MONDAY, MAY 21, 2007

Chairman Krause called the meeting of Bernards Township Sewerage Authority to order at 7:36 p.m. on May 21, 2007 in the Conference Room of the Municipal Building, Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge, New Jersey.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini (arrived at 7:39pm)


STAFF PRESENT: Mr. Messina, Administrator; Mr. Valese, Hatch Mott MacDonald;

Mr. Bowlby, Plant Superintendent



Chairman Krause read the following statement: “Adequate notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building, One Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge, New Jersey; e-mailed to the Bernardsville News, Bernardsville, and faxed to the Courier News, Bridgewater, New Jersey, and was filed with the Township Clerk, all on December 21, 2006. Any motion to go into closed session will be deemed to include a motion that the matters discussed at such closed session will be disclosed to the public when such matters are finally determined and there is no further reason to prohibit the public disclosure of information relating to such matters.”


a.  April 23, 2007 – Regular Meeting Minutes

Mr. Carpenter proposed the following revision:

·  Page 2, a. – Paragraph 2, sentence 2 should read as follows: “Mr. Messina and Mr. Carpenter confirmed that the SCADA project is not driving the building expansion.”

·  Page 5, f. – Paragraph 4, sentence 1 should read as follows: “Mr. Carpenter explained that while the goal is to improve water quality for the Dead River, he is hesitant to support this initiative because of the impact that future regulations might have on the plant.”

Mr. Valese proposed the following revision:

·  Page 3, a. (cont.) – Paragraph 2, sentence 1 should read as follows: “Mr. Valese explained that T&M recommends using Cablevision service versus Verizon, stating that their ‘supervised leased lines’ are not always supervised or timely maintained.”

Mr. Moschello proposed the following revisions:

·  Page 4, b. (cont.) – Paragraph 1, sentence 1: Replace “firing” with “using”.

·  Page 4, d. – Paragraph 1, sentence 3: Replace “WER” with “Water Effect Ratio”.

·  Page 5, f. – An additional motion should be inserted: 1. Motion to make a recommendation to the Township Committee not to endorse the Passaic River Coalition’s request for Category One status of the Dead River.

·  Page 6, Operator’s Report – heading should read: “MAY 2007 (reporting on April 2007 activities)”. Mr. Moschello recommended using this notation moving forward.

·  Page 6, Operator’s Report, Plant Electrical System Analysis Contract – Replace “Awaiting reports” with “Report discussed at meeting.”

Motioned by Mr. Carpenter, seconded by Ms. Boquist to Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes dated April 23, 2007 as amended.


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Moschello


Abstain: Ms. Pavlini; Mr. Krause

Motion Carried


a.  To NJDEP Re: Category One nomination for Dead River

Mr. Messina explained that a letter has been submitted to the Township Committee and the NJDEP stating that the BTSA will not support the Passaic River Coalition’s request for Category One status of the Dead River.




a.  Discussion – Proposed NJDEP Phosphorous Limit

Mr. Messina explained that the NJDEP has imposed Phosphorus limitations for the Harrison Brook plant, which have been reviewed by Hatch Mott MacDonald. The proposed NJDEP phosphorus limit is 0.40 mg/l. Mr. Bowlby stated that the BTSA currently is substantially above the proposed limit.

Mr. Messina and Mr. Bowlby explained that Jurek Patoczka, of Hatch Mott MacDonald, is recommending adding alum (aluminum) to lower phosphorus levels enough to place the BTSA below the imposed limit. Mr. Patoczka has recommended that a physical pilot program be implemented.

Ms. Boquist stated that she would like to see exactly what the effects of adding alum have been on other comparable plants before moving forward. Mr. Moschello agreed. Mr. Bowlby noted that every sanitary sewer system is unique, which is why there is no way to say for sure what the effects of alum would be for the BTSA, further stating a need for a pilot program.

