover is normally issued on 2009 Institute Cargo Clauses (A) or (C) and you can establish whish ones by looking at a quotation or a certificate of insurance (under the terms and conditions heading). Please find below explanations of both these clauses and other insurance terminology.

Certificate of Marine Cargo Insurance issued on Institute Cargo Clauses (A):

The Institute Cargo Clauses (A) are normally the widest form of cover available and afford cover against ‘all risks’ of physical loss or damage to the goods by accidental causes during the ordinary course of transit as well as cover for General Average. The clauses contain a standard list of exclusions of which the principle exceptions are loss due to: -delay, -the inherent nature of the goods, -insufficient or inadequate packing, -ordinary wear and tear, -consequential loss or loss of market.

Certificates of Marine CargoInsurance issued on Institute Cargo Clauses (C):

The institute Cargo Clauses (C) offer a restricted form of cover against perils that by their nature might likely result in a total loss of the cargo. The major perils covered are: -fire or explosion, -vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized, -overturning or derailment of land conveyance, -collision or contact of vessel craft or conveyance with any external object other than water, -discharge of cargo at a port of distress, -loss of or damage to the subject matter insured caused by general average or jettison. The cover is extended to include the risks of theft or non delivery of an entire consignment or full container, trailer or vehicle load.

Summary of other insurance terms:

War & StrikesThis policy may be extended to include the Institute War Clauses (Cargo) and Institute Strike Clauses (Cargo). You can establish this by looking at a quotation or a certificate of insurance (under the terms and conditions heading). These clauses cover the goods against loss of or damage caused by warlike activities whilst at sea and/or caused by rioters during civil commotions and strikes or terrorist or politically motivated acts. The basic exclusions apply and it should be noted that the strikes element does not include expense incurred where the goods are diverted from a strike bound port.

Deductible: Where a deductible is stated refers to the amount deducted by underwriters from any recoverable claim that is submitted.

Basis of Valuation: Not to exceed CIF + 30% plus increased value by reason of Duty, Excise, surcharge and/or Landing and similar charges, if incurred, provided included within the insured value on the certificate.

Dried Foodstuff in bags & sacks: Excluding heating and sweating, infestation arising from weevil, grub or web, rejection risks, any natural loss in weight and warranted shipped in ventilated containers.

Electrical & Mechanical derangement: Excluded unless caused by peril insured against under the terms of the policy and there in evidence of an external damage.

Items not in waterproof crates or packaging: Excluding claims for rust, oxidization, discoloration, wetting, staining and the cost of repainting as applicable.

Unpacked or Unprotected items: Excluding claims for rust, oxidization, discoloration, wetting, staining, scratching, bruising, chipping, marring and the cost of repainting as applicable.

Cancellation: The insurance as evidenced by the certificate of marine cargo insurance may be cancelled at any time prior to commencement of the risk by contacting the assured whose details appear on the certificate.

The certificate once issued will contain a warranty as to the description of goods insured. It is vital that the cargo is accurately categorized to comply with this warranty. You can find full description of insured and excluded goods on within INTERESTS attachment.

The cost of the TT Club marine insurance:

InterestsDeductiblecost (% of value)

Approved goods & general merchandiseGBP2000.46%

Branded goods & appliances, electronics, precisionGBP2000.46%

Instruments & beverages


Fragiles1% (min GBP200)0.46%

Household goods & personal effects1% (min GBP200)0.66%

Private motor vehicles1% (min GBP200)0.66%

Some of the insured goods

Approved goods & general merchandise, white goods & appliances, brand name goods, beverages, electronics & precision instruments, desktop computers, fragiles, private & personal motor vehicles, motorbikes, motor homes & caravans shipped under deck or in containers.