Berry Miller Junior High

Discipline Consequences

School-wide Consequences:

  1. Warning given
  2. Loss of privileges (i.e. seat moved, no group work, etc.)
  3. Student Conference with Team
  4. 30 minute Teacher Detention (parent contact)
  5. 30 minute Lunch Detention (parent contact)
  6. 1 hour After School Detention (parent contact)
  7. 2 hour After School Detention (parent contact and notification to an Assistant Principal if it is for persistent misconduct)
  8. Referral to office
  9. In-School Suspension (ISS)
  10. Out of School Suspension (OSS)
  11. Alternative Learning Academy (ALA)

Behaviors Requiring Immediate Office Referrals and Removal to the Office:

·  Threatening the safety of themselves or others

·  Fighting

·  Truancy

·  Violation of district computer policy

·  Terroristic threat or bomb threat

·  Under the influence or in possession of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal/prescription drugs

·  Commits public lewdness or indecent exposure (not hugging)

·  In possession of a weapon (knife, gun, blade, pepper spray, etc.)

Behaviors NOT Requiring Office Referrals:

·  Horseplay (not resulting in injury)

·  Profanity

·  Academic dishonesty (unless repeated offenses – see student handbook)

·  Persistent Misconduct (unless consequences 1-7 above have already been assigned and documented)


·  Never send a student to the office with their referral in hand.

·  If a student needs to be removed immediately, buzz the office for an administrator (or designee) to escort the student.

·  A referral is not needed when assigning students teacher, lunch, or after school detentions.

·  Notify an Assistant Principal when assigning a student a 2 hour detention for persistent misconduct.

·  Be specific and to the point, facts only. Use what you saw, not how you feel.

·  Do not include other’s student’s names on the referral, attach a separate note if needed.

·  Spell the student’s name correctly and use proper grammar. Parents get a copy of the referral.

·  Always include all Previous Actions Taken on the referral!