Mr. Carpenter asked for clarification of the numbers (i.e. average phosphorous levels) and an explanation of the coefficient of variation. Mr. Valese explained that Mr. Bowlby currently checks samples on a weekly basis for phosphorous levels. HMM reviewed the results collected over a yearlong period, then divided the low and high readings, to lead to the coefficient of variation (i.e. statistical variation). Mr. Carpenter further suggested that Jurek Patoczka, HMM, provide a clearer explanation of the full-scale phosphorous reduction operations, estimate for the pilot program, etc. and be present at next month’s meeting. Authority members unanimously agreed with Mr. Carpenter’s suggestion.

b.  Discussion – SCADA Project

Mr. Messina confirmed that T&M Associates, Hatch Mott MacDonald and staff have finalized the communications aspect of the SCADA project. It was agreed that communications between the Pumping Stations and the Treatment Plant would be with fiber optics from either Verizon FIOS or Cablevision; backup communications would be with a cellular dialer phone system; Plant communications would be with a fiber optics self healing ring; HMI/Software would be Rockwell, Wonderware or equal; Hardware (RTU’s) would be Rockwell, Emerson or GE.

Mr. Carpenter inquired whether or not the BTSA could be included in the Emergency Service line so that there would be reliability assurance. Ms. Pavlini stated that she would look into the possibility of the BTSA being included.

Mr. Messina and Mr. Moschello noted that in moving forward with the SCADA project, the Authority should work to incorporate what it already has with the new, upcoming system. Mr. Moschello further asked for clarification as to whether or not the final SCADA study matrix includes all of the Authority’s recommendations. Mr. Valese confirmed that the report is all-inclusive. Mr. Moschello further suggests moving forward with the project this summer so that the Authority may budget accordingly for next year.

Mr. Valese stated that HMM will finalize the RFP & matrix of T&M’s final report for presentation at the next BTSA meeting.

c.  Resolution #0715 – Holtaway & Son – Transformer Replacement Design

Motioned by Mr. Moschello, seconded by Ms. Pavlini to Approve the Resolution #0715, Authorizing professional engineering services be awarded to Frank R. Holtaway & Son, Inc. of Bedminster, New Jersey, at a cost not to exceed $9,270.00, for a 6-month term from May 21, 2007 to November 21, 2007 for Transformer Replacement Design.


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini



Motion Carried

d.  Contract Authorization – Holtaway & Son

Motioned by Mr. Moschello, seconded by Ms. Boquist to authorize John Belardo, Esq. to prepare a contract for Resolution #0715.


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini



Motion Carried

e.  Resolution #0716 – The Kimmerle Group Architects – Plant Building Expansion Design

Motioned by Ms. Pavlini, seconded by Mr. Carpenter to Approve the Resolution #0716, Authorizing professional engineering services be awarded to The Kimmerle Group Architects, Morristown, New Jersey, at a lump sum fee of $27,000.00, for a 6-month term from May 21, 2007 to November 21, 2007 for the design of the Administration Plant Expansion.


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini



Motion Carried

f.  Contract Authorization – The Kimmerle Group Architects

Motioned by Mr. Carpenter, seconded by Ms. Boquist to authorize John Belardo, Esq. to prepare a contract for Resolution #0716.


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini



Motion Carried

g.  Resolution #0717 – Great Lakes Environmental Center – Copper Water Effect Ratio Study

Motioned by Ms. Pavlini, seconded by Mr. Moschello to Approve the Resolution #0717, Authorizing environmental services be awarded to Great Lakes Environmental Center, Columbus, Ohio, at a cost not to exceed $18,500.00, for a 7-month term from May 21, 2007 to December 21, 2007 for the preparation of a copper water effect ratio study.


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini



Motion Carried

h.  Contract Authorization – Great Lakes Environmental Center

Motioned by Ms. Pavlini/Mr. Carpenter, seconded by Ms. Boquist to authorize John Belardo, Esq. to prepare a contract for Resolution #0717.


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini



Motion Carried

i.  Resolution #0718 – TWA – NJDEP – Juniper Pump Station

Motioned by Mr. Moschello, seconded by Mr. Carpenter to Approve the Resolution #0718, Authorizing endorsement of the NJDEP TWA Application for the Rehabilitation of the Juniper Way Pump Station.


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini



Motion Carried

j.  Consulting Engineer’s Report

Mr. Valese referred to his Consulting Engineer’s report and informed the Authority that:

·  Rebel Hill Pump Station – The Contractor completed the work on February 22, 2007 and has submitted his maintenance bond and also his final payment paperwork to HMM. The maintenance bond is currently being forwarded to the Authority Attorney for his review. Once approved, HMM will forward the final pay application and retainage release to the Administrator for processing. The original Contract Price was $402,000.00 with a Contract Completion Date of November 13, 2006. There is currently $8,040.00 of retainage withheld.

