Berrien County News & Updates
Winter 2016 – Page2
Celebrating 50 Years
Fifty years!That’s half a centurythat God has graciously allowed FMM to serve in Michigan’s county jails. In those fifty years the ministry has been blessed to celebrate rehabilitation through Jesus Christ in the lives of many men and women!
In my short twelve years of serving with FMM, I have seen how God’s Word and God’s Spirit has made new beginnings possible for those incarcerated throughout the Michigan jails.
We invite you to help us celebrate FMM’s 50 years of ministryby attending one of our Spring Banquets. Come see and hear what God has been doing at the Berrien County Jail as former inmates share how God brought a new beginning in their life.
Table Hosts are very important to the success of our annual banquets.They are our “cheerleaders” and “promoters” who serve as our contact person in their church. They invite and encourage others to learn more about Forgotten Man Ministries and the work being done at the Berrien County Jail for God’s kingdom.
We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with us as a Table Host for our 50 Year Celebration event on April 14th in Buchanan or April 19th in Benton Harbor.
If you are not sure about being a Table Host or are unable to attend a dinner but would like to participate in a special way, we invite you to prayerfully consider being a Table Sponsor with a$100.00 donation.All donations go toward the advancement of our mission at the Berrien County Jail.
For more information please contact Chaplain Russ by calling 269-983-7141, ext. 7234. You can also email him directly at
Celebrating God’s Provision
2015 provided some wonderful blessingsalong with some challenges, but Godhas been faithful in all circumstances. His grace has been sufficient and He provided all our needs!
In 2015 God used your prayers and financial giftsto FMMto help us accomplish the followingfor the inmates at the Berrien County Jail:
- Provided over 200 Bibles
- Handed out approximately 750 introductory Bible courses
- Distributed 1150 Advanced Bible Courses
- Taught 200 Christ-centered drug & alcohol and anger management classes for both the men and women
- Brought over 200 Bible classes and Church services
- Provided daily counseling one-on-one with inmates
- Provided books, magazines for the Library Cart weekly.
- Witnessed over 55 professions of faith
“They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither and they prosper in all they do.” (Psalm 1:3 NLT)
CelebratingNew Beginnings:
So many times we start out wanting to be a blessing to someone, but then we are the ones who end up greatly blessed! May the following testimonies encourage your heart. Celebrate your love in action and the new beginnings God has brought about through you!
“Dear Chaplain Russ, I wanna thank you for the Bible study and A.A. Recovery classes – through Jesus. I learn a lot, chap – and wanna thank the Lord for putting you in the position you’re in! Jesus through you has touched my heart and had me searching deep within myself to get rid of the garbage I’ve allowed in! James chapter 4:9-10, is exactly what the the Lord & I went through in my time here. And I thank God for it all even though it wasn’t pleasant going through it. The first in many steps to come in Jesus name. You’ve been a blessing. Thank you again! Your brother in Christ, K.C.”
“Dear Lonni…Until now , I have never been in trouble with the law…but it feels like I’ve been lost forever. When you first came to see me, I was drowning in depression. I was supposed to be married in a week, but instead I was here. You showed me kindness and prayed for me. When I was in medical, you came to ask how I was doing, and I can’t even express how much that touched me. Getting caught was a blessing…I was able to see that I was missing something that I found here – God! It’s amazing the comfort I feel.
The Bible studies have been a great help to me – to guide me in learning and to increase my understanding and faith…I am happy I got to attend your Bible study. I have been following 1 of the inserts in the first packet you gave me – to read the Bible in a year. I spend time every night reading the chapters and praying. Thank you for what you do. I will be leaving soon and look forward to continuing the Bible studies from home and earning my Award Bible! God bless you, T.R.”
“Dear Lonni…I’m finally going home and I have truly appreciated everything that you have done for me. You were/are a blessing in my life while my stay here at the BCJ. You inspired me to keep going and let God handle everything and to also build a better relationship with Him by being in His word and through Bible study.I want to say thanks for everything. Thank you, Lonni, I have grown to love you dearly….MML”
“AndtheKing will answer and saytothem, ‘Assuredly, I saytoyou, inasmuch asyoudidittoone oftheleast ofthese My brethren,youdidittoMe.’“ (Matthew 25:40)
Join us in praying:
- That God would raise up a male volunteer to help with the weekly book cart and a female keyboard player for Thursday Ladies’ Chapel.
- That we would be faithful grace-givers, compassionate and self-giving
- That God would stir the hearts of His people with a longing for revival and restoration in our nation!
Celebrating Christmas at the Jail!
Christmas at the Jail “Delivery Crew” (Kirk & Denise Gorman, Lonni, Don Bennett, Dave Stacey, Steve Kuehl, Mike Teed…not shown Edwin & Cheryl Vance)
We are so grateful for your prayers and donations that helped provide a joy-filled “Christmas at the Jail” for the inmates. This has given Lonni, me and volunteers many opportunities to share Christ and the salvation plan because of the acts of kindness and gifts you provided. Over 375 inmates received a gift bag of treats, popcorn, a cup of soft drink and two Christmas cards with stamps to mail out to loved ones.
We received manynotes of appreciation from inmates, even more so than in years past. Here is just one example:
“Thank you and all the people who contributedand for taking the time to help us out…God bless and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! RJH and ALL of Dorm 1-C”