Berry Miller Junior High
Discipline Consequences
School-wide Consequences:
- Warning given
- Loss of privileges (i.e. seat moved, no group work, etc.)
- Student Conference with Team
- 30 minute Teacher Detention (parent contact)
- 30 minute Lunch Detention (parent contact)
- 1 hour After School Detention (parent contact)
- 2 hour After School Detention (parent contact and notification to an Assistant Principal if it is for persistent misconduct)
- Referral to office
- In-School Suspension (ISS)
- Out of School Suspension (OSS)
- Alternative Learning Academy (ALA)
Behaviors Requiring Immediate Office Referrals and Removal to the Office:
· Threatening the safety of themselves or others
· Fighting
· Truancy
· Violation of district computer policy
· Terroristic threat or bomb threat
· Under the influence or in possession of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal/prescription drugs
· Commits public lewdness or indecent exposure (not hugging)
· In possession of a weapon (knife, gun, blade, pepper spray, etc.)
Behaviors NOT Requiring Office Referrals:
· Horseplay (not resulting in injury)
· Profanity
· Academic dishonesty (unless repeated offenses – see student handbook)
· Persistent Misconduct (unless consequences 1-7 above have already been assigned and documented)
· Never send a student to the office with their referral in hand.
· If a student needs to be removed immediately, buzz the office for an administrator (or designee) to escort the student.
· A referral is not needed when assigning students teacher, lunch, or after school detentions.
· Notify an Assistant Principal when assigning a student a 2 hour detention for persistent misconduct.
· Be specific and to the point, facts only. Use what you saw, not how you feel.
· Do not include other’s student’s names on the referral, attach a separate note if needed.
· Spell the student’s name correctly and use proper grammar. Parents get a copy of the referral.
· Always include all Previous Actions Taken on the referral!