·  Sewer I/I Investigation – The work under Phase 1 to conduct field investigations and to locate areas of suspected I/I during wet weather conditions is ongoing. The work under Phase 2 including CCTV inspect areas with suspected RII/I to locate the source(s) is also ongoing. Smoke testing of sewers in the areas identified as having excessive I/I was conducted in dry weather by blowing a dense white smoke into an isolated segment of the sewer system. This process can identify direct connections to the sanitary sewer system such as roof downspouts, driveway drains, yard drains, basement drains, directly connected storm sewers and broken cleanout riser pipes, etc. Residents in the area were provided with written notice prior to smoke testing and the Authority notified the Police. Results to date have identified broken or missing service connection cleanout caps that allow rainfall to enter especially in areas where water ponds. CCTV inspection crews conducted investigations and identified sources of I/I in dry and wet weather. The project is 66% complete at this time.

·  Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project 2006 – Contractor New England Pipe Cleaning Company has satisfactorily completed all work. The Contractor has provided its maintenance bond dated February 13, 2007, the start of the one-year maintenance period and the date in which all work was satisfactorily completed. Since an additional $9,179 could be spent under this contract without exceeding the 20% of the original contract, the Authority authorized additional manhole rehabilitation work at the prices bid under the contract. It is anticipated that on May 22, 2007 NEPCO will repair approximately 15 additional manholes in need of rehabilitation under a third change order to this contract.

·  Wastewater Management Plan Revision – HMM has addressed mapping changes requested by the Administrator. The application is being forwarded to BTSA for the Administrator’s signature and then submission.

·  Mr. Messina took a moment to discuss the proposed Wastewater Management Plan, noting that Somerset County is required by the NJDEP to take the lead on this project. Somerset, Essex and Camden are the pilot counties. Mr. Messina encouraged the BTSA to be extremely well involved in this process. He will keep Authority members informed of any further developments.

·  SCADA Status - BTSA, T&M and HMM met on April 30, 2007 to discuss the SCADA system and finalize recommended requirements. It was agreed that communications between the Pumping Stations and the Treatment Plant would be with Verizon FIOS or Cablevision; Backup communications would be with a cellular dialer phone system; Plant communications would be with a fiber optics self healing ring; HMI/Software would be Rockwell, Wonderware or equal; Hardware (RTU’s) would be Rockwell, Emerson or GE. HMM has also prepared a preliminary SCADA Matrix based on data provided by the BTSA. This SCADA Matrix needs to be field verified prior to our providing a proposal for the design of the SCADA system.

OPERATOR’S REPORT – MAY 2007 (reporting on April 2007 activities)

Mr. Bowlby informed the Authority of the following:

·  BTSA crews TV’d 9 Roads (Alexandria Way, Autumn Drive, Concord Lane, Dawn Drive, Kensington Road, Lenape Court, Linden Drive, Melbourne Way, & Regent Circle).

·  BTSA crews jetted 5 Roads (Crown Court Drive, Gelsey Lane, Lafayette Lane, Plymouth Court, & Spring Valley Boulevard).

·  BTSA crews replaced manhole cover on Linden Drive.

·  BTSA crews repaired the check valve flapper on RSP #1.

·  BTSA crews installed privacy fence at Annin Road Pump Station.

·  BTSA crews continue to meet permit parameters without any problems.

·  BTSA crews attended safety meeting at Lambertville MUA.

·  BTSA crews operators attended Lock-Out/ Tag-Out training in Longhill.

·  BTSA crews attended MEL/MIS training.

Mr. Bowlby provided update on projects:

Plant Electrical System Analysis Contract – Holtaway & Son: Received report from Holtaway. Report was reviewed and comments were sent to Mr. Messina for review.

Juniper Way Pump Station – T&M Associates: Paperwork received for the TWA.

SCADA System – T&M Associates: Met with T&M & Hatch Mott McDonald and discussed the matrix format.

Rebel Hill Pump Station – A&J: Punch list completed.

I&I - 20 Lenape Court repaired; 3105 Valley Road repaired

Motioned by Ms. Pavlini, seconded by Mr. Carpenter to approve the Operator’s Report – May 2007 (reporting on April 2007 activities).


Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Krause; Mr. Moschello; Ms. Pavlini



Motion Carried


Motioned by Mr. Moschello, seconded by Ms. Pavlini/Ms. Boquist, to approve the Operating Bills as follows: