Bernstein: Stress and Psychological Disorders (pg. 527-541)

Address the following topics:

  1. Burnout-
  2. Definition
  3. Characteristics
  4. Causes
  5. What types of occupations are commonly susceptible to burnout?
  6. PTSD
  7. Definition
  8. Characteristics
  9. Common features
  10. Causes
  11. When does PTSD become visible?
  12. What do we learn about stress based on animal research?
  13. According to the text, what is “vital to recovery?”
  1. Explain Diathesis Stress and how it works.

Stress Mediators

  1. Why does stress disrupt the functioning of some people and not others?
  2. According to the text, what two factors of perception can influence our experience of stress? (p529)

Cognitive factors to stress:

  1. Who is Lazarus and what did he find out about Stress and cognition?
  2. According to Bernstein- How do Predictability/Expectations and Control impact the effect of stress?
  3. What are coping resources?
  4. How do coping methods effect stress?
  5. Problem focused coping
  6. Emotion focused coping
  7. Summarize Adaptive Coping Methods and Maladaptive Coping Methods
  8. How does expressing feelings help deal with stress?
  9. What is Social Support?
  10. Benefits
  11. Problems with Social Support
  12. What are the main aspects of Stress and Personality?
  13. Disease Prone
  14. Disease Resistant
  15. Dispositional Optimism
  16. Make a chart that identifies Gender Aspects to stress
  17. What is Psychoneuroimmunology?
  18. Immune system and Illness: How does the immune system respond to stress?

Meyers Psychology

Stress and Health

Module 43Stress and Health (p. 441-447)

“Basic Concepts of Stress”

  1. Define Stress/Stressors
  2. What does the text mean by “appraise” when we consider stress?
  3. How can stress be considered positive?
  4. What are 3 types of stress? (Be sure to define catastrophes, also look at responses to catastrophes)
  5. List some examples of Life Changes and their implications.
  6. What are Clusters of Crises

Stress Response System-

  1. According to Cannon, how does the body respond to stress? (Outline the Sympathetic Nervous System’s response to stress. Include the Cerebral Cortex response also. Pg. 444)
  2. Outline the GAS General Adaptation Syndrome of Hans Seyle (this is very important)
  3. What are the physical manifestations of Stress? (p 445)
  4. Outline stress responses of men and women.

Module 44 Stress and Illness (p 448-455)

Define Psychosomatic

What is studied when we study, psychoneuroimmunology?

Outline the Immune System:

Functions, Lymphocytes, B, T, Macrophage, Natural Killer Cells, Dormant Diseases

What are the implications of stress on the immune system?

Stress and Susceptibility to Disease

Stress and Cancer- what should we know?

Stress and heart Disease- what should we know?

Outline Type A and Type B personality.